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General DiscussionNeed some advice on my gameplay

Need some advice on my gameplay in General Discussion
I can’t believe its not h...

    Hi, im pretty new to dota, as you can see from my games. Never had experience from dota 1 or even Warcraft (was a console peasant, until i bought my own pc 6 months ago) and i would like to hear some tips and hints from more experienced players.

    I too was in belief that im better than my mmr, but When you calibrate twice to same mmr you just have to lose the dream of being better than you are. And i realized that 1k hours is nothing in dota, and im still bad at it. But i will git gud in time!

    I know that my kda are poor with some heroes and overall i dont even have games with all. I have thoughts that is my item build poor or wrong( there are still some dumb items from When i started on most bought on some heroes i think) so if someone could tell me something about those id be grateful :)

    i would like to have tips on how to counterpick better. Does it come with time in games or have you learned/read these things?

    Also should i stick to this account or start a new one and play only normal all pick and not ranked until i feel comfortable about my skill? I made the dumb mistake and started mmr cal asap.

    Also i would like someone to play with me, cause i dont have many friends in steam who play dota, and those who play Always go ranked and im too low on Mmr. not to coach but to play for fun and maybe i can pick a trick there and now.

    Thanks beforehand.


      You have 68% winrate in ranked this month... seems like you're doing fine? Climbing MMR shouldn't really be a problem for you then.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      sin blyadi

        -Watch 6k + streams
        -farm more (try to get ur items earlier and increase ur creepstat and gpm)
        -dont die
        -one my friend says that he looks at the minimap most of the time, so keep alway an eye on it
        -U either random every game a new hero or get a list of heroes to learn to play on
        -carry a tp
        -rages decrease ur pts. Reaching new mmr u wont get rid of subhumans in the team so try to keep always keep calm
        -ban slark

        I can’t believe its not h...

          My soloQ is poor, and my winrate is mostly from party where i probably was Carried by my 2 3k friends. Now they are too high on 3.6 k and im not able to play with them

          I like micro heroes a lot so minimap is my friend always.

          From the last hitting i think ive improved a lot. I avoided playing carry role cause mostly on my bracket, there are 5 cores and wards are never there.

          Im pretty calm player and rarely get frustrated. Of course there are times i fumble a game and take the blaim, i dont want to be a toxic guy. But there are times ive said bad words, woe is me.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Hell time ™

            Only Two Word -|
            Keep Playing

            Best Treant EU

              when u are new to dota try to play every hero like 3 times. u need to play all heroes to know their weaknesses. than u should learn basics like last hitting/ positioning / pulling / laning / jungling etc. it comes with time playing.

              the best thing would be to play all random for a while and learn different roles (solo offlane, mid, carry, support, jungle).

              I can’t believe its not h...

                Yes, that is the best way to get better. I just wanted an opinion in overall of my games, heroes, picks, items and kda.

                And is 700mmr too low to raise mmr? Yes that is where i calibrated and it feels bad, and felt worse to be in the same spot even after getting a bit better. But im bad so it evens ? Dont know. I was 1.1k but went down like a rock back to 700. So i got worse or just bad luck?

                E: i have played all heroes but in bot matches. Some heroes are very scary pickings and i feel like i would feed. But is it stupid to be afraid to pick a hero you want to play. Of course it is dumb to Compare a bot match vs real people

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  I think that the acceptance of yourself having bad gameplay is the first step of improving. Watch some streams and analyse what are those players doing differently and try to improve those things. There are some nice YT guides (like Merlini's) of advanced mechanics which are great to learn. Also, I would reccomend sticking to several heroes so their skills are in your muscle memory and you can concentrate on ingame mechanics.
                  I am also trying to climb up after recently starting to play this game so just remember that even Rome wasn't built in a day.

                  I can’t believe its not h...


                    There is my profile, if someone is willing/interested/ready to flame and watch scrub doto replays or even wants to play with me!! :3

                    Im sorry for disturbing the peace with these threads, there are probably hundreds of these.

                    I have watched lot of singsing, s4 and bulldongs streams.

                    Also watched every major and epicenter, mostly team liquids cause kuro, jerax and matumba.

                    Wish in solo is to accomplish a teamwork like them but that might be hard in lower brackets.


                      I think this kind of thread is way better than "how i calibrate" kinds of threads.

                      Anyway, I started to play this game roughly 2 months ago after 8 years of playing WoW exclusively so the start was pretty rough for me(currently sitting at roughly 3k). I can reccomend you to make account and learn how to analyse your matches (thank god I knew that shit before cuz I've been a raid leader). I think this will be a wall of text...

                      Stick to several heroes that are good this meta (bonus points if you choose hero that doesn't punishes mistakes hard) and watch people (even high rated pubs) playing those heroes. Try to think why they do stuff that they do:
                      -how they position themselves in fights
                      -which items they choose and why, also what time they get those
                      -when they fight and when they farm (also watch their farming patterns) .
                      -how they use their skills and timing

                      Also you need to learn basic mechanics of DotA that includes:
                      - last hitting skilz (aim to get 60cs/10min if playing farming core)-
                      - stacking and pulling (how to not push lanes with it, how to pull through into medium/hard camp etc)
                      - how to manipulate creep equilibrium
                      - quick reactions to use certain spells/items when needed to disjoint/hide/counter inniciate etc
                      - juke paths in woods so you can use thm to your advantage.
                      - common spots to wards and their benefits to you, where to place wards in certain situations, where to place your sentries so they don't get discovered, block their camps.
                      -how to play against certain several popular heroes (such as slark, sven, windranger, pudge, juggernaut etc)

                      Then there are general things like:
                      - decision making
                      - map awareness
                      - teamfight orientation
                      - sense for game flow
                      that can be practised and taught as well (so you escape ganks and stay alive, not on the other side of map when teamfight occurs, disengage when enemy is in stronger position etc).

                      Then try it against bots - bots on high difficulty are better then lots of normal skill players (their last hitting is good, they use basic combos, land their skillshots etc).
                      After you feel comfident about your skills with certain hero, try it in unranked all pick. When you thing you do well, try it in ranked.

                      After each match, you should analyse what you did well, what went wrong and what did you screw. Learning through mistakes is good way of learning.

                      Don't be too hard at yourself - improvement won't come immediately. Trying and failing is just a path to improve as long as you don't keep doing same mistakes all over again.
                      Keep positive attitude, relax between your games and keep on trying. If WoW taught me something, it is that even the hardest boss is defeatable if you try hard enough.
                      And while it may be good if someone teaches you things, I find it better when you learn these things by yourself.

                      Hope this is helpful.

                      GL HF in progression

                      I can’t believe its not h...

                        Thanks for that! I have completely neglected the woods and paths over there. I have used them maybe twice ?

                        The camp pulling is working but only with the small camp, havent accomplished the hard camp pull many times.

                        Also i have noticed i lack bkb in Many matches with nukers. I dont know why but i rarely buy it and use it for nothing.

                        Have to play more and more. Maybe one day i reach 2k. Its scrub but big for me!


                          @ plejk: i like your post very much, maybe this should be copy pasted into every thread wich belongs to topics like this.
                          it helps me too.

                          @ Suzuya: sorry for conquering your thread ;)