General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i get to 2k

how do i get to 2k in General Discussion

    Also, go check your games; you'll notice that when you win, its because someone or all of your team mates are pushing and taking towers, not just getting kills. Objective gaming win games more than you think.


      objective gaming IS the only way to win games. why? because the only way you can win is by destroying the enemy ancient.

      i mean you can technically also win by spawn camping your enemies for 1 hour till they give up on life and abandon the game.

      but technically then the game destroys the ancient by itself.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        i give up on playing carry anyways


          can you really get 100 cs as 20 dmg morphling because the range and the catapults have more than 20 damage
          especially when creep has 20+ damage and you cant kill it but ranged creep can and does killing ancient with huskar count because it can be easily done within 10 mins

          aspiring to crusader

            @reaper you just autoattack the creep once first... This means that it will have 20hp less than it would have at the optimum time to hit it which should make it an easy cs


              BE LIKE ME LEGIT 4K EZ


                just pick a roaming hero. you get at least as much farm farming out of position enemy heroes than creeps at this mmr. also, it is great for team morale to be leading in kills at 10mins, your team mates will feel loved because they have been involved in kills with you, they'll be winning their lanes because you've killed whatever they are versus.

                riki, bara, bh all work. especially riki. the cost of detection is a higher proportion of net wealth than at higher mmrs and forcing the supports to buy sentries really sets them back.

                there's also the advantage of not having to compete with anyone for a lane.


                  Hi. I decided to post here cuz i noticed most of comment are from higher mmr player. And no one said what i true believe that works. The thing is... i was 860 mmr and i loved playing as mid or care and i always got toxic players. When i decided to get good. To get my mmr high.

                  So. First of all you must always play thinking of winning the game. Every fuckibg decision. So try to be last pick. Focus on what your team really needs. I mean... if there are 4 carrys already pick a full supp.. but dont spent too much time on babysitting. They are good players dont trust them. What you shold do is try to create as much space as possible gank since level. I got now 2.4 k mmr. And am still getting higher. I almost never pick carry. Only when there are 2 supp and a offlane already. I had a 75 % winrate with earthspirit bacn on 1k . Ganking mid since level 1 and the another gank to safe lane. Ir does not matter if you die. It does matter tou core kills the other miz. So he gets fat. Most of time in this bracket there are invis heroe. So do.t wait them to be fed to buy a gem. Rush it if needed. Dont rush itens like aganins on crystal. An force staff maskes you so much better. And then dagger ghost rhis kind of thing. On late game dont try get in mid of team fights. Stay hidden use ur speels hide again and when of cd use it again.. always prefer buyback over an item when yours t2 are already destroyed and take care for your team status of buyback before any decision? Talk to them. Help them even if they are toxic save them. Every one can play antimage and farm a lot and them carry. It is sooo easy if enouth space. What is hard. Is to create that space. And if u r a good player thats ur fucking job. Try to counter pick the other team. If they have wk pick keeper. If they have riki pick zeus and so on. And gankk a lot. And another thing. If you ant counter pick. Pick someone that will realli help ur team. I had like 60 winrate with a fucking wisp. And i dont even know to play that bastard. Dont steal last hit from your cores. When one of them gets near to some lane. Dont fucking touch the creeps never. Stack for them. They will carry the game. They will be happy . They will be toxic. They will say ez mid. But deep down. You were the one who won the game alone. Ps wacth people on higher mmr playing heroes like eartspirit . You will se how fucking op is one gank on early game. Always have a tp to help any lane that needs. And when other team is stronger. Get back. Now when to get back and let towers down and when to push. Dont let your core die . And will come the momment he is fat. Dont blame no one for any reason. Awayls be positive. Always say good gane this kind of stuff. It motivates ppl . . Ward a lot. Ward is game breaking. Rally. In 1k no one plays supp. So the other team will have no ward. So you cank gank them ezzzzz. Ward their jungle. Your spirit braker will love that. Ward your jubgle. So your team wont be ganked. Buy smoke. Use it to get places.
                  I also had a high winrate playing heros that are not often picked in that braked . So people are not used to counter them. Like lanaya or morph. Both pretty strong on mid when playong corretly.but only when you are last pick . And there aree no mid. AlWyas have a fyckibg dust if there are shadow blade on the other team. Before pushing one tower ward in the area around and sentry it always. And also when defending. And on rosh of course. Good luck man.


                    First of all you must always play thinking of winning the game.

                    your whole comment can be summarized from the first sentence--^


                      Also. If there are a jungler in their team gank gim after a while neutrals creeps have spawned. And then again and again. Ward ez camps so it will nor respwn. He will try mediu camps and you will gank him there. If he goes for any hard camp under levwl 2 or 3 there are no need to gank he take more damage then he can afford and will have to get back to fountain . Remberm to have a tp and a boot so you can run away if he decide to fight. Tp out only after the stun if he has.. when playing on safe lane. Buy the courier of course and all in regen itens if you playing supp on a ranged supp. Stack easy camps on .54. And pull them twice in a row cuz u stacked. Get last hits. For the reason that inth is bracked is most of times 2 1 2. You core will be leve4. By the time you sre level 2 . And the two enemy heroes also level 2. So you can be fucking agressive now witha correct warding. Thats y all that regen itens i said. Use tango if full hp before engaging. Remebem you dont want tp kill them. You will get the will if free kill. But most important is to make them loose hp and get back to fountain as often as poasiblem. Making your core with free farm. And when possible let him get the kill. If done correctly the creeps should be behind yur tower. So it will be easy kill if the become agressive. Use rege. On you core since he will have to tank the creeps so your tower dont get down. Heroes like oracle rubick and disruptor are pretty strong doing this with an imensive potential off kill on early game.


                        If you really want to raise your mmr, focus on one role only and try to master atleast 3 heroes from that role. Sure playing other roles will give you more knowledge about the game but, when it comes to mmr you have know your role and own it


                          eyy cookie , tnx for challenge after going the 600 lh in 30 min in lobby, my last game on AM 11 min bfury 66 lh @10min & 800 gpm xpm at the end i had butterfly comming in the courier too ))