General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is LP soo punishing

Why is LP soo punishing in General Discussion

    If only we can actually earn exp points when playing LP that would be great..
    i dont mind if the game mode is All random .. ability draft or some other shit
    i dont even mind if you have to win


      Does LP affect your hidden mmr, like if you afk those games will you go down a bracket?


        In lp you should only be able use the Axe announcer and your minimap should be replaced with a stream of endless siractionslacks videos


          @YB i dont even know
          but i got to VHS after abadoning 2 games straight cause of shit net
          and dropped down back to HS lul

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            all my NS games are with friends so idk


              idk dude but it is made to be punishing and it shall be ,or there is no point of making it in the first place.

              M U R D E R

                The most punishing part is when you get 3 hard carry to choose from when your team already has 3 core + jungler

                I have lose streak of 10+ games in lp coz of this shit (shadow pool all players muted tho)

                2k indog monkey

                  Dude I got io earth spirit invoker to pick as choices when I started playing while 9 others got braindead heroes @_@


                    im actually fine with picking supports
                    its fun to see people blaming each other till the end of the game


                      LP shouldn't exist for people who flame. That's why mute exists and that's why punishment of mute exists. Valve should give out lp to people who report players as intentionally feeding while their scores aren't even close to int feeding. Honestly this is the biggest thing about lp. You shouldn't get to lp if you flame. You should simply be fucking muted. If you're int feeding – you deserve lp. But in majority of cases that's not true. If you abandon a few times, you also deserve lp. Tough luck if you crashed, but you just gotta suck it up.


                        Maybe don't flame if you don't like the punishment?

                        Someone always mentions on here how it should be Captain's Mode I wholeheartedly agree. Should be forced to work as a team if you want to leave LP.

                        As an aside, some of my favourite games have been in LP (either helping a friend or because I've had to abandon twice in a week) There's usually a truely toxic player but most people in it have just had a spate of hardware/internet problems and are actually friendlier than the average player I meet.

                        Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                          Don't know, I have almost 2k games played and never been into LP. Maybe stop acting out if you don't want to be there... LP is a punishment and a punishment, in my opinion, should be disproportional to the act itself.


                            captain's mode? good luck having them work for you when they don't get the heroes they want and don't even tell you what they want


                              Only braindead feeders and abandoner deserve lp not realist toxic players

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                Ur mental if u think flamers deserve lp. There exists a mute button if u don't like someone saying something. Then there's report for chat abuse. And then u get mute. And it's fine, mute is what you should get. You steal a million, you get to pay a million back. You do something bad to society, you repay the society. Punishment is never effective if it's for the sake of punishing for a person who acts bad. Now if a person int feeds then sure. But that's not even close to flaming.
                                My last 34 games: 22 of them were lp and I have fresh lp after 3 games while playing party. Never intentionally fed for the past 1k games 100%
                                It's literally a flagged account which is a waste of time account because of the fact lp exists and they don't verify if reports for int feeding are true.


                                  fucking gaben and his sjw policies.
                                  Even riot is doing a better job at punishing people.
                                  Even though they take it to extremes as why they punish. Yet if gaben would chat restrict flamers that would be perfect for everyone.


                                    @mushi that's the point - you'd be stuck in LP until you grow up and behave like a normal person...