General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf PA dagger range

Nerf PA dagger range in General Discussion

    The PA cancer is just too much, the most braindead hero needs to be nerfed. This dagger spam is just ridiculous and for that miniscule mana cost almost 100 damage every 6 seconds for 30 mana at level 1 from 1200 range what the fck. You can sit behind your tower mid and last hit in the river.

    Range should scale with level like Sand King's burrowstrike, and max dagger range should be 800-900 at level 4. PA is a damn melee hero.

    Vem Comigo

      you can win the lane easily but after 30 minutes pa is almos irrelevant on the game, just a creep that can crit.

      Massive Dynamic

        I agree. The dagger definitely needs a nerf. Nerf range in 6.89 please.


          Whilst I agree it is irritating, if she is spamming dagger on you then she's getting no last hits. Get a magic wand, some extra tangoes and although it is tedious, dagger is perfectly manageable.

          still should be nerfed with doubling the mana cost but its only really a problem if you play passive against her.

          get in her face, get her down to half hp/half mana and then see how she lanes.


            Thats her only advantage to win early-mid game along with the crit If you gank her 4times in early she cant do jack shit.
            If you let him get kills all around the map gg you gonna get vlads/deso/abyssal/daedalus up in your anal cavalties

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              Would it hurt too much to Nerf the range from 1200 to 1000? Because 1200 is huge. For perspective, Heartstopper before the latest nerf was 1200, which meant it was impossible to avoid it in lane.
              If dagger range is nerfed to 1000 or 900, it will still be perfectly good for lane harass. 1000 range is enough to throw the dagger from the edge of your stairs to the edge of their stairs in mid. It will just mean that she will have to come slightly out of position to dagger you if you're hugging your tower.