General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to handle QW Invoker as Meepo?

How to handle QW Invoker as Meepo? in General Discussion
Hanamichi Sakuragi

    I just got rekt by one in a game, I honestly can't see how I can go against it as a Meepo player.


      play better than him lol....

      2k indog monkey

        O U T F A R M
        O U T P L A Y

        Hanamichi Sakuragi

          O U T F A R M - Early game - No mana - No poof - Can't farm jungle - Can't farm mid
          O U T P L A Y - No mana - No nets - No poof - Just walk
          Play better than him lol.... I asked. How?

          Hanamichi Sakuragi

            Nevermind you people don't even play Meepo.


              Don't get hit buy iron talon

              Livin' Real Good

                This is a legit question, i'm waiting for an answer too, QW invoker is a bitch to play against when using Meepo.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                  @Kore wa CHIKARA I did buy Iron Talon after my Basilius, I sold my Iron Talon when the game was close to ending to buy another Dragon Lance. It's impossible not to get hit unless you are tactically not gonna farm anything.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    You probably just shouldn't pick him into Invoker, I think Invoker dumpsters him. especially when he was broken in 6.86.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    Giff me Wingman

                      Get iron talon, sap some EXP mid, farm jungle until you get BoT, farm over all map, get aghs, start fighting, win game.


                        I bought a pipe in one game against Invoker and was having pretty good results, but we still lost the game. After Agh's, prob buy Dragon Lance, then Pipe and then Mek. Invoker's problem is his ability to aoe as well as single-target nuke, so Pipe+Mek can keep all your meepo's protected as you burn him down.

                        Or try building a fast Scythe of Vyse after Agh's, avoiding fights until you get it. You'll still need Blink so you can get the jump on him, however. Ultimately, any game against Invoker is gonna be a difficult game, though, but this is my scrub-tier two cents.


                          i always pray that invoker against me goes q-e instead of q-w when playing meepo. You are right that q-w is really good against meepo (most invoker players dont know that and goes q-e against meepo most of the time). To answer your question, i found this solution against q-w invoker (still risky), i had to find this coz i was playing meepo a lot at 6.86 patch and invoker pick rate was over %35 at that time.

                          I only give 1 point to "poof" at lvl 4 or later so i can tp between meepos, since q-w invoker always interrupts your poof with qqq or tornado, i dont even try to deal damage by poofing, so i always max geostrike against q-w invoker, buy boots & qb at the beginning, and get dust immidiately (because q-w invoker is fast af, and can always go invis if under attack so dust slows him down %20 percent and reveals him)
                          this is my skill build against q-w invoker: 1-3-4-2-3-3-3 (can up earthbind instead of geostrike at lvl 5 if u're having hard time catching him) at lvl 4, with boots and dust, q-w invoker is an easy kill. earthbind him, dust him and bash him to death (never use poof!) slow effect of geostrike + dust is amazing he cant run away from you, he may try to slow you down with tornado but the duration is so low that it doesnt even matter, did he use emp? u dont need mana u already used your earthbinds before emp exploded, and boom hes dead. having a hard time earthbinding him coz only 1 point on it? then attack him at lvl 5 instead of 4. lvl 2 earthbind is more than enough

                          edit: invoker is always a pain in the ass at late game too. So i get hex immidately after dragon lance if there is invoker on enemy team

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            if you play him mid you should just go jungle at level 5 and tell your support to leech exp mid
                            otherwise everytime you go for a wave you just take emp and have 0 mana

                            later in the game you can just tp base with travels if he hits you with combo
                            best strat in general is to jump him and dont let him hit spells


                              Go jungle at 3 and accept that some games you need to rat.