General Discussion

General Discussionthe truth is suck.

the truth is suck. in General Discussion

    Sad to say , but the truth is i'm not good enough to support the carry with no talent . For short carry is noob , feeder , better to quit .

    stupid fuck 2000



        It's ur fault as suppport not outplayed the offlaner.

          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

            Ure not good enough


              @Zhu how can you tell , its my fault as support ?

              Crimson Sky

                I feel for OP. As support there is only so much you can do in terms of zoning, pulling, warding etc. If your carry is a brainless idiot who feeds, doesn't understand item builds and is constantly out of position.. What can you do? I feel like this is more of a NS issue but I'm sure it happens in all levels of DOTA.

                That's the trouble with hard supports like Dazzle or Lion, one you go down that route you do rely on the rest of the team to provide the muscle.

                Least with someone like Silencer you can transition into roaming ganker or something if your carry is really that bad.

                Best Treant EU

                  support ur carry with sven

                  he has nice stun to zone offlaner out, and can transition into jungle pretty well -> ez gg

                  Swap Commends

                    I did not read


                      Gj i'm fine

                      Crimson Sky

                        Hodor why you always raging, always complaining about smurfs but then you're in NS anyway. So surely the 2k scrubs who smurf their way to 4k don't affect you anyway? Or are you just mad cos your own smurfs don't get VHS? Genuinely interested to know. Idk m8 like some of your profile names make me think you're just mad with 2/3k or whatever you're at.


                          Lol Mute arent you in NS as well


                            ur a high skill shitter

                            Crimson Sky

                              Yup I am, not trying to claim otherwise.

                              Swap Commends

                                ^ NS smurf
                                I did not read u

                                Best Treant EU

                                  ^ ns main with 2700 games uber fail hahahaha :)

                                  Best Treant EU

                                    try lol hodor


                                      Once i played a lion support, I bought over 20 observer and over 10 sentrys, I was in most of the fights, got solo kills. Team mates called me noob, stealer, useless and said learn 2 support. Life is hard.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        The secret to supporting idiots is to pick Abaddon and make sure they never die. Your carry towerdiving 5 minutes in? Go full YOLO with him, keep him alive with shield and get the kill under the enemy tower. Your Carry gets caught out while farming enemy ancients. Shield, Heal, and charge into the enemy. If you keep spamming your spells on your carry you might take a few enemies down with you.

                                        Seriously though, if you keep your retard alive, he'll end up with more farm then their retard and you will win. I've won several games just by following my carry around and making sure he doesn't die, even when he does stupid risky things. And if he does die, you just pop ult and TP home (provided they're out of stuns). Its amazing how much gold people waste by dying in normal skill games. If you reduce that gold lost, then even if your carry is bad at farming, he will still probably end up with more gold then the opponent.

                                        TL;DR: Defensive supports like Abaddon keep your idiot carry alive and make you win.


                                          Support me and i asure you win :)

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            I wonder if for example pro players like Puppey or Fear play position 5 support all the time during mmr calibration I wonder how much mmr valve will give to them


                                              Pick Dazzle. Grave the morons. Heal the morons. And you might win!