ywn is an accbuyer, don't listen to him
http://www.dotabuff.com/players/78410961 contact this guy on steam, he knows his shit
Don't play every game assuming you're the best one on the team, even if you are, believe in your teammates.
No PLAYER IN THE HISTORY OF DOTA has EVER played better because you flamed them, people don't seem to get that, so keep the flaming down to a minimum (notice how I said minimum? cause I don't expect you not to get mad on this game, EVERYONE DOES, I don't care if they don't want to admit it) it just makes them, and YOU play worse.
Try improving your camera movement, I just now barely found out how important this concept is, make sure it's clean and smooth, find a good camera speed that works for you, as well as mouse DPI if you're using a gaming mouse. Good screen positioning may save your life in many games, and stop ganks that could of killed you just because you saw them coming at the corner of your eye thanks to good screen movement.
90% of the players on this forum suck at dota, dont worry dude, you're not alone :D
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
How to improve my fucking Dota :)