General Discussion

General DiscussionWeaver

Weaver in General Discussion

    I am interested in learning weaver . When using shukuchi during mini teamfight mid game would you using want to pass through the enemies with it first to get the damage or just position yourself with it so you are on the out skirts right clicking the enemies since your so squishy ?

    doc joferlyn simp

      when pros use weaver they stay behind the frontlines just spamming beetles and right clicking

      once the enemies are committed to a certain hero where the enemies used their stuns and some nukes, the plyaer shukuchis towards the squishiest hero and delete him

      its what i observed anyway


        Thanks that's kinda what I was thinking but I haven't really played weaver and when I did I noticed trying to use it as a nuke in teamfight usually put me out of position . Next question is when should you build deso before linkens .


          The nuke is really a side bonus, not the main purpose.


            Bulldog goes out of position often with the hero. But of course he always choose the right time to do it


              Bulldong is my god. He probably plays rat weaver so dont listen to his gameplay. THENKS FER SEBBING WELKEM TO THE KEPPE KLEB

              La Lumière

                Don't, he is a dogshit hero.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  rush a dagon 5

                  Dire Wolf

                    weaver is an awesome 4/5th pick if they don't counter. You really need silences and stuns to kill him and he'll rush a linkens before an lc can be a factor. Even if teams drop sentries or have gem he can out maneuver them with sakuchi so easily if they have little cc.


                      yeah once u pick up that blink and dagon 5 on weaver ur unstoppable

                      522 ms laser op confirmed


                        "Yeah once u pick up that blink and dagon 5 on weaver ur unstoppable"
                        But if you buils him nornally ur beyond godlike


                          Just watch Hao




                              In most cases you can both damage the enemies and still have good amount of time to position yourself. Also, you most likely want to wait full 4 seconds instead of attacking early to reduce risk.

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                does the enemy have a pudge/bane/beastmaster/doom/necro/bh/slardar? if yes linken's asap, doesnt matter if you have defensive supports they wont always be there; sphere allows you to rat by yourself without fear of feeding

                                if you arent an idiot you can just stay far away from the trees when pushing, usually shukuchi is enough to escape even if you do get chainstunned for 4 secs. you can even commit time lapse if you need to. anything longer than 4 secs means at least 3 heroes are there smoked up for you, in that case map awareness should tell you to go farm the jungle or smthng instead of that lane

                                if you can manage with just shukuchi and time lapse ratting, you can get deso as a first item. early perseverance is a bit expensive but get that if the enemy team is smart and is pressuring you really early before you can be active on kills. get blightstone as early as you can, its that cost efficient

                                raindrops is also great on him, weaver is a frail hero and benefits greatly from that bcs magical burst is the best counter to him

                                take with a grain of salt lmao


                                  Wow guys I always thought weaver sucked cuz I would try to run into people in teamfights to damage them . Used it this game to stay on outskirts of fights and it worked well I admit this is pretty much first game trying him tho since I first started dota and immediately decided I didn't like him .


                                  Hypothetical question for this game . If game dragged longer should I have sold lance for butterfly ? Or should I have upgraded it to pike . Obviously this would be after upgrading boots to bots .

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    Hi, Im a noob but Weaver is my best hero.

                                    If you are doing well in lane (this means you are at least 2 kills ahead) rushing deso is really good. The early deso, and skills on your passive, will make their towers go down FAST. This is essential with weaver, you are not a late game carry, so you should always try to end the game fast. If not, I always go phase boots/linken first. Imo butterfly is really good on him, you can use the active to escape if shukuchi and phase are on CD. With a linken and the evasion from butterfly you can be really hard to pin down. Even if they use dust or have a sentry, shukuchi gives so much movement speed that you can almost always escape anyway. It's CD is really low, so if you are feeding try to max it first.

                                    Weaver shares a trait with sniper. IF the game is right for them they are AMAZING, people will come ranting here or to Reddit about how weaver should be nerfed, cause you will rape them so hard. Games that are good for weaver are games in which the enemy doesn't have a lot of mobility. If they have AM, QoP, Slardar, Clock, Mirana, Dark Seer, you shouldn't pick him. These heroes can catch up to you really fast. Remember shukuchi strength is in it's speed burst, not in invi, cause people will eventually start to buy dust and sentry's.

                                    You said you were new to Dota, if you have trouble last hitting MAX HIS PASSIVE FIRST. I know this sounds weird, but you other skills will cost low mana so with a ring of aquila you can spam them all you want. Maxing his passive first makes last hitting REALLY easy and makes towers go down fast.

                                    Your ulti is like Wraith King's. Use it to get out of jail free.

                                    Did you fuck up your position? Ulti
                                    Misjudged your enemy and trading hits is going bad? Ulti
                                    They already hate you so much cause you are 6 slotted and everybody is focusing you? Ran right to them and as soon as linkens pops use your ulti to get the fuck away.

                                    You have great trolling potential with weaver. I swear, if the game is right for him people will hate you.

                                    Remember that after a teamfight, if you already have deso and passive skill maxed, you can take down a tower fairly easy and escape when they are coming to gank you, do not throw this opportunity away.

                                    You can also use shukuchi to aproach undected for a gank, but if it's not maxed I wouldn't reccomend it, I always prefer to leave it off CD to gtfo.

                                    Last but not least: Spam your first skill. With Aquila you shouldn't have problems doing this. You should always go offlane with him. With your first skill you can really fuck up their carry's farm. If you can make them step away from creeps and to kill the bastard you atached to him, his CS will suffer. Every once and then you will be against someone who keeps last hitting while his armor goes down. When that happens just sit back and enjoy the show, you won.

                                    My winrate with weaver is always between 70% and 75%.


                                      Thanks for tips btw , I am not a new player I have a decent amount of games played and currently play in 4k, I just haven't played weaver much so all tips appreciated regardless even if your skill level is normal skill ,you have played a lot of games on weaver so I will definitely use the info.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        I'm thinking depending on situation I may get perserverance or ring of health into early deso but seems like you need at least the ring for the regen if not perserverance too . I have a lot games played as sniper can definitely under stand where you are coming from with your observation .

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          for the game if at the moment the game looks like it will be over soon, like in 10 mins or so, pike wouldve been great. meep wont get the perfect poof combo on you, magnus will have a hard time catching up despite his force staff and blink dagger, and although shukuchi might be enough to escape morphling since when in shukuchi you cant be slowed down. and if you find yourself in a tricky situation in their hg just force your way out, cant rely on shukuchi. you may be fast but you cant go over terrain

                                          but if the game will draw longer, like you know that this is gonna be a looong stalemate, farm up some gold and sell that dlance get that butterfly. they dont have mkbs at that time and even if meepo couldve farmed that he hates getting that item. tbh you should have been thinking of getting butterfly over mkb much earlier. no one has evasion and your team has a large array of disables in their disposal, so getting mkb solely for the damage is so counter productive. butterfly evasion + shukuchi + time relapse = unkillable lmfao

                                          or maybe if you lack damage get that dr. if you are looking to break hg but cant seem to +dmg is always the answer


                                            Sounds good , I just got the Mkb at last second incase the enemies got butterfly's since they had a couple butterfly carriers on their team . If I woulda looked at all their inventories I probs coulda seen they weren't going to make one any time soon but figured it was the safer play getting one , but I agree butterfly would have been better than Mkb however in fight that won the game we were defending high ground vs those aegis and I only had the demon edge portion of the Mkb so I coulda had the talisman portion during the last fight who knows maybe that demon edge gave me just enough damage to finish them I'd have to look at replay .


                                              Dont max geminate ever. The first point is way way more value than the rest, and with shukuchi cooldown so high u can die so easily. Ur as squishy as sniper, only u dont attack from global range, so u need shukuchi to not die so easily. Otherwise any decent smoke gank and ur ded dont matter if u hit hard if they kill u before u hit them. Even swarm gets more value than geminate after u max shukuchi, and rushing deso is only good when their tram has literally not a single stun.


                                                Yea You generally wanna be more conservative in teamfights till u pick up ur eblade and Dagon. Go to back lines n just pick off supports.


                                                  Took me a second to see what u wrote there. Im not judging tho ive played eblade dagon riki.