General Discussion

General DiscussionTips of getting mmr

Tips of getting mmr in General Discussion

    Guys any tips how to get high MMR? I'm on calibrating now


      Play your best hero/role and tryhard.


        The calculation of MMR starts from the first game you played there are 3 things on getting a high MMR GPM, Damage Dealt & Hero Healing.
        a 450 avg. GPM can get you through 3.5k tops (includes Damage Dealt and Hero Healing). Preferred heroes are Zeus (Damage), Tinker (GPM & Damage), Oracle (Healing) or suggestible WK (Damage, GPM & Healing) *lifesteal is counted as healing (Aura)*. You can Vlad's, Mek, Greaves or Urn to increase your hero's healing i.e PA with Vlad's can accumulate Damage, GPM & Healing with Vlad's or Urn and Greaves on SK. (well correct me if I am wrong tho)


          i think reaction time and skillshot accuracy matters too.

 i think if you consistently hit triple razes with rushed blink on sf you wont get matched into normal skill.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Da Vinci



              git gud


                dont be a 2k player on your main account



                  just don't


                    -Find the good players on your team, play and rotate with them. Stack for them if you're a support and provide vision for them.
                    -Mute bad players in your team and ignore them, don't stack or make space for them, just use the farm yourself
                    -Reduce your own deaths (this works in all mmr brackets)
                    -If you're confident in your own skill: last or almost last pick and counter pick the enemy team (if you're having problems finding the right heroes use dotapicker or other sites)