General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat items should i prioritize as invoker

What items should i prioritize as invoker in General Discussion

    My last few games as invoker (besides the most recent) I have been going QE, buying null > boots > midas, however i read a few guides and all of them said to "spam your forge spirits in lane and buy an early RoB to get FS armor higher and regen early is rlly helpful too." so i did that this last game and it worked really well, however when should i buy boots, and if im going for euls should i buy the wind lace immediately after boots? Also When should i upgrade brown boots into BoT. Once i finish BoT and euls i normally go for Aghs, however i normally get it by level 13-14 and it doesnt really come into play for another 4 minutes after i buy it. So should i buy a different item then aghs or continue to just build aghs? Afterward i go for octarine core because i can spam tornadoes and emp from a distance and always have alacrity up during fights. The only thing is that i never see VHS players buy octarine that early and i dont know of any other items to buy, so what should i buy?

    TL,DR: Critique my invoker build

    P.S. Just be brutally honest about my invoker, im sure its shit but i want to get better with the hero because he is so much fun and seems easy to climb with once you have learned him at a higher skill level than your opponents

    Here are three of my games:

    casual gamer

      euls is not as good as other items I think?

      buy bkb more, usually when u are already lvl 17 and are looking for extension type items

      I doubt octarine is usually the correct item? it gives good stats but I think there are higher impact items such as sheep, necro, bloodthorn (late), bkb, ghost etc

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        ^euls is for the eul > sunstrike > meteor > deaf blast combo, in terms of that is it good or should i stay away from the item.

        casual gamer

          the combo sucks because u cant kill carries like morph am etc with it ever, you cant kill anyone else with it past 25 minutes

          supports will have force or glimmer and carries will have bkb manta etc

          casual gamer

            morph am jugg pl pa sven lc fv etc. none of them will die to ur combo

            even shit like slark will live rofl

            some support can live without item. or can fuck you so you die too because they can drop spells like false promise, static storm, ice blast, etc before they die

            it still removes silence and lets you euls blink and gives regen and ms and int but so do other items

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            STE 8-1-8

              I am still trying to learn invoker but from what I understand is that invokers are flexible in what role they play, if you need to gank and burst people down euls early might be good in some situations, if you have the space to farm then go aquila-midas-aghs, if you need to push then add drums before aghs. It all really depends on what role you are playing.

              The main boots of choice are phase, BoT, and the less common power treads but you need to decided what is best for the game.

              I think is why I think invoker is so hard to play because it takes a lot of game knowledge to know what item you need form game-to-game, but your first item will determine how you will play the game, anyway keep at it and don't limit yourself to a single build and look at more guides, maybe take a look at some good invoker players see what they do vs certain line ups.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Euls is good for removing debuffs such as silenced, you build accordingly to what your enemies are

                casual gamer

                  ^^ and bkb


                    ^Yet Eul's is an item that comes much earlier and quicker, and is also useful for interrupting channels, setting up ganks, and catching players out of position.


                      ^and those nc movespeed and mana regeneration

                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                        I usually go with the same build start with wraith band feire fire branch 2 tango then get boots RoA and midas after that i get drum and after lvl 8 i can rape any hero in map with just cold snap ,2 forge and drum , use sunstrike if necessary . After drum i go straight aghanim then bot , dagger , bkb and after all that depend on the situation . Try to push towers after you get 2 forge


                          If you're buying Euls for the combo you'd be better off staying away from the hero.

                          That combo is only good in low skill brackets, you cant kill heroes like juggernaut or morphling, you should get Euls for the disable and the purge it gives you.


                            Aquila is value, same w/ drums. BOT's are amazing


                              Don't get euls for the combo, get it defensively


                                Prioritize tangos and clarity. They're your lifeline.


                                  First ten min, buy boots wand Aquila then midas, this Is better than rushing midas


                                    Im a die hard fan of aquilla on agility cores. But i cant understand this roa trend on invoker. Isnt it better to just make bracer or urn and rush midas, even on qe voker


                                      not an invoker player but the way i see it, is that exort invokers were already getting basilius for mana regen and for pushing early. an wraith band is similar in stats to a null talisman, but because it builds into aquila it's more slot efficient than having a null + basi.


                                        ^makes sense. Still tho, one cud go for null + basi. Dont feel slot hungry for sometime on invo

                                        casual gamer

                                          drops wand travels midas aquila + 1 (void stone/point booster) then you have to get rid of the drop for blink or whatever after ur first item

                                          so you benefit from not going null+basi because you can have wand and an item component as opposed to 1 or the other