General Discussion

General DiscussionProblems with DotA

Problems with DotA in General Discussion

    Ha. I can write pretty damn long books, I have to try cut it down because most people don't have the attention span or ability to read more then a paragraph ;). Maybe three if I'm lucky and able to chain my points together. I'll grant in this case it was pretty... erratic.

    At the end of the day though, I don't know what they are trying to achieve anymore. All I do know is that they aren't addressing the issue of people bitching about a lack of supports and why people don't want to play them and would rather throw games instead. Nothing else in terms of pub dota really matters much beyond this.

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

      Keep this great thread allive


        ^ Yea




            I want dotas patches to be intended to lead to more balance. I didnt mean to say that this balance has to be complete and has to sacrifice new additions to the game entirely. I would gladly see hero additions, item additions that enable new palystyles, hero reworks and terrainchainges etc in the future. But as in the example those would be OP or UP at their introduction and then would be balanced in the next patch(es). So No: i dont want it to become entirely boring but i dont think it needs as much change and hype to keep it interesting as are being done in the last couple of patches.

            but that's uh.. happening right now?
            the game is more balanced than ever right now

            if 90 picked/banned heroes in manila major isn't a balanced state of the game then i don't know what is


              i know that both of us are 4k since i've met you in game one or two times recently and we both know that high 4k games are clownfests where balance of the patch has like 20% influence on the game


                I've seen to misplace my world's saddest argument spreadsheet.

                Hold on lemme find it.