General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do ppl report people in unranked?

why do ppl report people in unranked? in General Discussion
Putins Price Hike

    if you feed or something yeah yeah but playing bad? i assume people trying to learn a hero. guess people want people learning heroes in mmr games


      people still want to win.


        people still want to win.


          I also report people in unranked too :3 but only because my teammates was whining at me in tagalog with "bobo" or "gago" because I didn't join with them in a fight that's too obviously that my team will lose.


            cuz ppl are dicks


              Some people actually deserve to be in LP
              When I accompany my friends on their LP journey, I've seen bloodstone WW, no contribution (AT ALL, EVEN FOR A NORMAL SKILL STANDARD) full KSing ES, and much more
              These guys obviously ruin some people's match


                Thelma'RINE is right there are a lot of players who deserve to be in lp.
                There are a lot of people who won't listen to you and keep doing stupid stuff and when they start feeding and loosing you the game, they'll start flaming you.
                These are the kind of players that actually deserve to be reported.


                  cuz theyre assholes




                      Try to avoid being killed, farm at an appropriate timing, know when to join the fight as AM and those said people return me back a favor by feeding an enemy then keep pinging at me when Jug, Lion, Riki are wrecking a barracks while telling me "noob" for not going in (Riki - Silence, Lion - Hex, like hell I could fight 3 of them with 2 of them being a disabler.) If they are an asshole on the first time I met them then they are certainly an asshole on the second time I met them too.


                        Yo blueflame have you been flamed for splitpushimg with morph while your entire team just wants to fight farmed carries who can just kill them in a few seconds?


                          I think that shit happens all the time
                          Fucking retards doesn't know priorities lmao


                            I remember my last 2 MMR games our drow was playing like a fucking AM, ratting solo and shit, when the enemy team is gone for 90 seconds without buyback
                            Ofc we lost both of them
                            I ain't that good to carry those 2 games man


                              ^feels bad man that's why I don't play solo ranked


                                Kind of like that but in my AM case, I couldn't even splitpush because by the time I got Manta Style, My team have already lost Tower No.2 in all 3 lanes and I had to pay the price for something that I didn't do.


                                  I'm playing solo mainly to improve anyway
                                  Party games are basically for teh luls while custom games and pub won't help much


                                    I cant carry my tink in my recent terror match,i didnt get bkb and its my fault,but tink losing against sf doesnt look ok for me


                                      ^i get that but whenever I play solo some shit or the other happens.
                                      Take for example I m playing storm spirit I dominate the early game bygetting multiple kills and creating space for my carries.
                                      And what does my offlaner do? He feeds the spectre who comes online in 30 fucking minutes.
                                      The best of them all was the lc who kept dueling a abbadon while his ulti was up XD


                                        SEA unlike other server are infamous for how the player tend to be selfish more often than any other server though.

                                        Edit: And caring a kill more than win which often lead to downfall once they fucked up once and start losing it (rage).

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          I know some games are fucked up, but there are no better way of getting out of this shithole other than getting good and carry 1v9 or PMA
                                          Motivating a retard and tell him what is right only to get flamed and told to focus on my own game
                                          10/10 wud play teamwork again


                                            I've met nice noobs, and they tend to play WAY BETTER after having the entire team backing him up emotinally
                                            The void who turned from a guy who chronoed 3 teammates for a 1 low health enemy into a guy who lands fight winning chrono many times in a row because the entire team wasn't fucking toxic and he felt bad for ruining the fights
                                            Wish PMA works everytime tho


                                              ^exactly that's why I only play unranked solo with carries.I don't waana calibrate my solo MMR cos the honestly I don't think I'll have the patience to grind from below 1k


                                                Btw can any1 explain to me wtf us wkwkwk?
                                                Everytime I get feeder in my team they just spam this in chat after every death


                                                  That's just it PMA doesn't work everytime. There are just toxic idiots who will never listen to advice no matter what happens and when we loose they will flame us for the loss


                                                    Wkwkwk mean "Hahaha" in Bahasa Indonesia language if I remember it correctly.

                                                    In SEA, PMA just won't work because the teammates are hellbent on getting a kill for the sake of their e-penis size.


                                                      Ty for the info but I think this is gonna trigger me even more now😔

                                                      And yes PMA rarely works in the SEA server the only times it worked was in India or Europe servers with me

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        I never report anyone for playing badly, but I did report Invoker with Vladmir. He was average, not too bad, but the very fact that building Vladmir on Invoker pissed me off. I almost always report enemy Riki if I lose. No question, just report