General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I get better at Invoker?

How do I get better at Invoker? in General Discussion

    Hey guys! :D

    So before I begin, let me say this. I am by NO MEANS A GOOD INVOKER, I AM BARELY OKAY. Now that that is out of the way. Let me begin! :)

    I started playing invoker a few months back, and like I do with any other hero I want to master, I played him a ton against unfair bots. So i'm used to the spells and everything. I'm playing him in normal/ranked, but I just don't seem to win... No matter if I'm shitty or played perfectly that particular game. I have a 38% winrate. Its kinda sad because he's one of my most favorite heroes. I really enjoy playing him whether I win or lose, but it would be nice if I won :)

    I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong... If you guys can give me some tips/tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would really appreciate it!



      i think you dont want invoke to be maxed at level 19, it hinders your spell combos


        The reason I tend to do that is because sometimes I skip aghs all together, to get orchid/shivas/sheep/octarine... Might be a bad idea, yes.


          and usually 4 quas is enough, max wex then you max the quas,at least for me

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            seems that you die too much, which means your positioning is bad. invoker tends to always be in the back line


              I'm a shit invoker so I'll bump


                a simple game to help you have fast hands


                  if u are going exort invoker then get 2 forge spirits by level 8 and move to jungle
                  to get better and faster at using spells i can recommend overthrow or angel arena with aghs rush

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    ^ yo this game is baller

                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                        try using blink and icewall. and dont do combo like turnado-meteor cause that combo can be evaded easily. try blink-icewall-ss-meteor-deafening. and just use turnado for debuff or save teammate. invoker is squishy if you are always targeted(i assume vhs player will always target invoker first) try build early platemail or any armor item. gl with positioning. keep in mind that invoker always targeted first :)


                          Play quas-wex really easy to play.