General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibrating

Calibrating in General Discussion

    I already calibrated 4 games and its on 3.9k and 4k flat, so , how can i raise it up ? What do i need to do ?


      don't worry, you'll calibrate 9k


        spam zeus


          idk i think meepo is nice if u can afford good farm kda all 10 games u gona get mayhe 400 mmr plus


            Dont worry, just pick anyhero, I had a friend who is a 3k shitter, he calibrated 4.5, just play your best


              Should i spam meepo ?


                yes, spam meepo

                actually, not just meepo!

                tell all your teammates to give you command of their heroes

                you can just micro all of them, you're miracle^2