General Discussion

General DiscussionChanges to Bot matches

Changes to Bot matches in General Discussion

    I was just wondering if there has been some sort of change to the Bot AI since the fall pass has been released? I have played several matches on medium which generally used to be a cake walk but now it seems my ally bots play as bad as they always have on hard.

    At this rate I may as well find some 10 years olds who haven't seen a computer b4 and make them my teammates.

    Has there been a change and if so what the h3ll did they do?


      I'd say the same thing


        It does seem like they changed the AI, it's slightly different and here is what I think they did.

        1. Made the ability to last hit and deny much better for all levels of bots except Unfair bots.
        2. Made the bots know how to redirect tower aggro. (All Bots)
        3. Made the bots able to harass in lane based on the creep aggro timer (Medium bots)
        4. Made the bots 5 man much less and have 3-4 mid and 1 farming or split pushing (All bots so far)
        5. Very rarely, allied bots will leave your lane to go to another lane, leaving you alone. (Medium bots)
        6. They made the bots more stupid: Sometimes the bots will buy 2 meks, 2 vlads etc.
        7... They made bots be able to purchase Divine Rapiers (untested and unproven)


          Valve probably got angry on the exp farmers and made the bots players like in pro scene

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            I don't understand, and don't like the changes. There's no reason I should go from being able to hold my own with a team of experienced Dota players against unfair bots to barely being able to survive medium bots. What have they done and why didn't they announce it?


              for me any level I set it too I always end up playing against hard bots, which means that unless I play a hard carry its extremely hard to win a game because your bot teamates will lose the early game. It also makes learning a new hero almost impossible because if i screw up once or twice the game is over