General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    I steal from the poor.

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

      Good news bois , the bane that denied me is in LP


        i want make troll thread later in my other acc

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          plz dont mess in it


            That makes me want to mess even more kek


              the 3 stack pinoys did it bois


                it was fun trashtalking again tbh, feelsgoodman


                  So many ppl want to learn cookies secret lmao


                    he told me


                      waht is it



                          Its useless to me anywys I doubt a 0k player can get to 4 k quick


                            I'm so boredddf

                            2k indog monkey

                              I'm sure his trick is NOT that simple, but time and energy consuming
                              Otherwise he would just tell it to the entire community without cherry picking dedicated people


                                he showed it in stream, plus i know what the mistake that 4k's do always,
                                he gave me a hint, and i think i know what it is


                                  1st picking core and 4-5 man core that is


                                    ill give u guys a hint, I told him if it was 4ks cant deal with splitpush, this is what he told me

                                    D the Superior
                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა


                                        The Medic Guy

                                          soo we just need to split push then.
                                          ok let's go bois

                                          2k indog monkey

                                            4ks doesn't prioritize objectives*
                                            I solved the mystery

                                            The Medic Guy

                                              can we make Gangnam Style greate again?

                                              2k indog monkey

                                                I've been doing split pushes for ages you dimwit

                                                2k indog monkey

                                                  Can we make MoM great again?
                                                  Inb4 1-1-1 jugg skill build

                                                  The Medic Guy


                                                      just realized ur losing at my 3k id bws, better back to ur main and play with those 2ks LUL


                                                        Jacked thats why you get a hurricane pike on luna. If they insist on chasing, ult.


                                                          dagger on luna, I have seen it all

                                                          2k indog monkey

                                                            Believe me I will retain it


                                                              Just wait for the luna nerfs.

                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                Better than SB luna
                                                                "Hey look lasers that comes out of nowhere wtf so OP shes unkillable"

                                                                2k indog monkey

                                                                  I've heard some minecraft fuckboy telling his friend who was playing DP to get SB, I was giggling and shit, and told it to my friend via Steam chat and he was "wtf DP SB is cool full duration ghosts with you unharmed"
                                                                  He still havent reached 1600


                                                                    Luna sb is hilarious.

                                                                    Split push is a progressive skill u get progressively better at executing it and dealing with it. Ur not awful at it then suddenly when u hit 5k u know how to deal with it. Its relative to how well a person knows how to execute a good split push strat

                                                                    U can split push at the wrong time and then 4ks will punish ur split pushing. It's not something u just do and suddenly u r 4k imo.

                                                                    Even 5ks can't deal w a proper split push.


                                                                      haffy is a 4k playa confirmed


                                                                        My games are giving me cancer today

                                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                                          Well me and Alice lose the race technically
                                                                          Call me asian benao now


                                                                            Lmao. Post link of haffy 4k adventure pls.

                                                                            And anyone up for some games tonight before the major

                                                                            2k indog monkey

                                                                              Your gameplay is also cancer
                                                                              But the other 9 people in your game's gameplay are more cancerous


                                                                                haffy winning vhs games, seemsgood


                                                                                  Bws racing a true 3.3k. Best of luck. Rooting for u. U have a higher chance than Alice to get to 3.5. Alice is the sea benao


                                                                                    I'd go dagger on my luna again if I had more vision on the enemy side of the map so I can preempt a defensive blink out, plus i think I farm way faster with dagger than a hurricane pike.

                                                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                                                      N O R M A L M A T C H


                                                                                        If my gameplay Is skin cancer theirs is testicular cancer

                                                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                                                          I think it's more like 4ks usually give up easily once the enemy team takes objectives


                                                                                            Lul dog. Just pick antimage

                                                                                            2k indog monkey

                                                                                              Then my gameplay is lung cancer

                                                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                                                But can dog play AM as good as me? Kappa

                                                                                                2k indog monkey

                                                                                                  20 min BF 30 min manta never forget

                                                                                                  D the Superior
                                                                                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                                                    D the Superior
                                                                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა