General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does tinker have such a low global winrate?

Why does tinker have such a low global winrate? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    The hero is terrible to play against and he has guaranteed farm (kinda), so I wonder why he would not be more successful in lower brackets, if anything.

    casual gamer

      positioning is key


        need very good player and high skill cap
        when i first start dota 2 i thought that he is OP mmr booster hero untill i played him few matches and watched good player play him from player perspective.
        he really need good positioning and good farm and his weakness that he cant do dmg to towers at all and need high cost items to be teamfight monster unless his enemies are total noobs ( like me :) ) .


          Ako na mid 2 tagno pls
          30 min BoT
          Omg noob team feed putang ina mo gago


            If we only talk about "annoying to play against" techies is also annoying, but the hero itself is weak
            Not saying tinker is a trash hero, but a hero that is annoying to deal with doesn't mean it's strong
            Hero requires a lot of skill, positioning, and teamwork (ye you can hold the game for 90 mins but your team aint hittin tower for shit)

            Rylo Ken

              @bsw so true bro I really hate my fellow countrymen with that kind of attitude they feel that they are so strong enough and blame the team even he is the toxic in the game .

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                SEA is basically full of shitholes from various countries anyway, I tend to ignore those kind of people so no prob
                I feel bad for the cool pinoys tho, they get shaded by those pricks

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                Rylo Ken

                  @bws Thanks for the compliment to some good pinoy players hope some day we can play bro :).

                  Insert C01n

                    He needs a good laning phase and both farm and levels to scale. If you can delay his BoT´s he´s in big troubles. He also is very squishy in the early game and prone against cordinated ganks. Oh and he has to deal with bkbs in late which is troublesome for nearly every int hero^^


                      BKB is only a problem for tinker in the mid game
                      Late game everyone should only have 5 sec bkb charge
                      Pipe of insight is another story tho


                        I think a lot of people forget that Tinker tends to take farm from his allies and although he can farm a shitload unlike a Morph or an AM he has no actual way of hitting buildings. In many games you get to the classic tinker lategame very farmed but the rest of your team has nothing and you have no actual way of taking objectives to actually win the match, eventually you will get caught out and the game will end.


                        A rare 6.4k average Australian game, our Tinker got massively farmed and we had a 20k lead but our supports were poor as fuck comparatively and there was no way for us to leave the base as 5 to hit buildings.


                          because he cant hit buildings


                            @CUT+PASTE you had a rubick thats why you lost.
                            That tinker played pretty god tier and even hit 3.8k td ffs


                              I think main reason of Tinker's low global winrate is roaming Riki.

                              Dire Wolf

                                It's actually quite simple in a pub game.

                                -He steals a ton of farm from his carries, constantly pushing out lanes so they cannot farm. Generally in pub games this is awful since you need the physical dmg carries to farm so you can kill towers.

                                -He can't kill towers with that farm and pubs suck at taking objectives. So even if you have a good teamfight and wipe enemies 1 to 5 or something your team won't push towers effectively after.

                                -And a huge reason is he pushes waves to enemy territory so their carries can farm safely. Seriously if you are sniper or medusa tinker is your best fucking friend, same with aghs np. You can be down all your t2s and have no enemy towers down and it doesn't matter cus they will constantly push creep waves to your t3 but not be able to take them and you can farm and get 6 slotted at ~40 minutes and then win every fight.

                                Smaller reason is tinker players tend to have a one track focus (tp in to a lane, queue blink to safe position, double march, tp to base, rinse and repeat) and do a lot of solo shit. Even if a good teamfight breaks out they'll tp in late or ignore it and keep pushing other lanes.


                                  tinker is like meepo. u are rich as fuck but ur team poor as fuck. if enemy tinker is have 20 kill i dont panic cause we can comeback. and idk why tinker is op hero according to vhs player on dotabuff

                                  Full Давай

                                    I once spectated some rather interesting 7k avg game where arc warden built pipe of insight with rubick on his team against tinker (and other cores had their own bkb). What can tinker do in those situations?

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      I remember people in 1-2k legit skipping blink for dagon on him


                                        I just checked all my currently active accounts(means that they were played in the last 3 months) to see my matchups with tinker, i will order them being played by myself, my team and against me(my winrate and the number of games played in parenthesis)
                                        me: 100%(1) / 50%(2) / 0%(0) / 50%(4)
                                        my team: 42.8%(21) / 41%(22) / 100%(6) / 49%(49)
                                        against me: 66%(27) / 54%(24) / 86%(7) / 57%(77)

                                        the third one is a tryhard smurf so it kinda fucks up the whole concept I am trying to present here.
                                        Basicly, the only thing you need to do is shut him down early or ward good enough and gank him, he is like the squishiest carry(ish) hero in the game and depends a lot on his team.
                                        On top of that there are plenty of heroes who counter him, what makes it even harder to play him.


                                          BoTs, blink, Aghs to come online for team fights.

                                          Yeah u can see the problem right there. This hero needs tons of space.


                                            I see someone play him like this. Early bot gank ez kill laser missile ez farm jungle. Snowballed got dagon 2 and eblade. Solo kill by tp blink eblade dagon laser missle.