General Discussion

General Discussioncarries that require a lot of skill

carries that require a lot of skill in General Discussion

    who are these heroes? so far i see morph and arc warden there on top of the list but arc warden is mostly a mid...


      In my opinion you can add to your list Anti-Mage , Lone Druid , Ember Spirit and Meepo . Yeah sure people might say about Ember that he' s only going to use his fist but before that you have to be pretty fast with the remnants and to time well the fist + chains combo .


        Mechanically: Ember/Meepo/LD/Morph

        Gameplay/Game Sense: Anti-Mage/CK/Medusa


          Just search heroes - meta and look for carries with high winrate disparity in 5K+ vs other ratings and u have your answer


            Really don't think dusas hard to play apart from weak 1-4 and getting basic farm patterns down

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              i heard from a youtube coaching video back then that its actually hard to farm up with ember

              i dont rly understand it, but is it because of his low stats + most of his skills are not that effective in the jungle?


                AM, ember, Morph, slark, naga, tb, pl, meepo, druid all have relatively high mechanical skill requirements.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Once you get a perseverence or BoT you should never have below 550 GPM on Ember...

                  Fee Too Pee

                    Huskar , u need to know how to rax at 20 minute when literally at most cancerous state

                    KYLO REN

                      ember is really have a bad winrate at 2k-4k bracket because no one want to push the freaking twer and ember cant deal too much damage on tower . so even when u have the advantage is kinnda hard to push alone unlike morph.


                        Slark (trying to purge shit 2 seconds before getting disabled is a pain in the ass)
                        Faceless void maybe?haven't met alot of people who can actually hit chronos other than my IRL friends
                        Ember isn't exactly hard,but has a very high skill ceiling


                          Almost forgot LD

                          Dire Wolf

                            how do medusa and chaos knight require a lot of game sense?

                            Don't forget invoker.


                              U can play slark without brain lul

                              Forget me not

                                @direwolf in the early game is like knowing full well enemy hero because at early medusa is prone to be getting picked off, know when the enemy is missing on the map, knowing when is it ok to farm jungle/ split push or join your team in a fight and in term how you can contribute in teamfight when the fight breakout how well you position yourself and timing your ss,
                                Just an my opinion because she is one of my favorite hero

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  we can all agree here that roshan is pretty hard to play

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Yeah but that's literally every carry who is squishy like drow, sniper, clinkz. If you're way out of position on clinkz one dust and you die. At least medusa has spell shield and her ult. You can pretty much ult and tp away from any gank. Idk I find medusa very straight forward to play, same with ck. Drow and sniper are a lot harder imo.


                                      Medusa can be played without much skill but she has a higher skill-cap than Drow or other simple carries. Sure you can turn on Split shot and mana shield then press R and run at enemies and you'll do okay, but theres a lot of things that a good Medusa does that many players don't. Toggling split shot on and off while farming and fighting depending on whether you need the AOE damage or the slightly higher single target damage is something I see a lot of players neglect to do. Positioning is also important in fights to make sure the split shot hits the enemies you want it to and not just creeps.
                                      The snake takes some skill to bounce effectively and using it at the right time in a fight is the difference between dying and having a full manapool again.
                                      Manashield is also something you need to toggle on and off in the early game to conserve mana and make sure you don't die to a gank. Turning it on too early may mean you don't have mana for ult or TP while turning it on too late means you die.
                                      The ult is fairly straightforward to use but timing it is not always so straight forward. Well timed it will win a fight and timed poorly it does almost nothing.

                                      All of that is on top of the regular carry stuff you need to know like farming efficiency, positioning, etc.
                                      Medusa isn't anywhere near the skillcap of carries like Morph or Meepo but she takes more skill to play efficiently than say a Sven or Drow. She's a bit like Ember. You can win games with him without being particularly skilled but theres a clear difference between a skilled ember player and an ember player that just farms well and uses sleight to win fights.

                                      casual gamer

                                        FV winrate goes up 5% from 2k to 5k even though hes usually regarded as a brainless hero


                                          I usually do better with game sense type heros than mechanically hard ones .


                                            Wolves need no armour


                                              Lone Druid and meepo are only carries that requiere high mechanical skill and high game sense.

                                              Carries like AM and Medusa just need a lot of space.

                                              Slark you just need a brain


                                                Morphing is hard hero?

                                                You split push to farm with boots of travel, you get linkens and eblade and either pick off solo heroes or farm and if the game proceeds , the enemy has to deal with morphing with skadi, manta, linkens, eblade , boots lf travel, Satanic etc..

                                                All you have to do is know when to morph.

                                                Sometimes watch ur mana so u have enough mana to morph and have 165 left to use wave to escape.

                                                Split push like crazy and always have an illusion to teleport to.

                                                Omce u have eblade u can look for pick offs with a guaranteed escape with ur illusion cause it lasts like 1 minute.

                                                If I get caught out ur linkens pops. U morph strength , and u instsntly teleport to ur illusion, whom hopefully is close to some more gold for u to farm.

                                                This hero can bring down towers so fast and go lane to lane fast with boots of travel and his ult.

                                                This puts pressure kn enemy to keep defending towers.

                                                They cant kill you cuz u can wave into trees and tp home or u can teleport to an illusion. Even if u get ganked u can make illusion of enemy , make it walk away, make enemy chase u, and the illusion.