General Discussion

General DiscussionThe new sniper/alch Lina build

The new sniper/alch Lina build in General Discussion

    So I tried this out in some bot matches. Probably not really viable atm except if you are smurfing, but pretty fun.

    This build focuses on Lina as a right clicking hard carry because of the 1.6 BAT rather than burst/magic damage.

    Six slotted build is Mjollnir, Sange and Yasha, Bloodthorn, Hurricane Pike, Boots of Travel, +1 item (I went for daedalus, but for one game I lost because of not going bkb and the bots having a sand king meant they were able to land their typical perfect stun lock comboes from a mile away). Works out to her hitting for 360 damage +crit and a bajillion mjollnir procs every 0.27 seconds.

    With this build Lina turns into a slightly shorter ranged sniper (810 range compared to his 950) except trading aoe damage over time and slow for burst damage and a short stun. Laguna blade is a lot longer cooldown than assassinate and without the aghs it doesn't get pure damage, but fulfills a similar sort of role of finishing off low hp targets. She outranges towers by 110 range.

    It's also a sort of alchemist build because with three stacks of fiery soul up and all of the items you attack every 0.27 seconds, she basically looks like she is attacking like an alchemist even though she has a 1.6 BAT rather than 1.0.

    Originally I was going to go Skadi but I found the movespeed from the SnY too good to pass up, especially since this requires a ton of farming to get six slotted, and you need to clear a lot of jungle camps, which means a lot of moving around the map. The SnY procs plus her 522 movespeed mean you don't have too many problems keeping up with the target if they try to run.

    The early and mid game items are bottle, raindrops, treads and euls to provide the dps and the mana sustain you need to keep up fiery soul stacks while farming. The Eul's again also helps with the movespeed before you have SnY, without it she just moves so incredibly slow it seems. Getting mjollnir as the first big item helps increase the farming a lot but you can also get the dragon lance first if you want extra tankiness.

    If you can get a drow on your team its super good since the extra physical damage she provides is good not just for in fights but for farming the jungle as well.


      trade s&y for euls and then make watever carry items u want, but s&y garbage on intelli hero


        good players will never let u farm all those items.

        Lina cannot flash farm without a Bloodstone unless she has a mjollnr.. and even then, most carries with a BKB dont give a fuck about lina with some attack speed,

        Lina is more scary with blood stone and aghs

        If you see a lina with a maelstrom all you have to do is stop her from farming and she will be completely useless al lgame with ur build unless her team wins game for her

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          can u stop posting ur useless theorycraft here annoying little shit


            +6% more dps, better build full right click damage.


              i agree with CL1B u should go bloodstone agh first then proceed to get those carry items if the game goes well for you & u have the gold , like a daedalus + mjolnir to finish as a right click force since late game nobody will give a fuck about ur ulti damage or Q


                Heh, I triggered the lobby abuser. That makes this whole post worthwhile.


                  why not phase, aether, euls, aghs (if you need), bloodthorn, Mjolnir, skadi last?



                    How do u simply stop someone from farming. Lul


                      Who won't get triggered by your in depth 3k theorycraft


                        Go make another bloodseeker strategy post that only retards would read I know you want to

                        me, government hooker

                          ??, u lost vs bots?/xd




                              how do you stop someone from farming? get 1-2 teammates and PING where the enemy is or where he might be .

                              obv dont be stupid and walk into their entire team and die,

                              buit just hit them anmd force them to walk to base and shit , or kill them.

                              ward their jungle camps.. then creeps dont come out ..


                              Dire Wolf

                                why do you have an 8% win rate on kotl? wtf

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  this build is garbage

                                  2 steps behind

                                    get silver edge lmao XD...

                                    i think the usual build already has decent right-click potential, but technically she is still a nuker

                                    STE 8-1-8

                                      Lina's base attack time got improved by 0.1, this does not make her a right click carry, I thought people were saying that for a joke.

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        So your whole strategy is to grab a non-carry hero and hope the game drags out to over an hour till you can 6 slot it with late game carry items?

                                        Mao Xina

                                          Being 1.6 bat makes lina a full right-clicker by ur theory and then let me ask how about oracle? His toolkit is even more relevant for a right-clicker with very low mana-cost spells.
                                          This post entirely is too kiddy.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა