General Discussion

General DiscussionTell me how to win games in this kind of situation, what has to be do...

Tell me how to win games in this kind of situation, what has to be done to win? in General Discussion

    I was the only support, went safe lane with am, against a dk solo hard lane, we killed him at the rune and moved to lane.

    The first minutes i harassed dk cuz i was not sure if he had the passive, as hegot low life, i kept this, am should be farming i believed.

    Pulled the lane twice i think, them by the 4mins i think the dk was always high hp, so i guessed he had the passive on more than 1 skill, it was impossible to get him, and also i didnt want to leech the exp from am.

    Back to base got a smoke, boots, and went mid to gank invoker against my od, we killed him.

    Back to base to regen cuz i tanked the tower a bit, went top to help my bristle back that was solo against disruptor and slark (both were very low hp) so we dived them, i died, but we got both kills and bristle was alive.

    AM starts to flame me, cuz i left him alone against a dk, i checked his items, he was going from brown boots to bfury, and dk had an armlet already, tower down, meanwhile we had a elgion jungle, and the other team a wk jungle.

    Guess which jungler made the dif, and guess who our legion tried to duel.... yeah, like idk how can a supp do the difference to win a game.

    I dewarded them, pretty much, had wards scouting the enemy, and team kept getting ganked by slark and wk shadow blade

    they took roshan and came high ground mid,

    my od force staffed me in the mid of them, i asked why and he said i was the initiator with my stuns (a supp 5 ogre with arcane boots and wand, plus wads and dusts)

    like hoooowwww? is this the kind of game that is impossibru to win, cuz my cores were not reliable enough, draft error? i know that a legion with am, od, britle and ogre is not the best team to win duels. but hey, i cannot do shit if there are always brainless junglers in my team, while the other one rly made the dif when got online.

    ps* i dropped my items an set wards in from of base after that force staff cuz the game was done

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      Kids in lower mmr don't understand how to jungle and be effecting while jungling. I would have left the bristle back to solo, let him just have his levels you an under leveled ogre could not do much to help top lane. Try to stack the pulling camp once then pull to completely clear out the wave and deny the enemy offlaner tons of exp. the gank mid was okay, but you should have told the jungler on your team to get his head out of his ass and gank bot lane whenever you pulled and the lane was pushed back. Your am was kind of ass though so in the end even if you did all you could it wouldn't have mattered much because he was not that good. Low mmr games try to carry though, you picked a sup who can't transistion into carry if you need to, so no there was not much you could have done to win the game, however, that's dota. You can't win every game fam some times things don't go right. Hell last game my offlaner went 2-22 and this is right next to 3k mmr. Shit happens lol Glhf tho