General Discussion

General DiscussionI like to hear your thoughts on interesting topic

I like to hear your thoughts on interesting topic in General Discussion

    Are you usually the highest mmr in your games, or never the highest?

    I wonder if this is a thing where some players are always matched with lousier teammates while they are the best player.

    Reason I ask is because I'm almost never the highest. And it has to be a thing, where some are always the highest in their team.

    Which do u prefer? Being the best player and carrying everyone? Or being the guy who kinda rides the momentum?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      When I am highest I let my team decide if they entrust me with the role of carry... I just keep quiet pre-picking supports for their reference because I am more confident in that role, and watch how the draft goes. If there are 2 carries picked OK I do my everyday support life thing. Everyone's pretty much on the same level (unless you're fucking smurfing and you know) so it doesn't really matter.


        Well not all games have equal mmr across the board. Sometimes the Highest is a little bit higher than the average. They always appear in my games. Yet I'm never the one who is higher than the average and have to play with noobs.

        1000 xpm

          jacked ur mmr is 1300. dont call other players noob. if u play ranked u have nearly the same mmr as ur teammates. there is no real difference in the skill lvl.


            Sorry I use Noob as a relative term. Anyone at least a few hundred lower than me is noob.

            Anyway that was my old mmr


              Usually not the highest mmr and not the lowest
              But I still carries the game anyway xd


                Usually not the highest, I hate being the highest
                Whem you are lowest mmr and pick drow it's a free win, I like it that way

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Sometimes (more often) got the highest..
                  But learning from experience, pick 3rd-5th is better and because honestly I play bad at mid in my tier, so when someone pick carry I pick offlane mostly support..

                  Dunno but often if the mmr difference more than 200 they expect u take mid then carry..

                  Maybe others have different experience..


                    It's random unless you are rtz


                      Doesn't seem random. There's always one guy above the bracket somehow. Then when I'm at that (higher) bracket, I'm never matched with ppl lower than me, but same pattern again. Maybe It is just my selective memory. Someone needs to check this shit

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        doesnt matter since even if im the highest mmr its only really just a 5-10 point difference

                        the only time when it matters is when im playing a party ranked game with my 2k homies, its either im the highest and i hafta play core or theres a guy who 3.1k to 3.3k where i can kinda just chill and play support and let them do the work


                          If I'm the highest mmr, I always go for core roles even though I prefer to go support, if I'm the lowest I play support

                          casual gamer

                            when im highest mmr the game is easier it feels like

                            i hate matches 4.9k avg with 2 5k 2 4.5k + me, fucking shoot me

                            Dire Wolf

                              how is this an interesting topic?


                                im usually getting higher av mmr games (thanks gaben)


                                  Usually every Player is highest mmr in 1/5 games.


                                    ^in higher mmr range its sort of biased to your rating. as high 5k u mostly get in higher games, as a 7k u usually get lower mmr games.

                                    Need to talk,remove your ...

                                      Once you hit 4.7k the average games gets super wonky; the time you que is also another factor.


                                        99% percent ppl will never hit 4700 lmaoo not even 4000mmr


                                          Doesn't matter. Unless there is a 1000 mmr difference which is unlikely in lower brackets. You're all around the same skill level