General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease nerf sentry wards make a limit like observer wards

Please nerf sentry wards make a limit like observer wards in General Discussion
Kill yourself in the name...

    seriously a fucking support with 3k gold brought them for sentry wards and support items for riki. FUCK THAT SHIT WISH THAT BULLCRAP HAS GEM INSTEAD SO I CAN KILL IT AND GET THE GEM BUT THE SENTRY WARDS ARE UNLIMITED BUY. seriously thats way too op i have to deward it to gank.

    if observer wards have 4 stacks then sentry should have 10





        Invisible hero would be close to cancer if that happen

        Vem Comigo


          Kill yourself in the name...

            sad cant gank with sentry wards its the most annoying thing for invisible units except riki if he has gem he can just cut them off.


              Rofl, fuckin.g invis heroes , i would do them cheaper and no cooldown on dust


                invis heros are cancer already in 1k
                dust is one of my most brought items

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  whenever someone picks riki or BH i insta pick a support and spam buy as many sentry's as i can

                  i dont even care if i lose cuz i know i ruined some riki spammers day


                    Rex Arnel exactly!same sometimes :D

                    its gonna be fun

                      thats the art, if u have enough gold, then why not? spaming that sentry, give them nightmare by dewarding, and kill they invisible heroes, than they cant move far from home


                        Fuck nope sentry ward is already expensive and worth to buy. How the fuck you will deward if sentries has limited stock lul...


                          I actually hate playing in 1k because of the amount of rikis and shadow blades. Everyone knows how to deal with them, but no one wants to. Everyone knows u need dusts and sentries but no one wants to buy them on their own its so damn annoying.

                          It's like how everyone knows u need a courier but would rather just call gg and not buy one if no one buys one. It's this kind of mentality that makes 1k players so annoying to play with. That and they are often extremely delusional.

                          Président® Salted Butter

                            ^ I've played a few games on a friend's 1k account, supports there are either nonexistent or incompetent as hell. I have to play support on every single fucking game because none of those asshats want to. Those are the kind of guys that throw the 20k gold lead I give them as bounty hunter.

                            Président® Salted Butter

                              To the OP, I don't think you know this but, you can also buy a gem and a quelling blade for just 1100 ;)


                                @abadass 1000 tango is better m8


                                  Boy I hate Riki. I insta-report Rikis on enemyteam

                                  Kill yourself in the name...

                                    I can just buy 6 difussal blade and if you have gem I will stab you and get it but however some arsehole support has to buy 20 sentry wards to defeat him.


                                      Buy your own sentries maybe?


                                      Super Speed Snail

                                        I played riki like its not an invis hero. Just a fragile ganger that waiting far behind my tanker.

                                        Only going in to battle only when found easy support hero to kill, or enemy get nuked by AoE stun so my ult can add the wounds.

                                        Oh, and I dont need to deward the spammed sentry, just those observer. Its just like you said, people gonna waste gold just to make riki from annoying to be fragile.

                                        They wasting the gold that can be used for reducing my carry space just to be able to see me.

                                        Heck, as a mere ganking hero, he draws so many resource. But to be fair, if they didn't, their ass gonna hurt bad.

                                        Kill yourself in the name...

                                          and i cant diffussal blade them then they can stun stun me now.


                                            I even spend about 2000 gold for sentries as ursa to comeback against riki