General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiance hate thread

Radiance hate thread in General Discussion

    So today we are going to flame radiance, please feel free to describe your worst experiences and inspire hate. :D
    More games have been lost trying to accumulate 3800g early for Relic than for any other item in the game. I always prefer mjollnir over both radiance/fury for alche and magina!

    თემა შეიცვალა

      17% miss chance Ayy lmao

      Swap Commends
        Min 40 radi on spectre,min 50 lost the match :)) 4head
        I don't know why ppl think radi can save their game even in late time.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          "Get fast, or never" kind of item. Very situational but people buy it everytime without checking enemy heroes.


            my fave item

            Story Time

              radiance is ok if the pick favors the mid game so the carry can farm. Just check your picks before deciding.


                rad the most bs item for supports or maguns, all the hate goes to rad for supports pugna, rasta silencer becomes cute with rad they run like hell thy are like tiny ants running away from the ulti of spectre with rad

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  sometimes its ok wen heroes like spectre get it a bit late - but when ur phantom lancers get it - whether early or late - u just feel like pulling ur hair out

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Just don't fucking try to get it when you don't even have upgraded boots yet.


                      shoutout to mid alchemists from my solo ranked games


                        You guys dont know the powa!
                        Best item in the game :P


                          i just dont understand it, sometimes my blink dagger gets disabled by rad but sometimes it doesnt


                            ^Depends if they have its burning effect activated or not. Yes, radi guys is great for cancelling daggers but i believe it's only good on a few, select heroes like Syllabear, Spectre and Leoric. Still i prefer much more a Spectre with vanguard+diffusal. If the other team is playing aggressively and many kills happen in a short time then it is really sad to watch heroes have no mobility or other items on them instead of wasting 5k gold in pure damage. Just try to think of all the games that practically end in 20-30 mins, not just the ones that teams play passively and they go up to 50+ mins.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              ^ so why the hate? if the item is so shitty as you say

                              im not saying that all you say is bullshit, cuz radiance is good on just a few heroes for sure as you said
                              but i can prove (if the 4.4k shitlord matches are some kind of proof anyways) that this item is gamewinning if you know how to play with it on the good radiance holders


                                კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                lm ao

                                  shoutout to mid alchemists in my solo q



                                    If you don't like my thread you can always try some extra salt on your food bro. My two cents.

                                    nice essay Keepo

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      radiance earth spirit > ez


                                        Dont be so mad, i understand you 2k shitstains cant micro at all and radiance maybe shit tier in the trench.
                                        I played spectre when she was the worst carry in the game too and last patch i didnt spam her at all, just get kinda bored of her playstyle and i got sick of seeing her picked every game, i dont give a fuck about losing mmr points i play rankeds as veno jungle or cancer blood jungle for the lols and the rage of my teammates and i play naga even when theres an alchemist in my team, i play her in the jungle or mid and dont give a crap about counterpicks, your theory about me not playing spectre cuz shes not a broken hero anymore is wrong im not the kind of tryhard who just spams meta heroes to win ranked games.
                                        If i as a mid 4k player cannot give my opinion, you as the 2k or maybe 3k shitlord you are how even dare to post a thread here.
                                        Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah this 5k or 6k guy said that you never rush radiance, and i agree cause rushing a 5k gold item is retarded. But he didnt said "radiance shit item".
                                        Btw all your theorycraft about countering radiance naga buying several bkbs is so shitty man, cuz bkb without damage items before do jack shit vs the naga split push but im sure you dont knew this cause you never played against a decent naga player and maybe you never will.
                                        And we are talking about pub games, 1 vs 9 is the way to play, good luck keep trying to get out of the trench with your "cordinated teamplay" style and tell me about your great success.
                                        If you dont like radiance bro you can always play league, nice free to play game.


                                          ^"i agree cause rushing a 5k gold item is retarded"
                                          The difference between 3ks and 4ks is almost non-existent, especially with all the account buyers that exist in the black market and now battle pass came to make things even worse. So stop ruining my thread kid and create your own if you like wanking your radiance stats, nobody cares. You don't have the right to infect my thread with your irrelevant bullshit since it was created for the exact opposite reason. And yes 4.5k is still shit tier compared to 5.5k and above, i also have a 4.2k smurf so no big deal. People here advise you it's better to try to grind your main account. Hell, sometimes i even enjoy more 3k shitfests and low-prio matches than playing with the toxicity of 4k.

                                          Bkbs are great for people being able to not be caught by your siren song and let you get away with it, but practically the best strat is to have finished the game by the 20-30th min mark. Radiance still remains trash and i am glad that people like me constantly drag down people like you and your cancer-radiance farming strats. Keep calm and stay in the trench with me forever.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            Radiance is a bad item if you can't farm well. A late radiance (25+mins) is not worth it for it's price but a rush radiance is very strong (10-19mins).

                                            I still buy Rad (5150 gold) over Mjolnir (5700 gold) for Alche coz it works well with your Acid Spray. It also damage all units around you an synergy with Manta Style and octarine core.

                                            Situational Radiance carrier for me are:
                                            Spectre: The PMS Urn Phase Rad is built for killing the supports or contributing AOE hero damage in one Haunt for your team. While the rush diffusal + manta is the single enemy killer. Both of them is strong.

                                            Bottoline is: Radiance is worth it! Radiance for early game, Mjolnir for late game.

                                            Used for: AOE clash damage. Works with your team. Disabling dagger and hurts invi heroes around you.
                                            Do not buy this if: Your hero can't tank. Your the first one to die during clash. Cant last hit very well. Its already 30+mins.


                                              yes how DARE a 2k player make a thread.


                                                Don't know if I'm a minority but I hate it most on Naga Siren. Lol


                                                  radi naga is like the only way to play naga..

                                                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                    radiance is the best item i ve ever, always go for radiance, these 17% are op, especially on naga. Every time im sad/depressed I just have to start a bot game, buy radiance and watch everything around me burns and in the same time a weird smile slowly appears on my face and after a 50 min of farming I am full of positive energy and ready to face every difficulty life/dota has to offer.
                                                    whatever can't we just make a bf hate thread.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      Radianace bbattle pass effect is so fucking good


                                                        The difference between 3ks and 4ks is almost non-existent, especially with all the account buyers that exist in the black market and now battle pass came to make things even worse. So stop ruining my thread kid and create your own if you like wanking your radiance stats, nobody

                                                        bet you are one of those people who call "HURR DURR ACCOUNT BUYERS IN MY TEAM" whenever someone screws up
                                                        you are retarded, hardly anyone would buy a 4k account and you'd meet a person with it in like 1 of 1000 games



                                                          i build it on my wd carry build but my team hold my back so i cant win also enemy counter my wd and build mkb i asked 7.8k player about my build he said its good only needs one more item stanic i tried but my support sven flames me so i quit ....
                                                          my fucking team always hold my back ....


                                                            Not thread related, but for some odd reason my asshole anal sex..i think i pooped 2 much..