General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Sniper sort of ok now?

Is Sniper sort of ok now? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    His shrapnel keeps getting buffed to where it deals an absurd amount of dmg now. I still think the recharge is way too slow, and he's still food for certain gankers, but his win rate is now over 50% in all brackets last month. I played a couple games and he still seemed fine. Ignore farming builds, get s&y and dragon lance and start fighting right away. Course my team made good space in both.


      A wild slark appeared

      Bad Intentions

        Shiny dagger incoming

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          ...but uncounterable shady blade keeps small guy out of trouble.

          casual gamer

            ^^ not in anything above 3k unless you have an oracle up ur ass purging dust off 24/7


              ^Too often I see my 4.5k MMR teammates trying to gank invis heroes without any detection. Why? Because they have no slots for dust - most common excuse.

              Dire Wolf

                I played a sniper last night and it fucking sucked and he was awful too, but he's impossible to push high ground against. Idk I think he's ok in this meta.

                Johnny Rico

                  pick sniper
                  go solo off
                  have your treant heal you for the whole lane
                  build dominator
                  stak ancients
                  farm ancients
                  literally all i did in the fucking game


                    Did you drop your boots for the rapier?


                      Just had this ez game with mid Sniper in my team.


                      Volvo, nerf Sniper please...

                      Johnny Rico

                        @rocket i bought it, lul i didnt even buy boots

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        casual gamer

                          people are 10x more likely to buy dust for sniper than they are for, say, riki or nyx

                          theres just an instinctive hatred of the midget

                          shrapnel does a shitton of damage but still has the cast delay and long cd

                          if u use it to farm large camp stacks it exacerbates the problem also

                          casual gamer

                            also u will have much higher gpm farming large camp stacks until you have multiple large damage items.

                            ^soultrap ull notice in ur game they have 5 melee with minimal gap closer. sniper is amazing in that scenario

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            bum farto

                              Snipers shrapnel has been really good for ages, have you been living under a rock?

                              saving private RTZ

                                no. Drow does everything he does better, i think, With dragon lance she even outranges towers just like Sniper and can siege easily. With agha mjolnir is just as hard to go highground against her. Also the hero is much more relevant early and midgame then sniper

                                casual gamer

                                  sniper is a million times better in the ultra lategame than drow


                                    In that game u mentioned @Hook you had a 22 kill spectre and a 18 kill necro... Anything works if 2 of your teammates get out of control.


                                      Here is some blue star saying that shrapnel been good for aegis...i used to never get point to this skill....stats much better....but now is shrapnel very very strong....



                                        You need only 561 base attack range to outrange towers with Dragon Lance.

                                        ATM there are 28 heroes in DOTA 2 who can outrange towers.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                        bum farto

                                          Well the difference between you and I pippo is that if you were to bring your normal skill, item, and stats build into lets say a game where I am, I would literally punish you all game. Snipers saving grace with the early game is that he's hard to tackle in a dive if you have shrapnel, and even if you die you can possible trade kills. With no shrapnel early game and at max 1-2 points in stats you're massively easy to punish without any recourse.

                                          I think the point which it became good was year beast. They made a small nerf then pumped the dmg back up again if I'm not mistaken.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Drow and sniper are very different heroes with incredibly different roles and play styles, I'm not really sure why people camp them together other than they are both ranged I guess and like to build dragon lance?

                                            I don't think drow does everything sniper does but better, they do different things entirely. A good sniper team is a team who can protect the front line and keep heroes off of him, like tide and axe, and sniper is really good at killing some melee carries with headshot and shrapnel. A good drow team has to be drafted around her aura and push well. You need to make space and protect drow in team fights too but she is a pushing hero and requires a totally different team.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              I would think about Sniper(bec i like him to play) if we have a Drow save

                                              bum farto

                                                Drow comes in early to mid and is more around pushing objectives and teamfighting. Falls marginally off later game.

                                                Sniper stands in the back of most fights aiding with shrapnel, right clicks opponents and assassinates people leaving fights.

                                                Both are good in team fights, right clicks, and pushing/fighting. It's all dependent on what stage in the game, items you built, and the availability of farm.

                                                Shrapnel does help a stomped sniper at least help or farm, if you're relying only on your stats and right clicks you're going to have to hope your team is good enough to make a HG defense and take games to 50+ minutes.


                                                  Idn why you talk about how you punish me up there, but first spell used to be useless on sniper, doesn't matter if you miracle or me

                                                  bum farto

                                                    Used to be when? December 2014 was about 2 years ago.



                                                      Yea, you said its been very good for aegis,but its been "very good" since last buff


                                                        I enjoy playing Sniper, but at 2.9k mmr if you pick him your teammates instantly start flaming you. So, he's very situational for me. I feel Dragon Lance is core on him, but there are still tons of builds that are viable. But then again, I'm just a normal skill player trying to GitGud.


                                                          Shrapnel is really good until the enemy PA farms a BKB.


                                                          Sniper gets fed 13 kills and 10 assists in 25 minutes. At this point I had only 3 kills (1 solo kill on enemy invoker thanks to my own skill).

                                                          Sniper shrapnel+veno+sand king stun and sandstorm = impossible to fight against. Thanks to the constant feeding of the 4 stack I got paired with a 15 thousand exp gap opened up by 30 minutes. Tried to take a team fight at 24 minutes to defend a tier 2 and 3 of us got wiped easily from all their constant slows and magic damage. 30 minutes was also coincedentally the time I finished farming my BKB.

                                                          So at 33 minutes with me with just BKB, Battlefury, Phase, Aquila, and a Vanguard (about 13k worth of items) we took a full team fight at a 15 thousand exp disavantage against a clinkz, Veno, SK, Invoker and Sniper who by that point had treads, aquila, MoM, SnY, Eye of Skadi (14k worth of items - I had more than double his CS at 30 minutes which was the only way I kept pace with him). With a 10 second BKB it was a complete team wipe of the enemy. Just by farming an 4k item which gave magic immunity I go from being unable to do anything against their team to team wiping them, meanwhile an equally farmed Sniper who feed all the gold off 23 kills/assists in 25 minutes goes from constantly getting kills to just dying

                                                          Just 6 minutes later we take another team fight in the dire jungle (with newly completed abyssal blade and 8 sec BKB). WD gets caught out warding by Sniper, Riki and I back him up though not before sniper kills him. We claim Aegis. SK and Clinkz come in to back up Sniper. Riki and I kill all 3 by ourselves (I get triple kill). Game sort of over by this point but I love farming so take another 20 minutes to get fully 6 slotted before finishing.

                                                          TLDR - Sniper fed 23 kills/assists in 25 minutes, does nothing but die once enemy PA gets bkb.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            lol ok murranji, but you do realize that sniper is a fucking moron with a shit build? Going against a riki and PA you sead he finished skadi before mkb... wtf? That's completely retarded since there's riki smoke and pa dodge. Also mask is a terrible sniper item now. My guess is he pops mask and you get 2 hits in and then necro ults him. So yes I can understand how you won. He did a pretty piss poor job farming too. Against a team like that sniper needs to get lance and hang way the fuck back. With mkb he will have you at half hp in a couple seconds.

                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                              @dire wolf,

                                                              drow usually needs a frontliner as well, or would like one, thats why we've seen a lot of huskars(which also benefits from her aura ofc and is very good at pushing early with aegis) or voids coupled with drow at the international. Drow hates gap closers even more than sniper since if someone is up her face she loses half her damage.

                                                              Anyway, no i think Sniper is not in a good place right now, he is definetely playable but you have to draft around him which is not feasible in pubs and people will usually flame u for picking him.

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                yes that's true, but you draft a very different team for a drow than you do for a sniper and their skill set is very different. They don't fill the same roles other than they both right click a lot of dmg, but drow's a pusher, you need to pick a ranged team around her to get aura benefits, sniper you just want a shit ton of front line and make game go late so he can get farmed. Drow would actually prefer to end game early right as she hits level 16 cus she's never going to be stronger than right then.