General Discussion

General DiscussionGuess how the game goes based on draft

Guess how the game goes based on draft in General Discussion

    Io shadow demon drow Qop puck vs axe pudge Chen weaver razor.

    Describe how this game will turn out just based on draft alone. You may talk about key timings, power spikes, key items, andthe strategy both teams should take to win the game. Which team is likely to have the momentum ? Which team teamfights better?

    If anyone cares I'll share the result of this actual game.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Drow team wins. Agh Mjollnir manta push with SD illusion. The rest is ranged hero benefitted from drow aura. Fast push all days. Just take care of Pudge hook and you'll be fine

      Real result? I'm curious


        ^ Agreed.


          im guessing drow is on radiant so im pretty sure that radiant wins, this game will end quick because drow and weaver will come online very fast with that lineup, weaver will get manta instead of linken that will save him one space but hes still hes no match against drow at late game. I dont think drow will build agh mjolnir against that lineup tbh

          Btw its really fun we should do that more often


            Why not, though? Chen Army becomes dinner with that build. Axe is non factor as long as you aren't blink call-ed.

            Teach me senpai


              So far u guys are right about the drow push as with any drow strat. They have the potential to push really fast. But that's not how the game went at all :P

              Drow did go pike aghs and only went mjolnir quite late.. More clues.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                mjolnir doesnt works on ancient creeps and i wouldnt want to waste my agh sliptshot to neutrals in a teamfight, i think she needs to focus on 1 target before her silence / bkb ends + she will get the attack speed bonus of mjolnir by the help of IO anyway.

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  Winning a match is 80% base on draft.

                  I remember one game that our enemy has a all melee line up and we are currently on the last pick.

                  I'm chatting "pick techies", but our wannabe pro mid laner chatting, "pick stunner! Lion ES".

                  In an instant, that player pick Axe. Backdoor the offlane radiant, spec got zero items at 10mins.

                  We won in an EZ game.


                    ^ yes but it depends on skill level of games as well. Sometimes a seemingly weaker draft can surprise by playing in a way that a normal skill player cannot envision.


                      whats the skill bracket of this match


                        If axe can get a good blink call on drow, and SD at the same time, razor would be able to take out the dmg from drow and the game would have been a completely different game. Too many things needs to happen for Axe's team to win. SD disruption has to be used before the call, Drow's team must have no euls or euls carrier is being called, or the other team is not coordinated. This game looks like it relies a lot of how axe initiations, if they were to have a chance of winning. And maybe Axe could get a Halberd for the Drow and Drow would be useless pretty much. The burst dmg from Qop and Puck would pretty much be nullified if Chen has Mek/Grieves.

                        I think Drow's team still has a better advantage, but depending on initiation, and itemisation, I'd say the game could easily swing the other way. If Axe's team has a pipe/bkbs, the only real dmg dealer on Drow's team would be Drow, and razor would be his bane.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          ^ interesting analysis

                          This was a very high mmr game btw. Matumbaman was Qop and his teammates were 6ks. Other team had like a few 7ks


                            he probably carried the game then, coz i think that drow failed horribly and i dont see dire winning the game with that lineup


                              Qop built as a right clicker. Axe pudge had blade mails. They just ran at radiant and were Tanky as hell and build a lot of armour.

                              the realm's delight

                                ROfl this thread


                                  Some guys did a draft datamine and they could predict the result of pub games with something like an 80% accuracy based solely on the draft.

                                  Don't have the url to hand I'm afraid.


                                    fucking 1k kids

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Pudge and Chen as supports and you are wondering who would win.


                                        The point is describe the game. Not predict who would win. Anyway since u r so confident let's hear ur prediction.