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General DiscussionNeed tips on how to improve my invoker

Need tips on how to improve my invoker in General Discussion

    I think Im doing my job well and I understand how invoker works and what he should do but my win rate on him is so low most likely because of my teammates but I cant deny that I make mistakes too. My invoker has a really low win rate. When my teammates are good I seem to perform much better, but when I play with bad teammates I tend to be bad too. I am asking for help on how to carry a team as an invoker. Also, Im asking on what could I do to improve my invoker on low skill games.People also say that you can carry 4 retards as long as you are good enough and I know wthat invoker is not a carry but is it possible to be good enough and still be able to carry my team to victory. Im only planning to get to VHS so my games could be alot enjoyable and I would get decent teammates.

    თემა შეიცვალა
      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

        is it still worth it to spam invoker to get to VHS


          You got 14 games and a 35% winrate on the hero, so the first step would be to stop thinking that youre doing a good job and understand how invoker works and accept that you completely suck with the hero. Play the invoking game until invoking is muscle memory and then just practice. Maybe start with playing quas-wex, it's way easier than quas exort. Use forge spirits and alacracity to farm fast and/or split push. Dont overvaluate meteor combos (the euls-1-shot build isnt really legit anymore) and realize that icewall might just be his best spell, watch amazing invoker players like w33, Miracle, Arteezy, Fata,... play in players perspective so you can see how they play.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            i would say practise with bots...
            It works.

            Melancholy LSD

              I would say just don't play him this patch at all.


                i played this hero for a month or two already , i dont use my old account , im pretty sure that invoking spells fast is already stored in my muscle memory but what i think i should improve is decision making and choosing which spells to invoke are the best at a certain time. yeah watching pro players play might help me learn. but the problem is how should i play invoker when my teammates are all selfish


                  Teammates being selfish is more of a general problem, not an Invoker related one. Invoker is actually one of the better heroes in this situation since you can just split push insanely effective with forges and alacracity while they're doing stupid shit and even participate with a nice sunstrike or BoT in and clean up with a nice tornado meteor defeaning blast combo. I've realized that you got really low gpm, even in the games youre winning (not trying to flame you, not even saying that what im doing is better) but I get more gpm when losing than you do when winning so you definitely miss out on the amazing farming potential the hero provides.


                    can you explain how i could split push or farm with a map with zero wards and i completely have no idea where the enemy team is,


                      Last hit with the forge spirits on a lane while you farm the jungle with alacracity, needs some micro, but it really isnt hard. Know which heroes can kill you and which cant (or maybe which combinations), so when you see these on the minimap BoT to another lane and farm there, spawn new forge spirits on this lane (maybe give them alacracity before you go away), let them farm and go back to jungle/ancients (stack them with forges)/BoT to another lane. Dont be afraid to use meteor on a creep wave before you go to another lane to quickly farm it up. It's one of these skills which you just develop over time, but Invoker is certainly very capable getting farm even in bad conditions.


                        you split push when you have an idea of where the enemy team is. (e.g clashing with your m8s)


                          out of the topic

                          can u use invo to complete the pure damage quest?


                            thanks that was some helpful advice, also how do i know when i should splitpush or should i help my teammates in clash


                              That heavily depends on the situation. Youre probably the highest Impact hero on your Team so when the game is even (or your behind by a small margin) you really should help your team, otherwise all the farm and levels on you is wasted. If youre heavily behind and your team continues to search stupid fights just play your game, farm up and split push.

                              @NotLikeThis: No, you can also split-push when you dont know where the enemy is, it's just riskier but also potentially more rewarding. The only pure dmg spell from invoker is sunstrike, so youre probably better of doing the quest with QoP.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                it also says magic damage


                                  Invo needs farm and exp
                                  If ure a good farmer, it covers up the lack of skill since u just deals a lot of dmg
                                  Trust me
                                  Farm farm farm
                                  Watch miracle games and u will see how much he focus on farming


                                    thanks for the help guys


                                      finally a thread where I can tive useful tips

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        can i send one of my matches as invoker, i actually improved thanks to your tips, can anyone watch it and look at what i need to improve


                                          i think i need to improve on teamfighting and awareness, heres the match


                                            there are times that i panicked and invoked a spell that i forgot i already used, i have alot to improve on


                                              don't buy eul


                                                why its really helpful in many ways


                                                  i needed it for SB and jugg


                                                    Definitely shouldve gotten a BKB instead of a Linkens. This was actually a good game for euls, especially because of jugg, 300lh in a 60minute game is still fairly low, so try smarter itemization and focus even more on farming efficently, but overall good Job!

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                             i carried my team here but unfortunately one of our teammates DCed i focused on farming more and only fighting when im sure that i get profit, since this game was 4v5 i kept on split pushing and pressuring top and bottom since im the only one who has a strong wave clear


                                                        okay !! just know whos vs u mid and lvl up - if the hero was like pudge and sf and has high hp use quas exort - if is like mirana deathprophet heroes has alot of mana use quas wex with this combo (tornado-emp-cold snap) -if u are playin quas wex buy full boots then midas cuz u need damege while ur exort isnt available !! make sure ur warding the mid lane if sf or pudge vs u beware of hook and raises - try to buy drum if u has a good player with u !! use forge spirits when farming with alacrity ! - when playing quas exort stop lvling the quas when 2 forge spirits arrives mean in lvl 4 quas !! try to use medas on big creeps ! learn comobs (eul) (refrsher combo) beware to pick first pick invoker cuz enemy will pick od or smthing will fuck ur ass (sorry) !! dont lvl up in the first match !! maybe u will need sunstrike while u have leveld quas -always be behind ur temmates cuz ur spills are good when u got 3 hereos to gother - u have i high range cast spill -an thank you


                                                          Again, why did you buy a Skadi instead of a BKB? You seem to undervalue that item quite a bit


                                                            Cant say much but u can watch my invoker replay i got 200+Game on it
                                                            I hope it can help you