General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone analyze the first 10-15 mins of my last 2 losses?

Can someone analyze the first 10-15 mins of my last 2 losses? in General Discussion
Président® Salted Butter

    I'm doing pretty bad right now ( 45.95% winrate on ranked vhs ), can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I must focus on to improve my game?


      u didnt die alot 11 deaths for 55 min game is normal ..
      your kunka carry is so fucking bad to pick tinker was ok with kills but didnt had alot items he had 3 items
      maybe u missed some ultis....
      as items are concerned maybe go force staff for tide stun but slark pounce can disable force so u must be carefull....i really dont see u did bad as winter i hope u warded all time ...your team was total trash
      ribick game they all had aghanims alch had 1100 gpm 700 lasthits u obviously didnt kill him so much when he was lane pushing u could smoke ..was close game everyone had items but they had aghanims all and so maybe thast why u lost