General Discussion


EAZIEST GAME OF MY LIFE in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    First sven dcs and abandons the game for the first 10 minutes
    lycan doesnt know what to fucking do and manfight everyone, and feeds early game,
    we are getting fucking wrecked on every tf, but i can get some kills and run away
    i am the main carry of my team until 40 minutes, when sven leaves jungle
    we push get racks and 2 enemy players dc, them more 20 minutes of back and fort
    a legion with 200 extra dmg (she had 70 at minute 20), we push and they push.


      dat aether lens AM stunned me :))

      p.s. necro dealt more dmg than you.

      Professor Dog

        Necro gets A lot of hd in late games with aura

        Johnny Rico

          maybe because after i got my deadalus, pudge and lion only wanted my fucking ass, after that sniper and necro strated getting gold from heroes and snowballed