General Discussion

General Discussionteach me offlane sk pls

teach me offlane sk pls in General Discussion

    i have no idea how to play off sk


      up caustic, bring one more guy with you if they have at least 2 range heroes.

      if their carry is melee , you can kite with caustic + 8 tango + shield.


        should i go 2-0-3 or 3-0-2 at level 5?

        when should i get epicenter?


          Is offlane sand king better or jungle SK better? Heard caustic is da shit right now


            wait for cookie crixallis offlane guide. He will make one soon.


              SK caustic is ridiculous. It's crazy good now and b4 this but now one really notice.


                Actually I'd like to hear reasons why he is good in offlane now.


                  Because usually the carries are melee range these days and he shits on melees. And the supports spend way more time in jungle/mid/offlane than before, so offlanes have much more space to shit on melee carries. And he farms blink pretty fast even while being in offlane. It used to be a viable offlaner before, but not so popular. Now he's more viable, thus more popular.


                    Offlaners have no time to shit on carries 4.5k+.

                    Basically if you try to deny a creep with Luna's range or lower, caustic finale will REK you, but it pushes the lane.

                    He should be played in a dual composition imo.


                      tbh sk is really a better jungler than offlaner,


                        but jungling is easy all u have to do is get boots and some clarities or maybe a talon then max sandstorm then get blink and jump on people

                        unless its more complex than that i'd appreciate it if you give a tip on it too


                          pretty much that^

                          boots for sandstorm jungling, there's only a couple of tricks you need to know for faster daggers(7-9 min depending on spawn)

                          and talon + tango suicide jungling to go gank lanes


                            "and talon + tango suicide jungling to go gank lanes"

                            what does this mean

                            is it something close to that trick where u spend all ur money as a the jungler then die so u can save time

                            if it's that then im imaging a scenario where you'll buy a smoke + tp then die to creeps when ur near death the immediately smoke gank a lane once u respawn

                            if im wrong could u describe it more clearly

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              But by jingling u give up anylane pressure u could provide from a max caustic


                                yeah but you can provide huge map presence by min 7-9 when u get blink, not to mention if ur picking jungle sk that means you have another solo offlaner who can pretty much give the same pressure, like timber

                                plus you cant play sk off against anyone


                                  pretty much what you said, get items and level as fast as possible then die

                                  sk off against good opponents provides 0 pressure unless you're in a dual lane

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    so if the offlane is loaded by two joker high harassing baby sitting supports, what should we usually max and which camps to farm with sk?


                                      i think this gude is good nuff,

                                      Yung Beethoven

                                        "Offlaners have no time to shit on carries 4.5k+"

                                        thats just not true. I just had a game as sand king offlane and i dominated the lane pretty hard.
                                        caustic is just insane atm since it fucks up all meele heroes, and some range heroes with low range (luna, morph etc.)

                                        This is how you play him: get tangos, healing salve, a ward, a clarity. Maybe 1 iron branch. Save some money to get boots as soon as possible. Skill the caustic finale and try to get some last hits
                                        if you dont hit last hits, at least hit them once, so they'll explode. The enemy gets more and more harrassed, so you can try to kill them in a good moment, when they're nearby creeps.
                                        If you want to initiate with the stun; this is what you are looking for: a hero with 50% health creeps nearby. When you stun the hero + creeps. Hit everyone nearby with your caustic and try to kill a creep. Then everyone will explode and die. Exept you!

                                        the skilling depends on how much you get ganked, harrassed.

                                        "Easy lane":
                                        E - Q - E - Q - E - R - Q - E- Q...
                                        "harrassed lane": E - Q - W - E - Q - Q - Q - R - E - E ...
                                        how to skill on the harrassed lane really depends on whos on the lane.

                                        gl hf


                                          another good tip for offlane is if enemy has multiple supports but no aoe stuns and they don't have sentires/dusts you can skill sandstorm lvl 1 and get easily lvl 2 from the first creepwave without taking any harass


                                            @cookie im waiting ur guide bruh


                                              i'm still on a break.

                                              Coffee Bean~

                                                alice trying to learn lots of stuff lately XD... GL