General Discussion

General DiscussionIn Solo MMR can we stop playing with people which are friends ?

In Solo MMR can we stop playing with people which are friends ? in General Discussion

    (First I want to appologise for my low skill in english ^^)
    So this is my complaint
    When I play solo mmr it's to matchup with guys that play "SOLO"... What I mean by this statement is pretty simple:
    When I play solo MMR I sometimes play with 2-3 players (part of my teammates or in the opposite team) which are friends under teamspeak.

    And what happen 99% of the time ?

    1) - Either one of them have 300-400 less mmr than the global rank and his friend is 300 higher and it always ends with the same shit because "good" players never [NEVER] compensate their friend's weakness and most of the time the game is screwed at pickup
    2) - The 2 or 3 guys only play as 3 players and don't listen to the rest of the team and it always ends by no-sens fight 2-3 vs 5
    3) - The 2 or 3 guys believe they are much better than others and start to troll every choices that others do
    4) - Sometimes thoses guys are great as team players and we end the game in 30 min because opponent are solo players with of course less reactivity (more over in my low skill braket 2800 - 3200). This is really that king of short game I want to play to raise my mmr
    5) - Same probleme when the 2-3 players are good in the opposite team it's always a fucking nightmare during 30 min for same reason.

    So why is this matchmaking creating solo games with players that are friends playing as a team ? Could we not create a REAL solo MMR (or not ranked) with players that have no relation between each others ???

    Why I'm I saying that ? I'm aware I'm not a good player for many reasons: I'm old, I have a job that takes a lot of time and a familly. So I stop playing with my team (about 3600 MMR) and I start playing solo as I had the feeling that it was a good way to not depends on people and to not have people depending on my agenda. On the top of this I really think it's and interesting challenge just to play with unknown players trying to make things happen in a very short timing. I really wanted to learn from others and improve my vision of the game. For me it was like a tennis training with blind eyes forcing you to improve other senses. But it's really not the case and a lot of games are "unfair" nightmare just because the solo mode is not a real "solo" mode and a lot of solo players don't want to play this mode as it should be play with a little bit of serious, respect and fun...

    Why playing solo if it's to play it with a single friend on a separate chat channel ?
    Why playing solo mmr if you know that you don't care about the picking phase ?
    Why playing solo mmr if you don't respect your teammate after the first 20 seconds ?
    Why playing solo mmr if you think you are better than other and you don't need teammate to play ? Why do you think you play with me in low ranked mmr if you believe that your real solo skill is 7k mmr ?
    Why playing support if you don't support and spend all your time farming the jungle just to get your fuking early HoM or Aga because you think that you will carry solo this game with a fucking support instead of warding and helping the real carry ?
    .... I know that most of you will say that it's life so I'm done why crying :-D

    But I'm still disapointed by this solo mode with semi group players :)


    Old guy

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Wow, snipar on the most played heroes, very rare


        I abused 6.83 sniper as it was so fun to prove people that playing this little dwarf in solo ranked at almost every game was a viable option ( even in 3.7k mmr). Then saddness came with 6.84-6 patches... :-D

        When you think about it a farmed sniper with "before nerf" headshot and the S&Y was simply one of the best mid-late game carry.
        Now he is nerfed and Blademail goes through bkb which means that he is not playable at all for a not skilled guy like me.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Vem Comigo

          So you qeued for a match alone and you m8s are in the match as well?
          Or you qeued party and want to play solo with your friends?

          Pepeganist #learningcurver

            the reason why they cant do that is because it would screw with party mmr matchmaking. You cant allow a four man party, because whos gonna play the fifth? It makes the matchmaking and thus match finding a lot harder for volvo to manage aswell. But i do see your point, i always play on europe west and after midnight i get matched with for swahilean guys spamming the chat with their native language and i have no influence at all.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              I get your point, sometimes I find solo ranked match and when the game ends I see that 2 of the people in my team are In a party and one of them has significantly lower mmr. But it isn't all too bad, however I feel some people just don't play as well as they do in party mmr so I feel it is a bit unfair