General Discussion

General DiscussionOctarine on TB

Octarine on TB in General Discussion
Arek Akashi

    I remember a 2k player asking if octarine core is decent on TB , it is so fucking good, specially vs cleave damage team (Sven Kunkka) or if u are trying to win solo u split like a naga or even better considering u can get a tower in a couple of seconds (check my next-to-last game) , IT IS INSANE 5TH item

    თემა შეიცვალა



        You aren't building Radiance on your TB, so why build the O-Core?


          Larger number of illusions and lower cooldown on met, I guess...

          Potato Marshal

            Here's a pro TB build I came up with. Start with a Shiva's Guard recipe, then farm arcane boots (important for spamming illusions since it costs 70 mana!), then finish off your Shiva's Guard (combined with your incredibly high base armor means you'll never take physical damage ever again!). Being nearly invincible now, you can safely farm your farming items without fear of getting ganked, build a Battlefury and Midas to accelerate your farm even more. You will be swimming in gold by the 1 hour and 20 minute mark. Now you'll need your damage items, I recommend getting a Veil because it amplifies the damage of Arctic Blast. Buy a courier at this point if your team doesn't already have one. Your sixth item is situational, either get an urn for even better nuke damage and tankiness, or a bloodstone if you need to emergency suicide.


              Id say only when u do radiance build


                You aren't building Radiance on your TB, so why build the O-Core?

                Larger number of illusions and lower cooldown on met, I guess...

                and his 1st will gain lifesteal


                  Thanks for the laugh potato, I'll definitely try that build sometime soon.

                  Your mom

                    ITT people think octarine only gives spell lifesteal...


                      ^LMAO. No, the Radiance is what allows you to split push with maximum efficiency. No one here even mentioned the spell lifesteal.

                      Dire Wolf

                        It's bad, but I can think of worse items. I wouldn't kill someone in chat for building it. Skadi is way better though.

                        Johnny Rico

                          Here's a pro TB build I came up with. Start with a Shiva's Guard recipe

                          gg report