General Discussion

General DiscussionHi guys can some one help me about how to reach 4 k ?

Hi guys can some one help me about how to reach 4 k ? in General Discussion

    My mmr previously 2 months ago was 2.4 k now iam in 3 playing different types of hero however now iam stuck in 3 k for past 1 month is there anything wrong iam doing or is this my actuall mmr?
    Can i never go above this?

    casual gamer

      if u cant find anything wrong with ur play ur not trying


        Ya but when iam watching my replays i do get to know my weakness but need a little more help on what the other 4 k players do so that i can gain more knowledge on thier game play.


          Ya but when iam watching my replays i do get to know my weakness but need a little more help on what the other 4 k players do so that i can gain more knowledge on thier game play.


            I got 3,2-4k only by playing supports who heal - Omni, WD, Dazzle. People at that MMR just die alot, and when they near death just heal. In that bracket all players are carries.
            Ya and its nice to set wards for your team too
            I was stuck at 3k when I used to play carry and mid only.


              Hmm that's a good advice i may switch to playing more of omni then :) thank you


                time must pass i got out of 3k 5 6 months


                  Play more supports, supports have a high win rate, even tho win rates not really a big thing....


                    Just smurf,im 1,900 on my main account. Now im on my way to 4.5k. In one month I'll reach 5k... Smurf. Smurf.keep smurfin.


                      These are the different ways:

                      1. Spam your best hero.
                      (This will make your skill low for other heroes)

                      2. Make a smurf and get high kda. (Easy 4k also Smurf is free)

                      3. Grind it with your skill level (so hard a lot of retards allies)

                      4. Follow number 2. (Make a smurf)


                        But you know im kidding. 😨

                        casual gamer

                          ^ ur spamming one of the most broken heroes of the patch and have sub 50% winrate

                          get out of my ranked games @_@


                            1. Fuck punctuation. . .

                            2. Yes, you can go up if you keep practicing

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              you can, if you try

                              abuse the heroes you pick, abuse your enemies, ez


                                Haha. I intended to loss all my tbd calibration. No worry jdf8 ,ez to spam and rekt. Broken hero (kunka)? Haha. You got be kidding me. SK,AW were the broken hero atm.


                                  Im almost on ur mmr jdf8 with my low winrate. Hahaha. No worry its easy to climb especially now im out of the penalty pool of abandoned games ( behavior score). Look at my tbd games haha. Almost i loss all tbd games.


                                    kunkka is broken in ns tho. dat ghostship make enemy carries tilted


                                      At ns yeah. Ns doto nvermake kunka support. Xd


                                        Ya as all ppl are bringing some light on kunka and ns i have a high win rate with kunka and yes ns too but i do supprt with kunka and the ships which i land help my Carries tank.
                                        Iam some what like thrall early fame bringing enmies back with a guranted disable so should i continue with kunka supprt at times or. I know treant and omni very well :)
                                        Just want to practice the tp back up for my carries.

                                        2k indog monkey

                                          Rofl NS doto can't even see bounty hunter or riki as a support
                                          Love their suprised feeling of getting their ass wrecked by a support bounty or riki

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            picking a pudge then roaming with boots + wind lace + oov as first items so good ns cant even comprehend


                                              ^ Yeah and the bad thing is you're one of them. Ns doto gamer talking shit about ns games :-)

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                you think i was being sarcastic?

                                                2k indog monkey

                                                  Anything works in NS as long as they can't comprehend it
                                                  Even desolator HoTD PA


                                                    i think havoc reached 4k last night he can guide u

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      i hate to tell u this but support kunkka is first picked in probably 30-50% of my ranked matches, especially the >5.1 avg ones

                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                        I'm too retarded and lazy to learn a hero like kunkka @_@