General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy vlads for AM? Not domi.

Why vlads for AM? Not domi. in General Discussion

    Nice thread m8


      Vlad is still seen on most am in VHS. Vlad is not built on AM as early item mostly bcoz opponent have lots of counter-pick disablers that forces you to go manta first or any other situational items. As you can't expect regen from fury can helps you sustain longer in team fight. Unless u can ez stomp opponent strongest carry / don't plan to join team fight at all / ur team able to team wipe them quick enough that you dun even bother the need of sustain. Even split pushing am needs a vlad.
      If you're somewhere around 1k bracket as said by others.. You could probably skip vlad. Last I check, 1k bracket tends to have amazing items built and works pretty well on its bracket.
      *tips of the day*
      Bracket chg -> Item chg

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        კომენტარი წაიშალა

          lol the amount of normal skill posts on here.

          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            I still dont understand the perma agi pt - > bf - > vlads - > yasha with 0 point in spell shield and almost no in stats build 900 hp 25 min in, every am from my team. But if the am is from their team - no, he goes like perma str pt - > vanguard -> manta -> basher -> hot with spell shield and like 6 points in stats at lvl 10 - gl hf.

            Can you guys get some form of hp if you go for vlads (which you are going to sell 15 min later if the game goes well) like at least vang(there is no point in buying vang 5th item just to finish ur abyssal), since not every game is 50 min long and most of the times you play ur dumb anti-mage u lose rax at 20 and you are getting solo killed by a ****in 5 pos cm with this build?

            "But man, I saw miracle buying bf,vlads,yasha once and he won so I thought I can win some 4-5k games with it" - I don't care, since every build is situational he probably made it for reasons you are not ready to comprehend so copying it every single game (even tho in some games it is actually going to work) wont get you to 6 or 9k - it will get you to <50% winrate, ty

            It is really amazing how 4-6ks think they know everything about the game and start analyzing pro builds which are extremely useless in pub situations (especially for some mmr brackets) and end up bringing comments like "I think he builds vlads because he needs a lot of mana regen, **** you normal skills you know nothing about the game I'm 5k and I know everything"

            Here is how you are supposed to post I'll start "5k solo, 4.3k party av game lvl - 4.7k bf,vlads anti-mage is not good in my games because (things I said from above), but it may work in other mmr brackets or 5 stack lineups."

            Now about the topic - they already told you :D


              Team opponent never fails to have players from X-Planet that outplayed our team. Even VHS.

              Dire Wolf

                I once bought a morbid mask for lane sustain cus I have a momentary loss of memory and forgot it doesn't work with mana burn. I got flamed so hard even though I was building into vlads. It is a bit weird to remember though if you don't play AM much cus diffusal does stack.


                  vlad has no Orb effect

                  Best Treant EU

                    vlads gives bonus dmg aura to all ur teammates. and am benefits a lot from it cause it scales with stats dmg and am has ton of agi. u need some sustainability to jump from one camp to the other in mid game when u farm big. stats are skilled instead of 3rd skill and even sometimes instead of 1st skill for survivability WHILE farming and mana for blink. vanguard gives also sustainability, but will slow ur farm down (less dmg) -> its nice if u have hard game, with high probability of getting ganks. i hope normal bracket players see it clearer now.

                    hod sounds like fun -> i gonna try it for sure :)


                      Vlads is pretty ok mid game item since it allows you to:
                      1) Take ancients without losing hp
                      2) If you got treads, battlefury & yasha, with vlads you can solo roshan (most NS/HS even some VHS tards don't realize this and are amazed when they see dat 20 min roshan dead when all of AM's team is showing on map)


                        For me vlads is optional now (Hovering arround 4.2k mmr). I go battlefury into vanguard. While vlads speeds your farm up a bit, vanguard allows you to fight earlier and makes you harder to gank. If you constantly treadswitch you won't have manaissues. If lane is hard go vang first. Also an orb of venom can do wonders. Just take a look at recent matches on AM. All builds suggested seem to viable, while for me the vang after battlefury is the strongest.

                        After vang I go manta into abysall. Works quite well this patch.

                        And you can't rosh with treads, bf, yasha. It was possible before they buffed rosh. Now you need a manta to do this.

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