General Discussion

General Discussionim in 1kmmr bracket? WTF?? Help

im in 1kmmr bracket? WTF?? Help in General Discussion
the Goat

    why? why? why? does this mean if i finish all my TBD games my MMR will be 1kmmr? BibleThump
    Is this Normal?


      The fact that you say "wtf" makes you deserve 1k


        your performance during calibration was horrible. So you are in horrible skill bracket. On the bright side, you only have to win like 40 games in a row to get to 2-3k


          How do you have a 41% winrate on spec. She is like free wins at low level :/


            46% winrate overall......31%winrate on ranked.........

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            the Goat

              < orginal account where started playing dota 2 that's why i have low win rate :P but if you look at my trends, my winrate is getting higher


                What I don't fucking get is why are you all expecting to get higher mmr on ur smurf? U all play shitty just like on ur main. Rather focus on improving than making million smurfs and hope to get higher mmr which u would lose anyway.


                  0.0 the truth hurts