General Discussion

General DiscussionJugg mid

Jugg mid in General Discussion

    How would you play jugg mid. Like passive farming like naga or aggressive like ember spirit. I know you build pms-bottle-boots-aquila-phase boots-yasha-diff-manta-blink-skadi. Should you prioritize fighting over farming after manta diff? When should you build bf


      Fighting, jug is really strong at midgame, be aggressive, take towers, push with your team(healing ward is soo good). You can farm when your ult and healing are on cd, but give more farm priority to the position 1,
      Build bf on jug(mid) if you really need the cleave on illusion base heroes.


        Whats about mjonir if im fighting illusion based. Should i go to the other lane to gank or keep mid and push t2 since he can spin tpout. Should i go rosh after t2 mid goes down and take other t2 since healing ward is good on rosh.


          mjo is fine but bf is better imo, When I play mid jugg, I usually ask 1 support to rotate for me and kill the enemy midlaner and take the tower, I rarely gank with jugg unless I get a good rune. When the tier 1 tower is down, that's when I rotate to other lanes and take towers,
          For me, ill get rosh when all tier 1 towers of the opposing team are down, that way they can't easily get to roshan fast.
          Btw take my advice with a grain of salt, im just a mediocre player


            Spin omni or omni spin. Lv6 you get a free kill right with omni


              Shouldn't build BF most of the time
              Too fucking greedy, you'd take so much space from your hard carry
              Unless your pos 1 is a fucking retard or he doesn't need that much farm (example = bb)


                Don't build BF on mid jugg unless you have a space creating safelaner, else you will get run over midgame.


                  Are you saying if im fighting illu base hero like naga i should just go mjonir after manta diff blink. If yes, should i build skadi before mjonir or after


                    What is his favourable mid matchup. And how counter him in mid. Should i harras enemy hero with spin or save the mana for healing

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      bfury on mid jugg should be used against early push strats that depend on summons like np, lycan, or beastmaster. even if there are illusion based enemy carries you wont want to get bfury early since youre going mid youll never find the space to farm

                      never, please never go mjollnir on jugg please. you already have a low BAT, even if against illu based carries you shouldnt be the one tanking, instead of wasting money on such an expensive item get that dr if you really lack dmg

                      generally if no special cases are there like needing basher since your team collectively has a learning disability so no one picked a stunner, or that orchid for the underfarmed enemy am, skadi comes after manta. maybe you can get bkb before skadi but during that time your q still hurts, itd be a waste to rep[lace it so early

                      also your spin cant be reliably used to harass the enemy mid unless he is braindead and/or doesnt respect juggs strength. so instead use it for waveclear. as a mid jugg you want a bottle for mana sustain. every spawn timing use that q to clear the wave and get the rune

                      never leave lane unless you destroy the first tower. if you havent destroyed it yet go do it ASAP, should be easy with spin + ward

                      dont gank, concentrate on farming to reach your most potent threat level timing even faster (happens after you get yasha + diffu). always remember you can delete people really fast unless they have easy esc, use it to bully enemy mid. dont gank unless given a haste/invi and exclusively those two. dd should be used to destroy tower. arcane should be used to waveclear current wave and go to hard camp and farm a bit. bounty it bounty. regen do anything you want, you have a free fountain pass anyway

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        fave mid matchup anyone without an esc like pudge or sf. for that pudge get an early blight stone, its so good sometimes. ppl without instant esc can and will lose lane to jugg, bully enemy laner but respect their strengths and always look out for that last hit

                        counter him in mid ask a support to come and help you secure rune. jugg without rune is so frail and will have to always play defensively. during that time bully ihm yourself or farm wtvr u wanna do. be wary of mangoes tho, they always mean an omnislash is coming. also pick a range bully laner like viper or skywrath. altho he has built in magic immnuity sustained damage in lane wont be easily mitigated since ward doesnt have 100% uptime

                        also against him when you see him raising his arms for a ward, kill that mofo asap you only need one hit

                        as always take my advice with a tub of salt lmao