General Discussion

General DiscussionBest hero to grind in Increasing Solo mmr?

Best hero to grind in Increasing Solo mmr? in General Discussion
John bloody Constantine

    Post below! . because im freaking tired of my Team, theyre like teletubbies -.- . Im 3k scrub btw, who wants to Climb in 4k. Im not a bad player tho, The reason why does my MMR goes down because of my team sucks. So. I need you answers. Thanks!

    Player 215168758





          Abadonn and omniknight
          Also Riki is solid


            Best way to climb is to be a better player.

            Hope I helped.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              The heroes you are good with...


                you should play Protoss

                stupid fuck 2000

                  You don't get to blame your team when you have a 49% winrate.


                    skill is a really good hero


                      3 -4 k player = normal - high skill?

                      LATIW IS BACK TO OLYMP

                        from 3300 high skill


                          Techies mid. 100% Win guarenteed.


                            if u wanna get better, watch replays of ur games...
                            it will help


                              Grommash Hellscream is pretty good.


                                I love how everyone's team is always so bad.. The other, winning teams come from another planet.


                                  Necrophus : His ULTimate with aghanime and dagon insta kill enemy (Power threads or phase boots , blade mail if your going tanky + bottle + agh + dagon + shiva guard + octarine (sell bottle) + Refresher)
                                  Pudge: if you ddont miss hook all time it''s a 100% win just hook hook and hook! all fking fragile carry -WR-SNIPER-
                                  Spirit Breaker:Annoying stuns poeple Don't all time get bkb vs bara
                                  Magnus / enigma : for party mmr


                                    Basicly on low mmr like 3k Spam ultra late game heros like dusa / spec cuz games last forever. On higher mmr like 4.5k up try to end Quick. Play heros like bm drow necro.

                                    Swap Commends

                                      U can't climb.
                                      Party stacks & smurfs drag u down




                                          Just go a dominant offlane hero and disrupt the enemy carry's farm and you'll be able to get your mmr, you cheeky twat. Get comfortable with a hero pool and stick with them.

                                          Btw, you've got less than 600 games so I dont know where you're getting at "being stuck". Sometimes you get good teammates, sometimes you dont, they're more than likely not keeping you down.


                                            The enemy team is picked from the same pool of players as are your teammates. Your team has 4 other random players, while the opposing team has 5, so it will have 25% more bad players than your team... that is, unless you're giving your team that ugly 100% bonus chance.

                                            Over a large enough sample bad teammates are never holding you back. The math don't lie. For every 4 games you lose because of them you win 5 due to bad teammates on the other team. There's a mind trick players fall victim to though. People fail to realize the other team is also made of players that do dumb things. When people stomp a game due to idiocy on the other side they are quick to attribute that solely to their own awesomeness; you seldom see people saying, 'Yeah, I went 15-2-10, but it didn't really count because they were a bunch of morons.' When the morons are on your team though, all the sudden it makes all the difference.

                                            There's two pieces of information here that can help you win more. The first is the obvious attitude problem, which, if corrected, will win you more games. Or, perhaps more accurately, will help you lose less games. The other thing we can learn is that you're not identifying or paying enough attention to what's going on across the river with the other team. Think of all the dumbest things you hate the most your teammates have done. Did you never notice they do it to on the other team? They do, I assure you, they do. Watch for idiots and punish them relentlessly. Often players will do the same stupid thing over and over. Watch for it, identify it, and be prepared and kill them every time. Aside from feeding off of them, this can also break a team's morale, especially if they have toxic players who always blame their teammates like... well... we won't name names.

                                            As far as what heroes to use, use whichever ones you play the best. Your Ember, Invoker, Zeus and Pudge have decent numbers. Or, if you're in it for the long haul, don't be afraid to practice new heroes too so you have more versatility. That's kinda been my plan. I'm sure I could climb a bit if I just spammed my best heroes (for a long time I basically only played 4 heroes, which I now think was a mistake... or maybe not, there's a lot to learn in this game even then), but I want to have a bigger pool and I figure now's the time to learn versus when the competition gets a bit stiffer. Heroes you lose with a lot maybe figure out what's going on and try something different. Or just sack them for awhile. For example, your SF. Yeah, it's not the biggest sample size, but I'd try a new build or more or less rotations or... something. Something ain't workin' there. If you're really serious about improving you might want to watch a bunch of your replays, and maybe replays of really good players, and figure out what's going on there. Or maybe it's just some bad luck too, I don't know... In any case, it takes a lot of time and practice to get good at anything, all the more so if you want to be a versatile player. Be patient and just keep playing smart, and you'll get better and better.

                                            At the end of the day though, you must never forget that all the stupid bullshit you hate about Dota happens to the other team too. In fact, as long as you never, ever participate yourself, it happens to the other team much more than it does to yours. As long as it's always your teammates fault though, you'll have a hard time improving. I know a lot of people both in game and on forums and stuff are dicks and everyone wants to pretend they're the best (whether directly be extolling their own virtues, or indirectly be pointing out how everyone else sucks), but you have to be able to admit, secretly to yourself if to nobody else, that there's just a lot to learn. You have a lot to learn. I have a lot to learn. Everyone does. There's no shame in that! But denying it makes it damn hard to make much progress. Good luck!


                                              coz u r juz a scrub who fucking blames team. Its ur own prob m8.


                                                Dont get tilted


                                                  Crystal Maiden. Ez 4k
                                                  How well can u carry without a decent support.
                                                  And how sucks can your carry be when you're good at support.


                                                    git gud


                                                      riki, slark. banned time u band sladar hahaa

                                                      lm ao

                                                        Arthas and Lich King

                                                        lm ao

                                                          Maybe Brightwing can work if youre good at landing wind


                                                            how about blood hunter? solstice? predator?


                                                              Snerdly - I agree with most of what uve written, u seem very logical. Sadly u are Normal skill <50% win rate scrub. How come ?



                                                                UGAT SA OTEN NI PAUL

                                                                  @NotLikeThis this is not Heroes of Newerth..on the other hand im also stuck with 3k MMR but when i was once playing HON i learned faster than here in dota it takes me months to learn the gameplay...


                                                                    I saw a few boosted accounts, about 3 I analyzed last moth (the kind of accounts that have only ranked games, only allpick and around 80% winrate), and one thing I saw in all of them:
                                                                    They always pick carryes or midders, the hard cores that can carry a game 1vs9. Its beyond me how they do it, but if you find yourself surrounded by idiots more often than you find yourself fighting agains them, then you must learn to play hard core and carry your team to victory. And remember to play meta, none of us (including you) are NOT Miracle or w33 to carry a game with rubick, warlock or skywrath...

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                      this guy is sad, just like everyone else his bracket. Crybabies who says "my team sucks" when they lose. GROW UP KIDDO



                                                                        Its beacause they play better that the bracket, and can carry the games ez, even if originally they are support players.

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          They don't play support roles because even with a superior skill they would not reach the same winrate with support as they do with cores, so a logical conclusion is that if you consider yourself better then your bracket you have a better chance with core than with support.


                                                                            @Lex: people don't have to have 4k to have logical opinions. They may have gained their experience in different games.

                                                                            on topic: I think best heroes for 1v9 mentality are midlaners such as Puck, Invo, SF, TA, Storm (generaly any hero that has high snowball potencial, good scaling and so on). If you are in below 3k bracket, I would say that heroes that need to be shut down early or they just grow out of control such as alch, morph are great. Slark, Sven and Lifestealer are great as well if you know what to do with them(since kiting those is bit "problematical" due to people not having reactions quick enough).
                                                                            Speaking of 3k+- there's lots of junglers so heroes that are good at managing solo lane should be good - timber especially...

                                                                            Pfff, seems like I wrote almost all that causes me to lose games (and I have to admit that I'm horrible player myself and I get carried by my teammates from time to time, my silencer games for example).



                                                                              I meant even if originally on their 6-7k bracket they play mostly support, they boost accs with core roles. Its nothing new though.

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                Mikushiru is boosting with io mid up to 6k.

                                                                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა