General Discussion

General DiscussionQuit dota for your own good.

Quit dota for your own good. in General Discussion
The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

    Life is rigged against you. And so is dota. There are other things that are more productive than playing dota. You will never be professional. The whole professional scene is just meant to suck you into playing more dota. Professional games are nothing exceptional. If you watch the games that are casted, you will notice that by turning the casters off it seems just like any other trash pub game. The only difference is you have less people trying to 1v5. If you watch higher mmr players on stream, you will see them constantly making big mistakes. The only reason they are high in MMR is because they are more likely to get other players to do things for them (like support). You will notice that pro games like ESL and Majors, the casters are often conjuring things to say. They also often hype mundane plays to be something more just because without the hype, the play was absolutely average. Professional players are nothing special. They are just invited to the big events because they have a name. Any shit 5k player could become a professional if they were given money and time. There is nothing that actually separates these players from other good players. I get there are shit dota players and bad plays make you lose more. But if you are actually trying to take the game "seriously" you will not be able to succeed because of how matchmaking is set up. You will get matched with a 400 gpm carry player. Even if you start a new account, and win 2 games in a row with 900+gpm you will be matched with some random 300-400 gpm carry playing shitstains and even on your 3rd game you will have your stats manipulated.

    Valve needs to keep an illusion that top players really have something that other players do not. I am sure before going into a live game with tons of viewers, the players are probably signing all types of contracts limiting things they can do and say on the air. I wouldn't doubt they pay players to play a certain way as well. This is one way of describing the conspiracy. There is some humor in this. And I have different views on how exactly they rig the system. But alot of things in this video are spot on.

    So we all know that professional players play role specific positions. Yet there is no way to do this in the matchmaking. And even if there was, I suspect that the system would just match good players with bad players. The idea of matchmaking system, is to keep people grinding for mmr. They only want a handful of people to be "at the top". The simple reason for this is that they make more money this way. If you didn't have your favorite players to watch and have the illusion that they are role models.. why would you play the game?

    In reality, if the system was fair. You would see more variance in MMR's. People wouldnt fucking keep their MMR forever. There would be seasons. And everyone would have to start at the bottom every season. And the major events like the majors and TI would have open qualifiers where any fucking player can get into the tournament. There wouldnt be some magical rank where the game considers you so good that you don't have to waste your time playing against other players and you just get a free invite to a tournament where you get tons of money.


    Please if you think this theory is wrong, explain why I can make an account, play a few games and get 1k+ gold per minute with only two deaths in two games while killing 37 people. Then my 3rd game I end up playing with a dogshit 400 gpm meepo player who spams is poof on the creeps in my lane retiring me to the jungle. I know this seems like not a big deal. But its a huge deal because your first few games count for thousands of MMR. People have this dillusion that you can always do something to increase your play stats. And there are things in your control which I agree with. BUT PROS MAKE MASSIVE MISTAKES EVERY FUCKING GAME. I make mistakes, but usually only in the presence of shitty teammates who confuse my objectives. If you trust your team, there are proper moves you can make. But if you cant trust your team it limits your ability to do anything rational. If you play carry, and someone is stealing your farm the only thing you can do is retire to the jungle. Meanwhile, enemy carry is getting fed. Hes not better than you, hes just getting fed by your offlaner because your team is complete garbage.

    There are tons of people who complain that their teammates are causing them to lose games. And the simple reason for this is that they are causing them to lose games.

    And I wouldnt be complaining if I honestly felt like the games I were losing are because the enemy team outplayed me. I understand I am not the best player, but I also understand that NOBODY is the best player. Not dendi, not arteezy, not w33shit, not fucking fata. These players honestly arent good at all. Alot of these kids look like they belong in special education classes. They are just easily manipulated by bullshit. They do not realize that they are just pawns. That is the only thing that separates a top level player from any other good player. They have convinced themselves that they deserve to be winners. They are just people who have been manipulated.



      sin blyadi

        NAVI DAVI?

        The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

          Another thing I want to mention, is that alot of higher MMR players were able to separate themselves from lower MMR players a long time ago which is how they can maintain their high mmr. Even two years ago, it was much easier to pick a carry and carry a bunch of shit players. The game is different now. Even in 4k games it requires teamwork to win consistently above 80% w/l. Also, certain servers are easier at certain MMRs. Like in europe 4k players are the same as 2k players on US west. And basically the way MMR is now, its so arbitrary because of how dilluted the skillpool has become through balance and average game knowledge of the players.

          Also, I think the game has a system designed to recognize a player who is "toxic" and immediately places them with worse players because of it. I also think the game has voice recognition and algorithms used to identify well known players and give them a higher priority treatment. Which is why people who are famous can "smurf" and calibrate higher.


          And just think about it realisticly, there is actually no way to make a game 100% balanced. There is actually no way to make a competition fair. There is always going to be some type of advantage that makes a winner win. If you let ever player who had "the eye of the tiger" be a winner, nobody would feel like a winner. Its pretty fucking obvious why they would rig the game. That is why dota is a waste of your time. Because a videogame simply cannot exist as a productive fair system. Because fairness does not exist inside numbers and graphs and charts. The only time fairness exists in math, is in an algebra expression x = x.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          ASSESS Product

            Dont tell me how to live my life.


              >don't play the game because you won't ever be a pro at it

              ayy lmao

              The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                Its not simply because I will not be pro that I am saying its a waste of time. I am saying its a waste of time because there is nothing actually fun about the game. Its a competitive game that is rigged against your desire to be the best, or among the best. So if this is blatantly never going to happen, it only leaves two other reasons for playing the game. To collect skins/other useless nonsense and to troll other players who think they have a chance.

                I have seen in unranked games that I played, from time to time players who are exceptionally better at their role than alot of professional players. Like supports who are just in the right place at the right time, doing perfect zoning perfect warding, perfect smokes, perfect dewarding and all around perfect everything. I will tell them "wow you are really good whats your mmr?" and they say like 4k (but I should be higher I just get shit teammates constantly). This is common in the dota community. People complaining that their teams are always shit. ITS BECAUSE THEY ARE ALWAYS SHIT!

                Another common thing I have seen, is the fact that even professional players make these same excuses, but nobody questions them when they make these statements because they are famous. "Baby rage".

                Just keep in mind, I know pro players are better than 90% of the players. And I know that most dota players are in fact complete dogshit at the game. I know there is a skill difference that exists. That doesnt change the motives for valve to rig the top 0.001%.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                ASSESS Product

                  Nothing actually fun about the game (how do i quote someone??). Thats your opinion not a fact.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  stupid fuck 2000

                    didnt read lol

                    The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                      ^ They invite half of the teams to play. What I am saying is every team should have to qualify from the bottom, every tournament. Every season. And I also mentioned, that even if this is how it was IT WOULD STILL BE RIGGED.




                          Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo


                            dont feed the trolls. dont waste time reasing this, it is just some LoL player trying to weave a conspiracy theory by making things up that are actually easily disproved. If he would have focussed on real facts and exluded some weird shit it certainly has the potential to be a nice conspiracy theory '' THE MMR LIE EXPOSED '' but really he crafted it poorly and is obviously joking.


                              thought u wrote something useful but instead u are complaining that u are too shit to git gud

                              The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                "Nothing actually fun about the game (how do i quote someone??). Thats your opinion not a fact."

                                Ok, well if you have fun playing the game. My goal is to make you realize that your fun is a illusion of your own desires. I question your motives for playing the game. From my perspective theres only 3 reasons to play the game. Correct me if I am wrong and there is another reason that you play but I will say once again.
                                Reason #
                                1. You enjoy the challenge of competing and progressing at the game and have a desire to be the best. Or at least to get as good as you can be and see where your skills can take you as far ass MMR.
                                2. You like trolling people in video games.
                                3. To collect skins/trophy levels.



                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    i think u need to be better player to understand pro plays
                                    i am almost 5k and i am nothing even close to a pro

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                      @kappablanca If you had half a brain you would easily understand that the "theory" is not just a theory. It is a fact of life. Its just how numbers work. Its like trying to argue that gravity keeps us on earth. Its like trying to argue that one can jump over the moon if they have enough willpower. It just is what it is.

                                      The Best Girl Gamer(comme...


                                        Ok, so explain what it is that makes you less skilled than a pro and how you determine these things. Because when I watch pro players I am constantly finding things that they are doing wrong. Even the trolls in the chat are laughing at their plays. From my perspective most people watching the games in general are laughing at the terrible plays they make rather than praising them for good plays. From time to time you will be like "yea that was a good play". But most of the time you are like "WOW 2K" or w/e.


                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            You sound like a bigot.

                                            I don't care about going pro at Dota, nor do I care about pro players enough to put them on a pedestal. I'm fully aware that if Eternal Envy wasn't good at this game, he'd be a boring typical out of shape weeb that no one would follow, but who cares, we all play Dota because it's FUN.

                                            The last games you had were low priority, I wonder why. You also made a new steam account, I wonder why.. You also have shitty stats, I wonder why... You also have a shitty attitude toward life, I wonder why... you're pretending to be a girl on steam... i wonder why..

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              Ok, so explain what it is that makes you less skilled than a pro and how you determine these things. Because when I watch pro players I am constantly finding things that they are doing wrong. Even the trolls in the chat are laughing at their plays.

                                              answer is
                                              i think u need to be better player to understand pro plays

                                              for example
                                              a 2k sees a 5man black hole in pro dota, reaction: wow undeniably the best engima ever
                                              what i see: wtf are these shitheads doing stacked up like this

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                Oh look, another mmr-conspiracy idiot. Are you Kobbys alternate account?

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  You post this wall of text not even knowing about open qualifiers. If the invited teams are so bad as you describe then the qualified teams should win all top places. 4 teams qualified for Manila Major, 3 of them did not make it to top 8.

                                                  Conclusion - you are talking bullshit.


                                                    44% WIN RATE SMURF

                                                    The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                      "You also have a shitty attitude toward life, I wonder why..."

                                                      I don't wonder why. It is pretty simple. It is because life is rigged against people like me. I have had a good attitude about life in the past. Untill I realized I was being taken advantage of by employers. My brothers girlfriend was blatantly attracted to me and ruined a perfect relationship for no reason and made my brother hate me. My father, became a lazy stoner because he got overworked. I constantly get shit teammates in the game I used to think was fun. The government poisons the water to make people stupid. They modify food for profit. People have addiction to eating animal products which cause insane greenhouse gas emissions. There is a list of reasons why I have a bad attitude about life and they are all out of my control.

                                                      The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                        Here is an expression that is highly relevant to the discussion.

                                                        "it is easier to fool someone than convince them they are being fooled".

                                                        You come into this thread and waste your time defending what you believe about the game with no reasoning behind doing so other than "i think the game is fun and its not rigged and I like watching pro games". I am sure you want this thread to be banned as well because yo disagree with it and it conflicts with your own personal interests.

                                                        Think about this,

                                                        WHY WOULD I WASTE MY TIME TRYING TO CONVINCE PEOPLE THE GAME IS RIGGED?

                                                        I don't fucking care about my personal dota achievements at all and have no attatchment to any statistics on any account I have ever made. I have played with good players and bad players. I just don't care about the game and I really feel like all I have ever gotten from playing this game is negative qualities. It has done nothing for anyone, anywhere other than a small handful of people. Everyone else is getting got.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          ^vegan shithead spotted


                                                            I know another expression: It's easy to believe in conspiracy bullshit when you're retarded.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo Ur low IQ is rigged OP Keepo

                                                              The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                                So lets just clarify what you guys are really defending in reality.

                                                                You are defending a competitive game, that contributes nothing to society where every player is trying to win but only a few can win, everyone else is just a loser. Yes, that is right, you are a loser if you arent gaining anything other than MMR for your time. You are trading your life energy for something that isnt even tangible. Everyone that plays the game hates each-other and has an EGO the size of the universe. It requires both biological and electric energy to play, so it is a massive waste of energy.

                                                                How does this not make you a moron?

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  also some ppl just dont git gud regardless of how long they play

                                                                  The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                                    ^ Another annoying thing about dota, is all the people who instantly jump on trends like spamming "keepo" in twitch chat or in this case on the forum. Nobody can even read the shit that people type because so many people are spamming, yet they still keep fucking spamming even though nobody reads any of it. They all say the same common bullshit. "Git gud" Basically just a form of trying to aggravate someone.
                                                                    I just don't understand your motives for coming on a thread like this and telling me to "git gud". Its like your trying to suck me into your own pathetic existence by taunting me.


                                                                      The game can be fun = not a waste of energy

                                                                      Or u can be one of the few that wins = not a waste of energy

                                                                      Not everyone can be a winner then there would be no competitive aspect.

                                                                      If u cant either have fun or git gud just gtfo and dont try to rub off ur ridiculously stupid opinion on others


                                                                        These niggas don't beez in the trap, they like bees in this track
                                                                        Just smoked out, I ain't talking 'bout what you toke out
                                                                        Get choked out fo'rilly, thinking that this shit a silly dream
                                                                        When actually reality ain't what it really seem
                                                                        And I ain't acting on the scene niggas scream
                                                                        The actions ain't screened, just well schemed


                                                                          Why do people play soccer, chess, ride motorbikes, care for their gardens... Because it entertains us, not everything we do has to be productive. You however seem to dislike Dota, yet you make a smurf account (which is retarded in the first place) and then waste your time crying about it on a Forum. If anybody is a moron and wasting his energy, it's you, isnt it?

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                          Moon Moon

                                                                            lol, conspiracy theory! oh, wait - you are serious? have a pair of lollerblades then

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                              GG WP

                                                                              The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                                       Just watch this video and tell me the motive behind this is not specifically to suck kids into playing the game 10 hours a day. This game is fundamentally evil by design and is meant to suck your soul for valves benefit.

                                                                                My motives for making this thread is because it would brings me joy spreading the truth to people who are not capable of realizing it themselves. Its like when you see someone with a drug addiction. The correct thing to do is call them out and consistently remind them that they are doing something that isnt right for themselves and the people around them.

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                                                    U retard everything in that video is just a portrait of reality.

                                                                                    The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                                                      Nice meme. Its really funny I laughed REALLY HARD at myself. Its really funny how hes dressed in a suite and looks like a molester also. Thanks for putting me in my place with that meme.

                                                                                      Sarcasm. Stop spamming my thread please. You aren't funny.

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                        Damn, your retardation is beyond saving, have fun living your pathetic life where everybody is evil and everything is rigged.

                                                                                        The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                                                          FS.King please describe the pleasures of your life that I am missing out on. Does your dota life increase the potency of your erections? What is it that I am missing out on that you have. Please explain I need to know all the fun im missing out on.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                              tfw OP says that life is only about erections


                                                                                                tl; dr srry..
                                                                                                I book marked this topic and gonna read it when i get bored. Seems funny.

                                                                                                ASSESS Product

                                                                                                  The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                                                                    oh did I ask a question that you can't answer? Ill let you think about it for a few hours if you need time. Cause right now you have me convinced that you are a pathetic moron whos motives in life are meaningless.