General Discussion

General DiscussionCounters to Naix

Counters to Naix in General Discussion

    PA, TA, sniper, PL

    Dire Wolf

      basher jugger can lock down like any carry through magic immunity, that's probably why. Slark same deal, echo + basher, he can easily fight lifestealer.

      CK is ok too as long as you only fight around ult. Lifestealer just has no way to deal with those illusions and CK can actually 2 or 3 shot him with rifts and crits. Problem is when ult is down CK is pretty much food being a really high hp hero without a ton of right click dmg to fend naix off.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        nobody likes ck against naix?
        2k humble opinion


          ls just got str gain buff and armlet buff i mean he was the same as always nobody complained about him rolf thread

          Bear of the Polar Variety

            Bane is good, ur ult pierces spell immunity and drains him of his small mana pool, and u can nightmare him or yourself depending on your situation and your 'q' reduces his damage output


              this threads funny

              Dire Wolf

                Actually lifestealer has been slowly buffed over quite a few patches. Originally he got a big nerf to open wounds when they reduced cast range from 600 to a scaling 2/3/4/500, huge nerf. You used to be able to do just 1 point in it and max rage and feast. That was a long time ago though. And they increased rage cd a lot. But then they changed the hp returned from scaling 20/25/whatever to 50% all levels, big buff, then they reduced the rage cd a bit, not to where it was before but a bit, then they allowed infest to mind control the creeps so you could run away, the ancient thing meh it's kind of gimmicky not really a buff or nerf. Slight str buff. All that over time adds up to some nice buffs.

                What you're really seeing though with this str hero resurgence is their counters getting nerfed heavily and falling out of favor. Storm spirit nerfed to oblivion, invoker nerfed, od gone entirely. Those guys used to shit all over str heroes, even lifestealer cus rage just isn't long enough. And we've moved away from a farming meta. Lifestealer isn't a late game carry, he wants to end game around 30 minutes. He farms ok but not going to keep up with a medusa, battlefury jug/pa, spectre with radiance etc. But people take more fights sooner now and that plays to his strengths.

                I went through a stretch where I couldn't buy a win on lifestealer, it was so awful, he sucked, got kited non stop. Now the new items help him a lot but really pace of the game is just perfect for him.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Beastmaster definitely gives me the most trouble. Not only because of Roar, but because how much he amplifies his team's physical damage and how much of it he actually deals by himself.


                    is there a hero that doesn't have trouble with beastmaster :horse:

                    stupid fuck 2000

                      In my experience, Sven absolutely destroys naix. You don't care if he uses open wounds on you or if he rages, all you have to do is pop your ult (maybe your bkb) and bash his fucking face in. I also think timbersaw might be good against him but I'm not sure since I've never tried it. On paper it looks good, cause if he goes on you, you can just gtfo with timber chain and in team fights you have a lot of pure damage so you don't care much about rage (your ult cares but w/e).


                        All of timber's spells are blocked by rage so timber doesn't do well against him.
                        For late game, medusa is pretty good. Shes a tank that doesn't have a large HP pool so lifestealer can't steal much HP from her. Like other people have said, Jugg, Spectre, PL, Sven, Slark and CK during his ult can beat Naix.

                        Viper is also pretty good against him since he lets his team kite that rage duration.

                        Offlaners such as Void or Beastmaster are good.

                        For supports, AA, Shadow Demon, Bane, Enigma and Silencer can be annoying for him.

                        In general avoid heroes with Large HP pools and no escapes or that are shut down by spell immunity. Try pick heroes that have lots of illusions or bkb piercing disables.


                          anti mage, terrorblade, slark, basher heroes suck troll and void, dont forget about weaver !( these 7 heros punish him a lot) . Lycan worked 2, but since changed his wolves and must buying necro he might be weaker. And still my king leoric !


                            naix = lifestealer, LIFE, a.k.a HP STEALER. He strives on high HP heroes with his att. speed@rage his main attributes.. As a CARRY; Sven,Slark,Morph, Am, and illu heroes are good versus him.. Before this patch a highly skilled OD was good as you can easily kite his rage/initiations, but OD has been in the abyss lately im not so sure..


                              has anybody forgot shadow demon ? pfft yes


                                I once tried Templar Assassin to counter PA and Naix lineup. Fucker went radiance.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                  playing naix these days cuz of stupid compendium quests, so far slark and sven were rly good against me, also windranger destroys you from the mid/offlane heroes or you can always play a bm axe and basically counter every melee there

                                  *Beastmaster sucks, just get a 20-25 min linken and this hero becomes useless cuz very few players will be able to cancel it with their necro skill (4.5-4.8k mmr)

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Sven is only good if you let him farm. Go lane against him, dual the offlane. He wont' stand a chance.


                                      being forced to buy linkens on lifestealer really sucks


                                        jugger is pure counter to naix he cant do shit

                                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                          ye, but u cant let bm disable u for like 4 seconds every fight/gank and in lower mmr games its less likely to get punished for buying linkens, idk there s not much else to do against roar and its hard for the enemy team to cancel it through rage, but everything else that item gives is a pure trash for a 5k cost, thats true


                                            I think juggernaut is clear counter for lifestealer 1v1 as long as he has ulti available and good items. Also those illusion carries may be good againdt him(im not sure but i would think so)terrorblade, naga, pl, chaos ! Bane + antimage combo works almost always for lone lifestealer too!

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              terrorblade with skadi is good against naix

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                yeah but no one picks tb. But yes he is naturally good, high armor and dps, illusions naix can't clear, and sunder when rage goes down.


                                                  This hero just strong agains 1vs1 combat.


                                                    ursa....surprised nobody mentioned him


                                                      @direworlf "Slardar is ok u can get your team to focus fire naix cus he doesn't have high armor now that no one builds ac anymore."

                                                      Armlet is common build on Life stealer which gives him tons of armor


                                                      " and sunder when rage goes down. "

                                                      Sunder pierces spell immunity.


                                                      do you just talk out of your ass lmaoo

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        Sunder def. pierces spell immunity so you can swap hp through rage. Jus ez check heroes on dotabuff and what ult does. Terrorblade seems one of the best coutners to me. JUst ban doom, silencer or that kind of shit.


                                                          Thought nobody would mention TB. My favourite counter pick to a naix

                                                          B-art (CZ)

                                                            techieeeeees is counter :-D


                                                              Its also worth mentioning that Break stops his feast completely. So a Silver's Edge will destroy him especially now that it cant be removed by spell immunity. Also Doom with Aghs and SD aghs.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Well excuse me for not memorizing every single dota ability, fucking prick.

                                                                TB then is the option.

                                                                Arek Akashi

                                                                  I am sure Ursa destroys Naix

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Seems like razor would be pretty good too, can drain dmg through rage, ult damages through rage and reduces armor, can kite somewhat.

                                                                    sin blyadi

                                                                      casual orb of venom works pretty well against TA's refraction...

                                                                      Venom doesnt drop refraction charges



                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          I had quite fun against him with wk I think I won all the games, but Clinkz with orchid must be gut too, ember is nice, slark, dusa or maybe even morphling or sven. You just need mostly not strength heroes with high dps, maybe orchid or deso caries or heroes with high mobility to kite. Supps with much disables is also gut. Best thru magic imunity.

                                                                            კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                                              i think Ursa was the easiest counter for Lifestealer. by his Blink Dagger, Overpower for the attack and his Enrage for the defend when Ursa gets under 50%.


                                                                                Rofl why are you talking as if it's 1v1. It's a 5v5 game if no one can kite LS it means your team has issues.




                                                                                    Terrorblade - one of the hardest counters to ls. Everything ls does not work against tb. One of the biggest weakness of ls is kiting and physical damage.tb does both of this things very well. After he gets a skadi he can easily kite him from 700 range with his high physical damage .also sunder goes through rage. Oh that pesky ls is hitting u, just press r and kill him in two hits.

                                                                                    Ursa- fury swipes,overpower and enrage, not much to say here

                                                                                    Slark - u need to abuse ur high mobility against ls with going in and out of fights and stealing stats and healing up.

                                                                                    Morph - same as Slark abusing ur mobility and morph (ability)


                                                                                      riki is pretty good, it provides a means to kill him + you can defeat infest bombs if u jump on the guy hes in with cloud, he cant come out with rage, if you cloud the area u think the guys going to jump to

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                        1.Let your allie pick slardar
                                                                                        2.Pick rubick
                                                                                        3.lvl up 6
                                                                                        4.steal infest
                                                                                        5.get free infest bomb + ez lift naix dead