General Discussion

General DiscussionSkipping Treads and going straight to BoTs on Morphling?

Skipping Treads and going straight to BoTs on Morphling? in General Discussion

    Something like aquila+bottle+brown boots->bots
    Should you only consider this if you're mostly split pushing?


      i dont really agree if only because morph farms so fucking slow that the attack speed from treads are a godsend


        i dont think so
        he likes stats

        Your Wife's Boyfriend

          skip both and go for brown boots, aquilla + bigger item? I dont even play this hero but wasting 2k gold may get you punished vs certain lineups, like i would only go for travels 1st if I plan only to split and farm for the next 15 mins, i'm not saying its bad its just very situational. I dont like pt cuz his ms is awful. Anyway, I hope someone who plays that hero a lot shares his opinion on this topic.

          gg go next

            Morph travel+bottle was a thing in the farming meta
            But personally I'd prefer treads to travel because Morph really likes stats

            senior professional griefer

              the only case where I'd consider not getting treads is if I'm completely alone in the lane for 10 minutes and going for a fast eblade, like SF skips treads for shadow blade.

              senior professional griefer

                morph definitely does not benefit from bots as much as invoker, ember; lina lesh sf so I'd say pretty much never unless it's gonna be a really long farm oriented game


                  I was seeing the #1 morph and dude literally only gets boots bottle wand wraith and straight goes e-blade.


                    Hes a normal skill gamer. Since when morp became a split pusher in early game to fuckin rush bot. Too ez to kite morp .. morp needs amount of farm. Why not pick lycan,np,am. if you wanna split push at early stage of the game. With those heroes you can easily rat with rush bot only item and nvermind bottle go for stat item cost 600 below gold. Lmao