General Discussion

General DiscussionThat moment when you top both the charts on your side: Damage dealt, ...

That moment when you top both the charts on your side: Damage dealt, Hero heal - as an Oracle :/ in General Discussion

    How do I get out of such games?



      me, government hooker

        that moment when u have tangoes in ur inventory at 39 mins


          Haha. I was hoping to save that Morphling with my tangoes :P


            So now raping the E button on an enemy hero is a thing?


              That moment when 7 out of 10 of your most played heroes are sub 50% winrate.

              stupid fuck 2000

                that momen when noone gives a shit


                  Because I don't like playing heroes I win with. I do want to improve, but I never spam heroes. If you look at my games, you'll rarely find an occasion where I played a hero back to back.

                  I was just looking for some advice here. I find myself in these matches often, and I feel helpless and annoyed. I almost regret picking a support, but well...look at the team


                    If pressing E is so easy, shouldn't the Drow be doing much more with mere right clicking? You should know :P



                      Potato Marshal

                        You didn't do an absurd amount of damage, it's just that your morphling and drow were practically afk.


                          Worst place to complain about your shitty teammates is this site with all honesty. You see the amount of cancer in dota?
                          X20 that and you get dotabuff.
                          Full of ignorant, disrespectful, unhelpful and trashy people with sky high ego's thinking they're better than everyone else, where in reality, they are the shittiest of the shit. All you'll get here is included but fucking certainly not limited to is:
                          1) K.
                          2) Kek
                          3) Mmr shaming
                          4) k/d ratio shaming
                          5) rofl
                          6) git gud
                          7) noob
                          8) you suck
                          9) you're the worst one on both teams
                          10) screenshotting your profile
                          11) (Get creative scumbags.)

                          So I say don't really bother look for advice here. Maybe try reddit, you'd be MUCH better off. And don't let these retards bother you, because they're just garbage, and not really worth your time.

                          There's a reason this game has the shittiest community, grow the fuck up.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            ^Problem with this...
                            "Worst place to complain about your shitty teammates..."

                            In most cases (not all), when someone is complaining about teammates, the COMPLAINER is USUALLY the CANCER!
                            There is little to no need to complain about team mates when you could improve by a thousand.

                            @OP, if you want to get good with a hero, and the game in general, I would advise you to find a few heroes you really want to play, and stick with them for a while. It doesn't do you a whole lot of good to play Oracle today, and never play him again until next week/month. Why? Because during that week you will forget the heroes abilities, or that his cooldowns are "x" amount of time. These things you need to get to know like second nature (meaning, without having to stare at your abilities in a fight). Spamming the hero will let you learn all those things, down to the attack / spell animations.


                              you did relatively better, but you didn't play amazingly well.

                              also your draft has no stuns. you coulda picked a better support


                                btw, I was smurfing on my friend's 2.2k account the other day and I won the game as oracle position 5:


                                  I think you summed it up perfectly. Most of the responses are aimed at trolling, than being useful. Hopefully, the very few useful responses are worth it :)

                                  I know I didn't play amazingly well, and I don't mind that. I don't mind if my teammates play badly, as long as they are trying. Morphling didn't farm, and didn't let Drow get the farm. Invoker was actually good, but his "holier than thou" attitude only added to the frustration.

                                  Should I just pick another carry, and join the bandwagon - that way, I can be equally bad, and less annoyed?

                                  I play DoTA just for fun, and I'm happy to lose a good game. But sometimes you are paired with some players (on your side, or on the opponent - it's equally bad), it just ruins the game.

                                  Honestly, I don't know what I am looking for here :P (I guess I was just looking for a place to vent out the frustration)


                                    I agree, I could've picked a better support. But I was not the last pick. Morphling took almost a minute extra and came up with that :/

                                    Acc Buyer

                                      I'm amused by the stupidity of this post


                                        I'd say you get amused rather easily :P


                                          it's actually super easy to get shitton of kills as oracle
                                          but it's not often game winning


                                            You should expect this scenario then. Do you expect your low mmr team to draft accordingly?