General Discussion

General DiscussionMuted queue

Muted queue in General Discussion

    There should be an extra queue where all chtafunctions are dissabled



      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        You can do it yourself whenever someone starts being annoying. Or even before that. You just start the game with everyone muted. What is the problem?

        Actually I doubt this is a serious question so sorry for giving a serious answer I guess

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          I mute 9 ppls every game but i Unmute Them Most of time cuz the 4k Talks are to funny to miss.
          And when i Start trashtalk / flame by my own cuz everyone does, i lose my Focus


            Ok the question is serious.
            But actually its not only about me, muting ppls, its more like the teammates. So if there is 1 retard starting Flaming, ppls usually gona Start flame him, instand of mute him, and this destroys the game.


              I mute ppl when they started being a cock, and sometimes I kinda mute whenever I start the game 'cause I feel better, peaceful, and quiet. It lets you focus more.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                If u wanna mute every one then why playing online. Instead play with bots
                -just sayin


                  click "mute all chat"


                    U guys dont get my fucking point.
                    I play online cuz i want to challenge and compare with others not to lern fucking ruski.


                      you can disable chat for urself, and let ppl talk to each other if they want to. it shouldnt rly bother you that much, i think.


                        No but when 1 guy muted 4 and the other 4 in Team still flame themselv game is still cancerous, even if i dont have to read it.


                          if you dont get to know, how does it matter


                            They dont fucking play serious if they flame
                            Thats what im
                            Trying to tell you


                              Ok then.


                                So basically everyone is an idiot excluding or including you?
                                Nice people on the enemy team that DO communicate and coordinate with their teammates outperform u and win ezly. U are interested in a seperate area for yourself and alikes to prosper in, which i think is perfectly natural and fine. However i think its not gonna happen for 2 reasons. First valve would have to dedicate some servers to that which would increase overall queuetime and decrease the efficency their servers are being used with. (just like captains draft in ranked matchmaking)
                                and second it probably wouldnt be as much fun as u d expect it do be. what if everyone just picks their favourite carry and goes afk farm? u d have 1 1 1 + 2 junglers or something. or even 2 carry in lane contesting CS. also this mode should get its own MMR so u cant gain MMR there and then get into a 6 k game and ruin everyones day with your solo playstyle and lack of communication and teamplay.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                    become pma warrior then