General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat buff does Luna need to be made viable?

What buff does Luna need to be made viable? in General Discussion

    Apart from Lifestealer falling out of the meta of course.

    Completely unpicked at Manila major even though this major had the most heroes picked at a tournament (95).

    Was barely at Shanghai major (picked 3 times in qualifiers and once in playoffs, only won once).

    Was picked only once in the whole Frankfurt major.

    Almost every single buff she has received over the past 4 patches has been to improve her ultimate or its aghs upgrade. She's also had some minor stat gain buffs (+0.5 agi and +0.3 strength and +1 base armor). When is Icefrog going to realise that stacking more and more damage onto her ultimate is not going to make her a good hero.

    It's 140 second cooldown, basically the same as a ravage so she's much weaker when it's down and the enemy can take advantage of that and push. It doesn't go through magic immunity (naix and juggernaut are easy counters), the damage is reduced by Pipe/Glimmer Cape. It's useless if the enemy have lots of summons or nearby creeps to soak up the damage (eg beastmaster/lycan necrobooks). Plus it stops if she dies and it takes a full 6 seconds to get off all the damage (5.1 if you build aghs but then you have your position 1 Luna with an Aghs) so if you burst her down near the start of a fight before all the beams go off then the ulti is wasted.

    He either needs to make her ultimate not a one shot wonder by reducing the cooldown (aghs used to give reduced cooldown, this was removed in patch 6.60) or making it only focus heroes or readd it mini stunning or make it magic immunity piercing pure damage etc, or double her range so she isn't basically a melee hero, or replace Lunar blessing with some sort of blink or tankiness ability so she can't just be blown up by a slardar/naix bomb in 2 seconds flat etc.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Vem Comigo

      dagon + rapier


        higher base str + better scaling on lunar blessing imo, then she would be more viable as an alternative drow push strat

        Sei la

          She's ok... far from overpowered, but pretty decent and fits well some strats
          Not being picked in Manila doesn't reflect a terrible power level, just other strategies attempted. (Also she's not that good against riki and lifestealer... imagine both together)

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            Not being picked in Manila? She wasn't picked only 4 times in Shanghai (3 of them were during qualifiers), and once at Frankfurt. That's for the past three patches. What strat does she fit? Hope the enemy afk in base?


              Remove her from the game then she's viable.


                She is just way to squishy given her short attack range, so either increase base str + str gain or increase attack range I guess.

                Livin' Real Good

                  Increase her attack range, and give her better base strength + strength growth rate. Improving her passive would also help.


                    * Lucent Beam stun duration increased from 0.6 to 0.8
                    * Movement speed increased from 330 to 335"


                    Livin' Real Good

                      those buffs on top of what I just said would bring her back, sadly, that won't happen. Q.Q

                      Best Treant EU

                        what u mean with viable? she received nothing but buffs recently. currently she is at 53% wr in 5k+ and 52,5% overall. just give her a try..


                          Just make her 3rd more scaling. ATK range can be remedied by dragon lance in certain games.

                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            reverting her lunar blessing back to a percentage-based damage bonus just might make her viable again.

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              Make her ulti give flying vision and she's fine.

                              sin blyadi

                                buff stun. Change 3td skill, decrease BAT


                                  Mulatschak, in competitive, not pubs.

                                  ✪ BATSSS

                                    Decrease BAT, Eclipse causes aoe Lucent beams... Eclipse stuns.. More bounces.. Bounces apply Attack Mod, Bounce damage reduction reduced... EZ jokes