General Discussion

General DiscussionCan Any Former 3k Players Who Climbed Out 3k Help Me?

Can Any Former 3k Players Who Climbed Out 3k Help Me? in General Discussion
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    All little background I started playing dota awhile ago (2 years ago) and I started around 1k then climbed to 2k where I was stuck for over a year. I started playing high win rate heroes I think... And then I started going up to higher 2k mmr. I got stuck there for awhile then I got to 3.5k mmr (which was the highest I ever got). I got to 3.5k with Drow Ranger (All Stats), Ursa, and some other heroes.

    I'm asking anyone who was in 3k give me something to work on as far as mechanics, heroes, or communication tips to help me. Is there anything I can do, because so far I'm literally dying inside when I notice that there's no chance in winning and having to stick around another 30+ minutes waiting to lose. I literally get so sad, it's not even funny.

    Why is 3k MMR so fucking hard and why the fuck am I stuck here?

    what things do i need to improve to go higher in mmr or am I just stuck in 3k because that's where my skill level is?

    Visita Hari Danta

      Just pick heros you're good at and you'll climb, don't troll pick 2 hc, 2 mid laners, jg etc that's all


        Im calibrated at 3.9 but i dont remember if its 3.9 or 3.8 then almost dropped to 3.7. I start playing offlane a lot like DS, Necrophos and Underlord sometime roaming riki or bh. What hero i pick is not the hero i want to play but pick the hero based on enemy line up and what my team need in order to win. But i dont pick supp and mid hero because i really suck on supp and mid. And now im 4k my highest peak is 4.2.

        My party mmr is very low. I lost a lot of game in party.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          just support your carrys and eventually you will win mmr until you get 4k


            spam alche mid. 3k don't know how to deal with it


              spam timber and make triplesteal proud kappa

              Schinken Teriyaki

                you have to be more efficent with your movements across the map. The best way to learn this is by watching a progame replay of the hero you want to learn. Dont focus on the big plays just on the overall movements, farming patterns etc.

                You had a game with am with 277cs after 39mins. thats terrible farming efficency. If you have freefarm you should aim for at least 350-400 cs after 30mins. Just an example. But not being efficent is a very common mistake at lower ranks.
                Gl climbing!


                  to make it short..

                  what i learn that made me out of that bracket is..

                  at 2k : efficient farming
                  at 3k : comeback mechanics (gold n xp) n defence or break highground
                  at 4k : Zoning/draft/map control
                  and others small stuff..

                  hope it helps..
                  GL in your ranked sir..


                    I learned Invoker first (calibrated @2600 a year ago), then I started playing in a rat style, was suck for a while around 3500-3800. Then I became a filthy Omnipicker. Soared till 4400 in a couple of days actually. Started to play CM and draft (I learned a lot from my teammates who are all 6k+). I instapicked captain and won every single game (back then it was different - you can't do this anymore). CM was also good for me cause I finally got matched with people of a higher level and I could also learn in solo pubs. Playing in 4800-5300 avg when you are 4400 means a lot. I stopped playing CM when I hit the 5k barrier and turned to the offlane. You should pick meta - but even better: anti-meta heroes here. Raped the OD-Invo meta with a Nyxyynxnxyxnyn and then I peaked at 5370. After I had a personal crisis and I lost 700 mmr in 2 weeks. I stopped playing pub ever since, only scrims now. (BTW: Your computer specs can enhance your gameplay by a great deal. More often than not -> Better comp = higher mmr /w the same person)


                      I'm low 4k so you can add me and I can help you, because I was in a 3k MMR for a very long time. 3.3-3.7k first, then 3.7 - 3.9.


                        EDIT: To sum up in short on how to gain mmr > HIT. THE. FCKN. BUILDINGS. (Trust me it works in any bracket)

                        Putins Price Hike

                          spam meta heroes


                            @Spam or Die

                            If you ever had questions how to stay in 3k, i got 4 years of experience in this bracket :D just ask.


                              some off topic question :
                              my frd that started play dota with me since dota , hv the same mmr ard ard 4k with me before my losing streak , recently said he calibrated a smurf at 4.8k mmr ... is that possible? i dont feel like suddenly he improve alot ... or maybe smthg to abuse that idk ...


                                i started at 10k, so idk

                                jk, just try your best and git_gud

                                it's pointless to ask questions on this forum, you'll never find a good answer.


                                  @cookie then i hv no idea why this forum exist .. kappa

                                  2k indog monkey

                                    Its made for retarded delusional plebs who are too dumb to realise that they are noob,and they create 999999 smurfs until they reach VHS
                                    Inb4 counter arguments = I made this account to play with my noob cousin or play with my friends if my main acc is used for CSGO

                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      Why are you using my profile avatar? -.-

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        lmaoooo i thought yorkey changed name

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          my lowly advice but i think that your problem is actually in your mindset

                                          dude its 20 mins into the game how do you know you lose already

                                          youve been playing a long time your mechanical skill perhaps already sharp, game sense should come instinctually after playing for 2 years

                                          but why do you choose to looking at the bad side lmao unless someone is really dogshit and skill is 1k mmr below the whole teams'. you need a dose of PMA bro

                                          basically you tilt too easy

                                          The Medic Guy

                                            well, what i can say is, my party 4,5, solo 3,9

                                            since i play sup (because only few want to play sup in 3k) yeah, its so hard for me to climb out from 3k to 4k in solo.

                                            the worst part is, the carry guy don even know how to keep the lane equilibrium, and blame sup for his own fault.

                                            so i never expecting so much in my solo game. SEA so cancerous


                                              I recommend getting out of 3k playing cores mostly.

                                              1) I strongly recommend good teamfight heros that punish bad positioning greatly, what is common in 3k.
                                              So Enigma, Magnus. If u are losing enemies usually go all 5 together, rarely they spread.

                                              2) Putting high pressure on enemy safe lane - eg. dual lane with Lich, Timbersaw, Underlord. - works on every bracket. U basicaly make enemy carry cry for help and tilt. U also make space for your carry at the same time. Crucial is not feeding in the process.

                                              3) If u are facing enemies with 1 support its worth playing invis hero like nyx or riki - they wont have much detection against u. Pretty much support will tilt.


                                                you're gonna get fucked at when you reach 3.8-3.9 mmr, games will be either retarded or super tryhard


                                                  This is from your own page;

                                                  Just take a look at the heroes that make you lose more than win and stop playing them, pretty much u should stop playing AM, slark, Storm, SF, and many others.. and focus more on easy heroes like sven or juggy.
                                                  btw I have climbed from 1,3 to 5,3 in 2'5 years. You could also add me and I can give some other tips looking at some of ur games.