General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre in low mmr games

Spectre in low mmr games in General Discussion
Creamy hole

    Hey, I have been trying to learn spectre, but it seems as though I get harrased out of lane no matter how much regen I buy. I am around 1.4k mmr, and my last hitting sucks, but I always seem to fall behind when I play spectre. Supports in 1k do not know how to zone properly, so I am always getting harrased it seems, but I only really notice this when I play spectre. Any tips to what I may be doing wrong will be highly appreciated.


      max dispersion buy poor man shield and armor ring

      other than that, get gud

      also dont get radiance if you cant get it until min 20 or so better buy diffusal and yasha and fuck them up

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Don't play Spectre. Pick Clinkz (Viper, Silencer, Huskar, etc) and harass them instead.


          I think take a value point in dispersion in the laning phase


            don't listen to 空白の魂 get radiance even if it's min 30, then rush manta for accelerated farming.
            but honestly don't play spectre in 1k it's like the worst choice for that bracket


              well ok you can get radiance anytime in low mmr game but its kinda bad to be with a naked radiance when clashes happen everywhere. i had spectre rush radiance but didnt make it in time and when midgame fights came he started to die over and over and lose because he had no items just either 3.6k gold or sacred relic and a vanguard

              Diffusal Blade with some other items is much better for fights imo

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                don't max dispersion. that is silly. look at how it scales.

                if you want to play a carry maybe work on what you can fix rather than whining about your supports? "my last hitting sucks" then go and practise it maybe?

                Creamy hole

                  @Rocket I am practicing my last hitting and it is improving, but it doesnt matter if I can or can't last hit if everytime I step near the wave I get smacked out of lane.

                  King of Low Prio

                    Buy transitional items, I usually buy phase vanguard, Aquila then radiance (sometimes magic stick if the lane is aggressive) so I can't be forced out of lane and I still can relevant during early stages too.


                      Don't miss your last hits and don't die. 1ks don't maintain lane equilibrium. Even if they force you so far out of lane that you can't leave the tower, you'll still likely be able to get more then half the creeps while under tower. If you somehow win lane with spec- gg. But most of the time when you only get some last hits when it's safe under tower, you'll still be a beast in the mid to late game


                        make item choices depending on the game. In low MMR, generously use haunt to get kills in the early and mid game, while in the late game save haunt for big team fights


                        Vem Comigo

                          A no no, you need to farm to much, and your kill potential isnt good enough, in low mmr games, carries that can kill and get away are the best options, since the game tends to be pure russian dota.


                            You don't need to get many last hits as spectre early game. Simply not dying is sufficient as long as you haunt in to kill secure efficiently.

                            Sorry if my first comment was a bit bitchy:-)


                              Get a stout shield either right at the start or as your first item in lane. Get a point in dispersion at lvl 1 or 2. If theyre harassing a lot but don't have much kill potential go for a ring of health first. If they can kill you from full, get boots first. So the first 3 items you get should be Stout Shield, Brown boots and a Ring of health. Then finish Vanguard and Phase boots in whichever order you feel is best for the game. From there you can just go into jungle if the lane is dangerous and Haunt in for kills whenever theres an opportunity. Haunt kills are the fastest way to catch up farm that you probably lost out on in lane so always be watching the map while farming. Your item build thereafter is up to you. In lower brackets Radiance is usually a good next item because the game probably wont end soon so you'll have time to farm.

                              par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                                Hey Mr. Mitochondria,
                                Most of my games played have been with Spectre. I have not played her a lot lately, but played her a lot before her buff last summer. I suck but manage a 68% win rate with her in these low tier games.
                                If you want to pub with spectre, low tier, here are my suggestions.
                                1) Don't die. Spec is selfish, don't die.
                                2) Ask/Demand for a dedicated support in the pre-game and at the picks. offer a commend, never whine to compliant players throughout the games entirety. they are potentially stuck playing 4v5 until you get online. You honestly should not ever expect something like this in low tier games ever so if you're committed to picking spectre don't get upset and tilted if this does not work out.
                                3) If you don't get the safelane for your team, expect more harassment. offlane spec with no zoning support won't get you much farm, but be patient and let the lane push to you. most offlane heroes should be aggressive with their denies if possible, but you need to stay alive so this is not the case. consider any lh's a blessing.
                                4) save mana for escape, always carry tp.
                                5) stay behind creeps, learn how to work the lane into your favor. If you never got a dedicated support or he/she is roaming, pull the camp rather than fight outside of tower range.

                                6) learn to juke opponents with dagger
                                7) i don't agree with the people who say get dispersion early, get at least 1 dagger first for the escape. dispersion gets stronger the more hp/armor you have and that just isn't the case with early game spectre unless you're rushing urn or drums.
                                8) know your role, if your team is fighting don't always ulti unless you are definately securing a kill (or more) and hopefuly without dying
                                9) last hits are important but don't get desperate for them. the worse thing that can happen is you die. make sure a ward is in place to protect you. even in a pub, this is not a bad idea as it's a 65 gold investment on protective vision.
                                10) if you're looking to try something new, get 12 tangoes paired with a stout or quell (and spend first 200 on the other item, then booties). you will be able to stay in the lane for a long time as long as you aren't stupid taking unnecessary damage or unaware of your opponents heroes skills. use your dagger to get items from ss if necessary.

                                11) if you're not getting jerked around and can safely farm radiance before any other item, do it. if you're stuck in a pub with 2 other cores then you should have enough space to radiance manta farm very efficently. learn to pull camps with your illusions as well so you can stack your gold.
                                12) learn to continue farming past the early game, not only to avoid bad fights, but because when your teammates apply pressure your opponents will be forced to respond creating openings for you to safely control your farm.

                                when you play spec, your team is depending on you to come out first or second in gold at the end of the game. she is a terrible early game farmer but with some help and smart play she will come online and never has to die once throughout the games entirety. Be aware as possible as to what you're about to walk into when you pop that ulti, it can be a death trap when you were better off farming safely.

                                also remember dota is a game where as the game gets less places on the map are safe. no vision at your safe lane tower at 00:00 and 05:00 is much different than 10:00 or *gasp* 15:00. respect missing calls but rely on learning to read the map yourself. once you have sustainability, make sure you begin farming from the jungle. use your own creeps to take damage if you can.