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General Discussionsniper discussion

sniper discussion in General Discussion

    so ive taken a liking to sniper lately, and according to dbuff blog he's at a decent spot lately. but when is it good to pick sniper? and what do you do during the early/mid game + what should your item progression look like?

    i actually played a sniper game a while ago ( ) it was a pretty rough game considering that we screwed up our laning really bad, i couldnt win hard against nightstalker mid (goodlord it isnt viper), not to mention everyone's playing greedy so i couldnt farm up quickly on a hero that doest farm fast to begin with. idk if my items were appropriate, i went phase aquila dl-pike mael-mjoll, should i have gotten silver edge instead?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Hes pretty good against od


        Sniper is good at defending highground, good against drow strats imho


          A fun hero

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            good against od in lane or is sniper a general counter to od

            is it because u outrange him

            tbh i dont understand rofl (NS brain at work)

            Hanamichi Sakuragi

              Play him safelane or mid (although he will suck if you don't do the pseudo random stuff), so do the pseudo random stuff on his headshot, skillbuild will depend on what you need. I always get level 2 headshot though before level 7.
              Build Aquila, Phase Boots, and Dragon Lance.
              Build Maelstrom and then Hurricane Pike.
              Build Crystalys then upgrade Maelstrom to Mjolnir.
              Upgrade Crystalys to Daedalus.
              I prefer Blink Dagger over Silver Edge/Shadow Blade.
              Sniper doesn't farm fast LUL? I think that's your problem right there eksdee.
              Laning stage won't get screwed up unless you get:
              1. Countered so hard.
              2. Ganked by 3 people always. You can usually get one or double kill them if only 2 of them gank you.
              3. Rekt.
              or if you don't:
              1. Buy raindrops after Aquila.
              2. Do pseudo random headshots on the hero your facing while last hitting.
              3. Buy your own wards.


                ? what

                sniper doesnt farm fast until u get mael/mjoll

                you have low rclick damage outside of headshots + ur spells dont help you farm at all unless u waste a shrapnel charge that has 1 min cd and even then its generally not worth it because of m.resist buffs to neutral creeps

                i had 100 rclick damage with almost no AS during the first 10-15 mins because i had aquila phase DL and by that time an AM/meepo/alch would have more tools for farming


                  also sniper isnt a hero that can get 300cs/30mins every game so idk where u got the idea that he farms fast

                  casual gamer

                    max shrapnel by 7 this spell is absurd

                    sniper can take a huge large camp stack with shrapnel. shoot mres creeps first

                    pike hard counters spirit breaker before bkb/shadow blade


                      You should use an occasional shrapnel charge to farm with , keep 1-2 charges incase a fight breaks out depending on what's going on but 2 charges should cover most fight scenarios .


                        That guy saying to put so much in head shot early is wrong in most scenarios you'll benefit more from shrapnel and range , 1 value point inheadshot for the slow is good though . Shrapnel should be maxed first, I see better results with maxing ranged firstover head shot second .

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        Hanamichi Sakuragi

                          What JDF8 said is what I mean that's why it is your problem already right there.
                          If you are talking about taking level 2 headshot before level 7 I personally think it is worth it because of the 15/40/65/90
                          And what do I mean by this? He gets an extra +25 damage for level 2 headshot rather than 15, and I think it can't be ignored.


                            i still dont see the hero as a "fast farming hero"

                            he doesnt have the huge map coverage that most farming heroes does (AM/Naga/Meepo) or a farming steroid (Alch) to say that he farms "fast"

                            sure you can take some camp stacks with shrapnel, but as i said you should save this spell as much as possible because it has a 1 min charge refresh

                            you can only do so much as a sniper when it comes to farming, and this is furthered by the fact that you shouldnt be 100% of the time ricing on the hero, since he's actually good in early fights/tower sieges with his superior range + high magic damage with Q + ult

                            i dont see how this is my problem since i already have my farming patterns drilled into me (thx cookie) and i can constantly get 300+ cs/30mins as AM whereas i can barely get 200 on sniper unless i really try to just play the ricing game which is bad for the hero

                            granted it's not that good to compare sniper to a ricing hero like AM but to say that the hero "farms fast" is just as equally bad since there are other heroes that actually is the definition of "farming fast" that sniper cant get near to

                            tbh im #triggered rn since i just got LUL'd eksdee without a better argument

                            mentally handicapped

                              right now curious as to what is an acceptable lh/min as a carry without efficient and reliable farming mechanism like wk pa pl or some shit

                              is it still 10lh/min

                              or was it always 10lh/min, instead heroes like alice mentioned above that have farming steroid and 1 tap mobility like blinks and ability to farm at more than two places, are actually expected to go something like 15lh/min if the game is hard enough to make the game challenging, but not hard enough to completely fuck you up

                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                I wasn't comparing it to Meepo/Alchemist/Anti-Mage/Naga Siren though.
                                But he still farms fast compared to Ursa and such.
                                Yes you are right about joining teamfights, but two shrapnels should do the trick, one for farming, besides that, how is getting 200 last hits on Sniper hard at 30 mins? You probably have Maelstrom by 10-14 mins and that's enough to get those 250 last hits.
                                Also heroes will tend to come to you, so you shouldn't probably waste time for a long siege or long planned initiations.

                                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                  Yes you are expected to do so depending on your hero.
                                  Even if no one supports you, you can be efficient with the laning stage.
                                  You play Slark so you are expected to at least have 15lh/min.


                                    what about diffusal blade, you dont like that on sniper for earlier fights?

                                    slark is one of fastest farming carries, so yea i think lh/min depends on how long game is. if you play for mid game build fighting items and end game at min 20 you obviously wont have 300 last hits by then even with slark.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      well its hard to get 6.9k worth of items as sniper in 14 mins unless u get shitton kills which isnt always gonna happen

                                      for comparison AM (why do i love AM so much) farms 6.6k worth of items in 13-15 mins, and he's considered a ricing hero. granted, once again, that AM isnt a ricing hero pre-bfury, but he still has blink + quelling blade + better stats which sniper has no access to

                                      also if ur argument is to get mael before dl, i always get dl after phase-aquila, its such a good item to not build early

                                      also, proof on the average lh a 5k sniper gets: for comparison i got 140ish/30mins in my last game which isnt that far off but i was 7-1 by that time

                                      no comment on the ursa thing tho, i dont play ursa so i wont know but doesnt fury swipes speed up his farming by a lot?


                                        this shit aint gonna get anywhere if 2 3kers keep on arguing about this shit

                                        can a blue star come and settle this pls


                                          ur a 3k urself u cant talk down on anyone


                                            i know thats why i said 2 3kers since im 1 of them damn it


                                              6-7 LH per min is the target I think
                                              Sniper is a fight-and-farm kind of hero

                                              casual gamer

                                                3v2 lane pa techies versus sniper earthshaker pugna: 65/148/213 (full pike before maelstrom, phase and not treads)

                                                1v1 timbersaw with useless roam pudge: 10 cs/min (no replay)

                                                aggro tri (lina kunkka clinkz) vs
                                                sniper rubick aa: 48 95 188

                                                if you dont keep up in farm and ur not playing against am/morph that is due to PERSONAL ERROR, likely combined with LOSING MAP CONTROL

                                                sniper does in fact farm quite fast, he can hit his 90+ cs by 10 mins quite easily, is one of the hardest carries in the game, and has nightmarish highground defense

                                                if you know its gonna be a farming game go treads + qb/wlace. lol

                                                casual gamer

                                                  items that i dont personally buy (blink, manta) increase income by a shitton as well

                                                  normal skill games should look like lol


                                                    sniper is just shit ... very late game and farm dependent hero but he cant farm fast ... game is always hard when sniper in my team , hv to def high ground and counter enemy initiation ... u dont even hv chance if ur team 4 ppl cant hold early game

                                                    On the other side , i love play against sniper ... always rdy to aim him , 1 dust = 1 kill

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Reall? 90 cs by min 10? That means you nail every single cs in lane and pull multiple camps. That's not realistic for non blue stars. Sniper doesn't have any skills that help him farm quickly like AM's blink or Sven's cleave as shrapnel cannot be spammed. And he doesn't do that much dmg early either. He can farm fast mid game just like any carry can farm fast mid game as their dmg amps up.

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        man just push the wave and right click large camp at 53

                                                        shrapnel the small camp after killing the other wave

                                                        when you hit lvl 7 pull large camp 53 and shrapnel it

                                                        im sure you can do it if you practice

                                                        90cs is the example of a free lane, if you get a free lane sniper farms fast enough to take the game over and win almost solo, unlike sth like ck or wk

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                        casual gamer

                                                          you are mostly right though, he doesnt farm faster than most carries unless you have much more greedy items or are a better player or their carry is more pressured, but 1/3 of those happens a lot actually


                                                            Snipers shrapnel is actually disgustingly broken. Always max shrapnel first, idc what anybody else says shrapnel will save you and get you kills. Sniper can also last hit inlane pretty well, so he can farm fast and from a safe distance.
                                                            Items for me are usually phase boots, ring of Aquila, hod, or mom if you can position yourself well. Mealstrom is good on him, blink to help get away and chase down enemies.
                                                            Sniper can make use of many items tbh, the hero is decent right now, and can dominate games if played well.
                                                            I've soloed many duel lanes and won because sniper is great at pushing people out of lane, while staying safe.


                                                              He is possibly the best counter to Drow strats. Shrapnel is OP AF and scales very well, should always have it maxed by 7.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                ok well I'll try this stacking, but if you are dire your vision is quite limited to go stack it without losing hits on main camp unless someone chops all the trees for you.

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  i buy qb or eat that tree always

                                                                  you can also stack the small camp with shrapnel

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Do you get the hard camp to three stacks and wait til level 4 shrapnel to kill it? Or do you expend more than one shrapnel charge? Or do you kill at 2 stacks ever?

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      i havent played enough sniper (while not bad) to tell u specifics besides that u want the wave dead by :16/46 or 1 melee creep dies to ur ranged creep and that you should keep stacking til lvl 7 for the large camp unless against bat ds or underlord

                                                                      mb you can kill a small camp stack with lv 5 shrapnel. idk yet

                                                                      when i get off work i will get back to u

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        ok i did 1v0 lobby free lane. 111 last hits @ 9:50, and i missed a fuckton of creep hits

                                                                        this hero actually farms like a boss in the laning phase. when ur farm is disrupted it can get a little rocky


                                                                          Lol people talking abt farming and im sitting ns bracket where u insta win game as am with 15 min bf.


                                                                            In 1k mmr if u get something like 100lh by 10 min u almost guarenteed win.


                                                                              guess i was wrong after all LUL


                                                                                @JDF8 Sniper is good, but he is not something you can first pick then the enemy team will pick pa, pudge, riki, bounty and just feed off of you. He is a good hero right now, and good laner just situational

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  i have played so many sniper games against his "counters" the only one that i hate is storm. everything else is manageable, even storm can be dealt with its just tough

                                                                                  ( sniper confirmed trash 4Head)


                                                                                    lul holy shit the hero actually farms fast i got 89 lh in 10 mins in a 1v0 lane i think i can get more rofl


                                                                                      when i see a sniper on my or enemy team i insta mute him


                                                                                        Farix u are forgetting that head shot price only 40% of the time so he only gets 10
                                                                                        damage increase from leveling it to level two and chance to slow stays the same 40%. Shrapnel too good not to max and personally In most circumstances I would rather have 100 range over 10 plus damage .

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          Yes storm is the absolute worst he can dive you under any tower and live to tell the tale until you get bkb and even then he'll just zip zap away and make u waste a charge. Headshot is good for the slow effect not the dmg so a value point is plenty.

                                                                                          Himmel wouldn't grief

                                                                                            Ban pudge, ban storm spirit, ban everyone that can get close to you xD

                                                                                            Flaccid Jake

                                                                                              I would recommend smurfing against normal skill opponents, building a blink dagger and a eul's, and un-exposing matchmaking data for every game you die. It's worked nicely for me.