General Discussion

General Discussionwhy did i underperform in my moprhling game?

why did i underperform in my moprhling game? in General Discussion

    can someone watch the first 15 minutes of this game ( to see what couldve been done much better?

    i laned against a mirana venge offlane with an omni as my partner so i couldnt really be aggressive at around lv 3 or else i'd die... should i have tried to grab a kill? i was just passively hitting creeps in my lane while not doing anything to gain a significant lead over them. could a morph-omni kill maybe at least VS? i felt like my farm as a whole was negatively affected by how poorly i did in the laning phase (33 cs in 10 mins omfg)

    also when mid game came my farm actually went down instead of up. i tried to farm jungle creeps as fast as i could, but my gpm wasnt increasing AT ALL. ofcourse i tried to pressure their top tower but idk if i did it right, should i have been more aggressive in taking towers even with my items at 15 mins, like, tp into a fight, probably get a kill then take the tower? afk farming morph doesnt seem to work for me

    casual gamer

      I might look at it later but I can tell u they probably did a poor job of zoning you from the creep wave and you probably did a poor job of abusing ur massive base damage to spam denies and get cs. in a tough lane getting roh before ur regen runs out is pretty important for obvious reasons


        You should have 100cs in 10mins as Morphling. Fail on it and you lose.


          yeah now i just completely lost my team the game

          i have no idea how to get farmed up as morphling during the first few minute


            Quit Doto. You're a cancer to your team.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              wow they buttfuc(ked chance to win that games with that techies pa and jugg and u dont know to farm more with morph ..
              morph is not hero for 2k 3k mmr his potential cant be maximized there its hard hero for u not worth spamming him

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                if i wont try to learn him now when will i learn how to play him? i dont believe that a hero shouldnt be used by a low mmr player because he wont be able to use it properly; sure, its true that i cant play morph properly and cant make the same impact as a VHS player would but thats exactly why im trying to learn the hero and everything related to it; if i can learn how to make those kinds of impact i think i'll get even more better


                  i never played morph and those hard heroes in 3k when i was or 2k...but i played tinker and have 460 games with him and i learned many more heroes cause of him ...maybe try im 4100 and this smurf is almost 4500 so im going good...MASTER one hero but not morph :D


                    kill urself bukakke. ur not funny or witty. I'm not watching it bc I'm in bed, but I can say a few things. start off with tango, salve, everything in wraith band but slippers. if it's a hard land get iron talon and just jungle. get roh before regen runs out. morph to 420 hp or insta loss.


                      boots help farm in the sense that you can move in fir cs faster and get out


                        Hey recent morph spammer here, If you have a hard time against Harras, get enough regen before you enter the lane.
                        After that get Poormanshield aquila/boots | boots/aquila depends on what you need.
                        If you got these items you are self sustaining and you will hit for around 120 damage at 6 minutes into the game.
                        its impossible for them to harras you, and you win the lane.
                        Forcing them to go somewhere else for kills, get tower damage and keep farming for that linken.
                        1 more thing, focus more on last hitting 200 cs at 45 minutes is dramatically bad.
                        And if you are really unable to get this amount of cs, at least go help with some kills instead of being a passive potato unable to do anyhing.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          i always start with 4 branches circlet and 8 tangoes, then buy wand asap into roh boots of speed perseverance/aquila

                          is this bad

                          also at what level can i start jungling with talon? is it fast enough? what are the general timings on my items esp linkens? when should i get a dragon lance and should i get it before linkens? treads or bot?

                          casual gamer

                            I'm watching the replay rn


                              how do i farm quickly in the jungle? max out agi with quelling.talon or commit waveforms? should i stack for myself if ned be?


                                thx ^ i would appreciate it if you would be as brutally honest as possible, i dont like being sugar coated on rofl, ofc as long as theres constructive criticisms behind it

                                casual gamer

                                  u start out the laning phase by autoattacking the creeps and killing ur lane equilibrium even though iirc u get all 8 creeps I the first wave this fucks you over a little for wave 3 and 4

                                  ur build is fine but you play very scared in lane. mirana has 12 less damage that you or smth and shes out denying you. when you get wave of terrorred u run back like u have negative 8 armor but ur hero still has 7 - 3 = 4 armor which is a fine amount as long as u abuse ur tangos. u start eating them late and don't always keep the tango buff on so by the time you have ur roh u still have 6 tangos and sometimes dip as low as 200 hp.

                                  try as hard as you can to buy the roh from the side shop. I'm at min 4 rn

                                  casual gamer

                                    ur omni is spamming single pull and pushing ur lane out like an idiot.


                                      when should i generally eat my tangoes


                                        god that question was dumb rofl

                                        casual gamer

                                          at 6:40 the combination of spamming wave of terror and omni single pulling leads to you losing your t1 tower, which is going to massively impact the rest of your game. at no point do you or omniknight attempt to glyph or deny the tower. at this point mirana has aquila + blade of attack, making her damage go from far lower than yours to about the same. at 7 minutes you get hit with a pretty blatant arrow, but the omni saves you and you walk back to base.

                                          at 14 minutes there is a fight going on bot and you could tp mid for at least 2 creep waves + tower damage but you don't, taking a few camps instead. this is a large inefficiency. they have wards in your jungle so the mirana stops your farm anyway

                                          you never use replicate either defensively or for regen. the multiple retards farming ur jungle (yay normal skill) means that u are never going to catch up unless you aggressively push empty lanes with a defensive remnant

                                          at 19 minutes you walk into THE SAME CAMP YOU GOT ARROWED FROM FOG IN FOUR MINUTES AGO THAT THEY DEFINITELY HAVE A WARD IN, and lo and behold, you get silenced, run into an arrow, and die

                                          at 21 mins you're missing creeps in an empty lane bottom, just hit each one 2x and waveform or try harder to get the last hit you just lost like 200 gold in 2 creep waves. you go aggressive on tinker inside march and he oneshots you with laser because you didn't morph enough str during the fight. you have no linkens or travels so fighting at this point without your team is going to end poorly no matter what. you do at least use replicate for the first time, but only as a shitty blink strike to get close to tinker

                                          at 24 minutes u farm an ancient camp, which is a great idea but if you had kited it you wouldn't have taken 500 damage doing so. at this point I notice that you tend to use waveform right away in fights instead of saving it, although when you ran into the venge you did at least have a remnant up. you finish your linkens at 25 minutes. you currently have the second most last hits and 5th highest net worth despite having 1/2 to 1/3 the creeps you would want to have

                                          for a while now you've been farming with a bunch of points in str. ur missing out on 24 damage/24 attack speed right now, which is going to cripple ur farming and pushing speed. they have no instant way to stop u morphing str besides ancient seal and you finally have your linkens so there's little reason to play so safe

                                          when u waveform to kill a camp don't just waveform in the camp. stand next to all the creeps and get them low enough then waveform as close to the next camp as possible.

                                          ok. min 27. you eat your replica to go mid, omni repels you, and you start hitting the tower. you still have a shitton of str. radiant glyphs so you know they are watching you. repel wears off so you know its on cd for 2 seconds. you see that the enemies heroes ARE MOONLIGHT SHADOWED, THEY ARE CLEARLY TRYING TO KILL YOU. YOU HAVE NO REPLICA. YOU WAVEFORM INTO THE PA+VENGE. they immediately stun you but pa doesn't blink strike and mirana doesn't arrow after missile. lucky for you, although omni probably could've saved your dumb ass anyway

                                          you again immediately blow waveform + adaptive at 28 mins with no replica. repel does not make you invincible. you can walk up to people and hit them without expending waveform, then use it to chase the kill or escape instead of wasting it for 325 damage

                                          28:30 ish you waste waveform on a creep wave and once again get maybe 2/5 of the last hits. try to hit each creep but the one your creeps focus 1-2 times, then waveform to instakill the whole wave. you also waveform in as tinker is tping, wasting your only escape. you have no clue how much mana tinker has, for all you know he can chase you with blink rearm dagon and kill you because you don't have replica and you wasted waveform accomplishing nothing

                                          still farming with 27 str, basically money down the drain

                                          you have 3/5 hp mid and full mana, you tp back to base instead of the empty lane bot. all the lanes are pushed out so you either farm jungle til bots cd or waste half a minute walking. at this point I don't think I've seen you hit 1 str since the beginning of the game

                                          2 creep waves in empty lane bot at 33 and you miss I think 5 creeps. just not being mindful of your waveform usage at all. you do the thing where you get each creep low enough for 2 creeps and then randomly waveform before the whole wave is ready I don't understand

                                          31 extra str that isn't agi, I'm sure it will get higher

                                          you suicide your replica so you have less escape

                                          at this point you have their melee rax at half hp, you would've killed it 100% if you started out at full agi. instead of committing to the rax you try to kill their 1600 hp mirana without eblade and die like an idiot. if you had just rightclicked the rax and morphed str maybe tinker would've had a lethal brain aneurism and forgotten to laser you after linkens. at any rate, you not taking the rax is 100% your fault, and you would've lived anyway if you didn't kill your replica against the enemy tower

                                          35 minutes and you've missed your eblade window by a large margin. very few heroes will be squishy enough to oneshot, and while the item is still great its not going to snowball you the way it would've 10 minutes ago

                                          waste waveform vs mirana, get double starstorm + arrowed, suddenly decide you want to go back to the lane full agi with 1/3 hp and you feed mirana because you only have 450 hp and you're not even looking at ur hero (you got arrowed) but she could've just leap > double starstormed anyway

                                          40 minutes into the game and you finally decide to try going more agi. at this point you have wasted so much gold between farming slow and dying and not tping where you should that your impact will be marginal no matter what you do. you didn't skill your ulti at level 16.

                                          41 minutes you have the eblade. you kill the pa with it when she overcommits 1v4. this is the start of the feed for them. one minute later tinker gets wk stunned and you combo him. boom 2 dead all rax down. gg you win

                                          the manta choice I would've gone for skadi. the swm was clearly braindead and I'm going to need mkb at some point vs laser and pa so I would've gone linken eblade skadi mkb I think

                                          dumb mistakes you made repeatedly

                                          1 you would use waveform when you didn't have replica up in an aggressive fasion, leaving yourself stranded in the middle of the enemy team with 385 ms

                                          2 you would use waveform on a creepwave and get 1/3 of the last hits

                                          3 you didn't morph full agi farming jungle post-linkens

                                          4 you played the laning phase way too scared, 0 deaths but less than 40 cs at ten minutes

                                          5 you showed up to fights WAY TOO MUCH in the early game. all you want to do is split push, farm linkens + travels, and stay alive

                                          6 you almost never took ancient camps they give u a shitton of gold dude

                                          the combination of failure in lane and overcommitting in fights lead to u being behind on gold all game despite ur team doing pretty well (lol wk + omni rape train)

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                          casual gamer

                                            eat ur tangos all the time if u don't have 100% hp in lane and theres still enemies eat a tango. if u know ur going to run out plant ur 2 cute little trees so they last longer

                                            holy wall of text

                                            casual gamer

                                              sry if I'm harsh I doubt you played significantly worse than anyone else morph isjust a difficult hero


                                                i learned a lot from there mate, especially that part where i morph all of my str to agi. im actually playing rly scared, being paranoid that id get nuked to death if i always have 1 str but yeah thats a fault on my part. im actually cutting out on a lot of efficiency by doing that

                                                i also think i got the gist of playing post-laning morph; focus on farming linken-bots then aggressively splitpush whenever replica is up. should i be putting my replica on my jungle or lane or does that depend on the situation?

                                                also in the early game im hesitant about when to split push and stuff like that, im always thinking "someones hiding to kill me" esp in that case when they can silence me to prevent me from morphing out

                                                casual gamer

                                                  ur biggest worries are invis and blink heroes with silence or a crazy shitton of damage like a lvl 11 veil blink earthshaker

                                                  where u put the replica is situational and is mostly about where you want to end up when you have to use it (often another lane that is pushing)

                                                  ill look for a game where i actually play well but honestly u can probably just look for an rtz game or whoever is playing morp right now

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  casual gamer

                                                    nyx i hate playing against fucking nyx

                                                    you have to be careful vs antimage and end fast because he turns into a nightmare

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      2615638063 I played at game with the pretty much "standard" way of morphling. It was by no means a difficult game because my team snowballed every lane hardcore, but it should at least show the playstyle you should be going for. if played correctly, it's pretty impossible to die.


                                                        morph needs a FREE lan to farm bcz he is ranged hero without any dmg reduce or hp regen ( no poor man shield bcz he is ranged ) and can be zoned out by any hero. omni cant help against these guys u said and its not rly ur fault.
                                                        Im 4k if u are higher than 4k just ignore me :X


                                                          ^you can keep urself at high agi and just be ultra agressive, spamming q and just rightclicking enemy offlaner


                                                            i always ban antimage and play morph if hes banned

                                                            theres not much aa/et/nyx players in low tier anyway


                                                              Why is aa and et a counter?


                                                                aa prevents you from morphing into str unless u wanna die, and et removes all defenses that you have with natural order (usually at 1 str u have 40+ armor, et removes that 40)


                                                                  now i know