General Discussion

General Discussionhow to calibrate at 4k-5k mmr match making ??

how to calibrate at 4k-5k mmr match making ?? in General Discussion

    i just want to know


      u gotta be kidding...fu'ck you stupid bitc'h


        inb4 git gud

        inb4 k

        inb4 flame

        inb4 benao stroking his ego

        casual gamer

          be a 4k-5k player and play all the matches on the account?

          ppl cheating into 5k-4k bracket actually so cancer. pls do not try to play this game at a level u cant handle u will just lose 90% and want to slit ur wrist


            1. git gud
            2. k
            3. u scrub, you can't get 4-5k calib without being a 4-5k player
            4. *summoning benao*

            real answer: pay me and i'll do it for you


              Took you 11 games to reach vhs bracket on your first games. Probably your a 3k-3.k gamer

              me, government hooker

                how to calibrate at 4k-5k matchmaking rating match making



                  RIP star?


                    where are your stars gg


                      im in a very high skill bracket so is that means that i can calibrate to 4k ?


                        Commended ywn😂


                          nope, some 2ks get placed in vhs. there was a guy yesterday screaming at everyone on the forum on how his unranked games were HS>VHS But his first calibration games were in 2k

                          casual gamer

                            I have no star because I'm 4k for LIFE

                            i am actually just treading water. i guess I'm retarded because people have gotten way higher in way less time

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            10 Pesos Echo Slam

                              gg .


                                Star disappearing apocalypse.
                                And git gud is obviously the answer.

                                everyone had a bad day

                                  fuck bitches and get money LUL


                                    Well i dont even touch the 3k mmr :'(