General Discussion

General DiscussionToo many toxic player at 4k bracket

Too many toxic player at 4k bracket in General Discussion

    I play with 4ks they just keep blaming.


      seems like you are only playing with 3ks not 4ks. Also the game pretty much makes sure you have a 50% win rate. To actually get lower than 50% means you are doing something that is directly affecting normal people from winning the game.


        Not all 4k's are toxic

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          ^ The truth has been spoken.


            If people blame u they usually have a point to blame u for. U have 45% wr which is one of the lowest ive seen on dotabuff recently. Probably u are not a vhs player and got boosted or somehow calibrated that high. But u are going back to your original mmr whatever it is.


              If game would make you have 50% winrate noone would ever increase. Everyone would Still have his calibrated mmr.


                Biggest Problem with 4 k players is, they win a game and Dont even notice it. They could end a game but getting roshan.

                CAN I GET A DECENT TEAM

                  the bracket where everyone thinks they're good cause they're slightly better than the average player.


                    well i think thats the case with all skill and mmr bracket

                    Putins Price Hike

                      4k is toxic. look at slacks the most toxic fuck ever. but he got to 5k thanks to omni spam


                        The notion that 4k is toxic is a self fulfilling prophecy


                          haha, nice failed smurf, just go back to your main dude.

                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                            just Turbo mode

                              2k is toxic...3k is toxic..4k is toxic...5 k is toxic..I don't know about 6k yet or just low 6k is toxic so...its 1k mmr good?

                              Fee Too Pee

                                3948 bracket, i still get first pick antimage and follow up with lc midas lmao


                                  @corona non perdona I'm a representative from 1k bracket, still as toxic as 1k,2k,3k,4k,5k, same toxic players but less mechanically-skilled.


                                    Too many toxic players at DOTA2*
                                    I remember only having 2 or 3 toxic shithead in every 20 matches in CSGO, but then again, DOTA2 is a free game and any fuckboys can play the game

                                    just Turbo mode

                                      I must be a lucky guy then..or maybe im just the toxic one