General Discussion

General DiscussionPossible way to bring back Gyro?

Possible way to bring back Gyro? in General Discussion

    Gyro used to be the most stable pick ever. Now, you see him once or twice per tournament. I know there is a blog here on Dotabuff explaining why that happened, but I feel they left out an important part: the rise of Huskar, who s***s all over Gyro.

    Now, we all know his current Aghanim's upgrade is the clowniest, and arguably the worst in the game. I was thinking; what if they made his Aghanim's so that the Side Gunner would permanently fire at ALL targets near Gyro, at a ~1.5 second interval? Essentailly, this would be an infinite Flak Cannon. At 4200 gold, it's comparable to getting Battle Fury on Anti-Mage. It can give a new dimension to playing him; you can play the traditional early-teamfighting, ult and Rocket Barrage-heavy Gyro, or you could turn into a pseudo-AM with this proposed Agh's, sitting back and farming up to the late game. I know the latter is already an existing playstyle, but I still see it falling behind, as with a maximum of 6 shots of Flak Cannon he's forced to keep using mana to Rocket Barrage farm, and he can't clear ancients solo. What do you guys think?

    Hanamichi Sakuragi

      What I think the problem Gyro has is, there is better carries than him.
      Sven has God's Strength and Cleave.
      Medusa has Split Shot and Stone Gaze.
      Huskar has Burning Spears and Berserker's Blood.
      Anti - Mage destroys anyone.
      Gyro has Flak Cannon. Basically a ranged cleave with 6 attacks at a 30 second cooldown.
      If Gyro had some sort of rework on Flak Cannon such as it becoming a passive then maybe he can comeback?


        A well farmed gyro will wipe the supports in 3-4 flaks and leave the entire team low
        got a rampage on gyro this morn in fact, not even 6 slot and the flak was too much for enemy without rapier

        Livin' Real Good

          eh, he was picked in all of 6.84 (especially) to 6.86, let him rest, before he was the ultimate pick, cause he could fight so fucking early, and do so much in a team fight that it was pointless to use other carries, felt that way anyways when watching pro games.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Dire Wolf

            I don't get why he's not still good tbh, not that much changes. Still fights super early with rockets and his ult, flak is still good. Dragon lance should be a perfect item for him. Yes he isn't tanky at all, and that's exacerbated by his poor range but a lot of popular carries aren't tanky like drow.


              We pray
              To the great
              To the anonymous
              To the asshole
              Read this thread and think aboot it


                The Dotabuff article from 2 months back explained his fall from power pretty well. Current meta, although very diverse now, still gravitates towards tanky heroes, which gyro is not, yet he generally wants to be in the middle of teamfights so that his Rocket Barrage can hit as much as possible. With the added magic resistance on jungle creeps, RB farming got less efficient. Nerfed ult so that there is no spell-immunity piercing slow, and damage also decreased quite a bit. They tried to push for a support Gyro by buffing Homing Missle, but it still keeps getting ignored in majority of games. I reiterate, I feel the Dotabuff team left out the rise of Huskar as a reason why Gyro isn't seen much anymore.
                The Agh's I proposed solves his nerfed farming capability, bringing it back to its former glory, and also encourages a little more tankability.

                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                  Dire Wolf

                    I think an easy fix would be change aghs, make it change his ult and homing missile to store up to 2 charges, no changes in cooldowns. You would see gyro start to be used like mirana I think going for nuker build, aghs, eblade.


                      Ok, I'm normal skill @Robin. Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to make suggestions or give opinions. Btw, you missed 2 "Very High Skill" that I played the other day. Lol
                      On another note, why TA for your spam hero?


                        Dont u know he's robin?
                        THE robin?

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