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General DiscussionRanked Troubles

Ranked Troubles in General Discussion
Nervous Bakedown

    So have been in bottom teir for a really long time in dota. I came across a blog post recently that was covering international ranked and how if you are in the same level for a long time you are actually getting worse. Anyway that is the reason I am posting. I have been putting a real effort into bettering myself in the game. I have been watching replays analyzing my individual game which I think had helped me loads, I tend to be on the same page as pro game panels, I have improved tremendously in my camera positioning, I have 1200 hours in the game... Now I do need to play ranked more I think and I probobly need to recalibrate my mmr. Either way, when I hop into ranked I consistently have people who don't understand loads about the game and are just generally bad at dota. I try to instruct them and say (for example when I'm a support) "please try to only hit creeps when last hitting so we don't push the lane and give the offlane XP" to which they give me the flawless logic of "But we have to destroy their tower" to which i say "man we have to limit the offlane XP to force him out of lane THEN take the tower" more confident logic "shut up play your own hero" then I press the magical mute button and try really hard to win my lanning stage by pulling and connecting my pulls harassing behind the creep wave to avoid agro yata yata. Anyway what I'm basicly asking is if there is anything im missing in my quest to +25 mmr games😉. Thanks for reading sorry if something is choppy I'm using my phone. (BTW I have tried memeing)
    Edit: I've been playing alot more pos 3 initiator roles like es and tide

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Nervous Bakedown
      კომენტარი წაიშალა

        can u give a tldr
        i couldnt understand a thig tbh

        Nervous Bakedown
          კომენტარი წაიშალა

            Yep. Were on same boat. The different is, i play on toxic server (re:SEA) which make things worse. Like srsly. I had to mute 2 ppl in a row. If only they listen to logic, not their ego :')


              i couldnt understand a thig tbh



                tldr is commonly used in internet slang as a noun-substitute to "short summary". the origins of this meaning are pretty obvious, huh?

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  fix ur english in the original post, or try to briefly explain what u want (if u want to get relevant replies, of course).

                  ASSESS Product

                    Nervous Bakedown
                      კომენტარი წაიშალა

                        are u retarded or smthg


                          i came to help with ur question, but couldnt understand what u wanted due to the way u express urself, so I asked you to give a brief summary of the original text. in response, u claimed that tl;dr doesnt have this meaning (lul), and ended up flaming me for posting irrelevant replies (what?).


                            today I went out with ur mom


                              Tldr- (my interpretation). I'm awful at Dota despite playing 1200 hours. I recently started trying to get gud, but have not had any luck. Any advice?

                              He also says stuff about how his partners not even knowing what last hitting is.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                thanks, but i kinda lost my will to help this guy, tbh


                                  can i add you baby ?


                                    yes, guess so, honey


                                      Ok just wait for 3 days
                                      "We will have alot of fun baby"

                                      Nervous Bakedown

                                        OK I'm sorry this post was so controversial. I just want some advice from better players that's all. If you have any questions or anything ask all comments are appreciated.

                                        I don't really know why I'm being flamed this hard for not wanting a cluttered forum thread. i just would rather not have 5000 comments telling me what tldr means. Please try to be constructive.


                                          Play support, and make sure your teammates live.

                                          Nervous Bakedown

                                            @tripleSteal sorry about triggering you. It's not my place to be a dick to someone who is actually good at the game when I am trying to get better. Any input from match analyzing to just encouraging words is very appreciated from someone as good as you. Tx.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            I <3 lady music

                                              i looked at your account. one big thing is that you aren't playing enough. You cant realistically expect to improve if you are playing 2 games a day. playing offlane isn't bad but you need to make sure you pick something that scales. i would pick something that has more solo kill potential than a dark seer. you will get farm in lane on a dark seer but you wont be able to do much without your team.


                                                hey bro. i think i can help you out. i was in a similar position to u when i first started. i started learning a lot of "basics" about the game around 2.5k mmr where most people there didnt know about game basics. I know it can be incredibly frustrating when u know how laning should go, but ur teammates are just being retards. but what advice i can give is not to get too fixated on what your noob teammates are doing.

                                                when they take last hits, not zoning, not pulling, pushing into the offlaner constantly what u could do is u could play support and do all those things for ur carry, since ur supports won't do it for u. if u still insist on playing core/carry, then u just need to learn more about other laning mechanics. practice last hitting. like that is seriously all u need. you don't really need all those "higher level" laning mechanics like equilibrium, etc, etc. learn to trade hits with ur opponents (usually dual offlane in normal skill) so the xp advantage doesnt really matter since its not solo exp for the offlaners. always make sure u got mroe regen than ur opponents, and trade hits better than ur opponents. thats how u win the lane in low level games. other stuff is for higher level games where it makes more of a difference. so don't get too caught up with that stuff from ur teammates.

                                                TLDR yes zoning is important, not pushing is important, lane equilibrium is important, however it is not as important as u think in normal skill games.

                                                Nervous Bakedown

                                                  Hey Bardamu, have you played terrorblade in a while? 😂

                                                  Nervous Bakedown

                                                    Tx for good replies guys.


                                                      First time i've seen someone call triple good 4Head


                                                        He is good or atlest hes better than you ❤️❤️❤️


                                                          im not, ywn is 7k, while im barely above 5.5

                                                          Nervous Bakedown

                                                            You two are both really good.


                                                              Since you find yourself having more knowledge and better mechanics than your team mates, I suggest u play more core roles. This is why it is an old tradition that the best player of the team should play middle or carry...

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                ^ but then you should probably stop playing core, probably stop playing dota at all and start your Minecraft career (there also isnt a FORCED MMR CONSPIRACY)
                                                                Just sayin'
                                                                41.11% monthly winrate 41.11% monthly winrate 41.11% monthly winrate 41.11% monthly winrate 41.11% monthly winrate


                                                                  ^relax m8, you wont get any smarter if u spam dbuff forum...

                                                                  And the mmr win/loss algorithm is not a conspiracy, its just a algorithm meant to create a large player pool, as large as possible while keeping them concentrated on trying to get better. If everyone who is good would just go up, and everyone who is a thrower would just go down, a lot of people would quit dota for being bored.


                                                                    ^ You're by far my favourite meme on this forum, keep it up buddy. Looking forward to the moment when your global winrate will reach that magical sub-50% aswell.

                                                                    Also that shit you said makes absolutely no sense at all.

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                    Nervous Bakedown

                                                                      ^Im not quite sure what your argument is.
                                                                      Tx Kobby.